New vid


I haven't featured my twinks in a video in over a year, so I thought you guys would like this (since the original 2 Nollix videos got such great feedback). I normally don't post my own work.

Fastforward to about 4:10 or so:

Nollie: The Anthem

EDIT: Please remove. Doesn't belong here.
xD , ok but criticism is good aswell , if you dont know what the people want and everybody goes like AWESOMe =/ zomg

and it's 2/5 for example , then we know there's a problem :p xD , now he can make a better video ! and not link his armory link next time lol :p
Hey, i watched a couple of your videos. Pretty cool stuff. Too bad you made your 60 a little too late. Missed ZG and the good enchants. I leveled my 60, now playing 70's. See you out there.
Booha said:
xD , ok but criticism is good aswell , if you dont know what the people want and everybody goes like AWESOMe =/ zomg

and it's 2/5 for example , then we know there's a problem :p xD , now he can make a better video ! and not link his armory link next time lol :p
Wasn't really aiming for a showcase of skill. I have plenty of videos with long drawn-out sessions of tactical combat. But I wanted it to be enjoyable for people who don't PvP too often as well. Sort of like the Boom Arcane Mage video. Just something fun to watch. =]
Bah...Too much intro and video compared to actual PvP in my opinion. 2:50 of intro, then you have about another minute showing your toon and then you have about 45 sec of random Eminem during the video and at the end a somehow 1:30 Ending. So it's a 7 minutes vidoe to show us 3 minutes of PvP... About 20 kills overall?

Not saying it was bad, but... You know
bankbeauty said:
Bah...Too much intro and video compared to actual PvP in my opinion. 2:50 of intro, then you have about another minute showing your toon and then you have about 45 sec of random Eminem during the video and at the end a somehow 1:30 Ending. So it's a 7 minutes vidoe to show us 3 minutes of PvP... About 20 kills overall?

Not saying it was bad, but... You know
Alrighty then, obviously doesn't belong here -- if a mod could remove that'd be great =]
Didn't say it didn't worth it's place! I just said, that for a PvP video, IMO, it lacked a bit of PvP, but was enjoyable, and I'm sure a lot of TI will love it.

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