Let's decide on a official (PvP) battlegroup for 70's?


I vote Blackout! ^^

No but seriously it might be a good idea to decide on a battlegroup to get everyone in the same matchmaking system (shorter queues for BG's/arena = good, me thinks). This would perhaps also make 3v3/5v5 much more played then it currently is!

Some information regarding matchmaking restrictions for arenas/RBG's:

I have strong reasons to believe that the arena matchmaking queue is restricted to the dungeon finder groups (there are 4 groups total) which are listed here: Region Wide Battlegroup Matching - World of Warcraft

What the above means is if (and only if) Blackout would be chosen as the official 70 battlegroup this would also include the Cataclysm battlegroup since these 2 battlegroups are "Group one" in the dungeon finder queue system.

Other then that I hope we can discuss about what battlegroup should become the official 70 arena/RBG/whatever battlegroup. Where is the activity highest and what kind of queue times do you have in random battleground, 2's, 3's and 5's? Any RBG action in your battlegroup?

Discuss and bring forward your opinions!
Nkt@EU said:
You only say blackout cause that is where your 70 priest is - biased

I guess you completely missed the smiley after "I vote Blackout!" or the "(and only if)" not to mention this part of my post:

"Other then that I hope we can discuss about what battlegroup should become the official 70 arena/RBG/whatever battlegroup. Where is the activity highest and what kind of queue times do you have in random battleground, 2's, 3's and 5's? Any RBG action in your battlegroup?"

It seems to me that you must have only read the thread title and then the first 3 words of my post (excluding the smiley as well) before deciding to comment...
Actually I read your full post, however the only thing I found worth commenting on was that.

This subject has come up 100 times before - nothing happened then - nothing will happen now.

Excuse my negative attitude, I know that does not help solve anything - but that's how it is.
Arihant said:
All battlegrounds are merged now adays aint they? even for Arenas :S

If anyone can provide screenshots in a arena and/or RBG match where they are playing against opponents outside of their dungeon finder group that would be great but having tried to queue against such players myself and not getting any pop tells me that both arena and RBG matchmaking is restricted to the dungeon finder groups. As I said in my starting post these groups can be found listed here: Region Wide Battlegroup Matching - World of Warcraft

The only thing that actually seems to have EU wide matchmaking are normal BG's (both XP on/off) but they follow certain priority rules to queue players in the following order:

1. People from your own realm.

2. People from your own battlegroup.

3. People from your dungeon finder group.

4. Now the matchmaking system tries to find people from "all" of EU

Therefore if you join a 10/15 man BG on peak hours you will usually only see people from stage 1-3 and very rarely people from other battlegroups who are not located in your dungeon finder group.

I have made a few threads asking about the matchmaking system on the official forums, if you like you can check them out. I have also added links to screenshots showing Back to the Seventies (70 guild on Draenor) queueing for RBG against Calcium (70 guild on Defias Brotherhood) and no pop even though we waited for almost 30 min.

Link to thread: Battlegroup Matchmaking: Not EU wide? (screenshots) - Forums - World of Warcraft

Link to thread: Arena Queue: What battlegroups are connected? - Forums - World of Warcraft
Ruin :D :D :D
With queue times of 5 minutes and 98% of the players I see now in REAL gear I don't see the need to have an "official" BG.

The only reason people tried this before is when XP off twinks had no other choice if they ever wanted to play. 70's are so active on my BG (Emberstorm) that que times are just a minute or two longer, unless there's an AV going, than 85's.

I think unless someone really screws with XP off/70-74 somehow that causes a mass exodus of players there's really no need for this except socially.

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