Would This Be Fair?

So rolling an OP class in the dominating faction makes you a better player than cheating with one item, for which the other faction has access to a better item ?

Yes or No.
Wilwayco said:
OP asked if it was "Fair" as if he were asking in accordance to the "rules" set by the common opinion in the bracket. F2P Players, regardless of faction, can not acquire BOA helmets. That is a FACT, and the only FACT that any f2p player like my self needs to invalidate your entire argument.

Southinkucanlinkfromwowhead? New popular reality TV show? Or an excuse for players like Shockur and yourself to take turns pretending you know what you're talking about? As I already said. Get the BOA helm. No one cares. Get all of them, on one toon, let them sit in your bag if it makes you feel better. Bottom line is you feel cheated, and while you could write it off as "Oh I killed that player without an IMBA" helm, you'd rather piss and moan. At the end of the day it's all Chalked up to what kind of player you want to be. I said that in my original post and it stands.

IT. IS. NOT. IMBA. i posted the stats. if you scroll all the way down, and click the "3" icon in the numerical list of "pages" that are contained in this "forum thread", you will be able to find this data. the page might even look familiar to you!

you are seriously the ultimate personification of the difference between a "real" twink and a "scrub" twink. i see people posting and asking in-game all the time why there is such a skewed ratio of players who roll cheesy faceroll classes on alliance in this bracket and s-key around like champs. here you go, guys - just read this dude's posts, and you have your answer.

I started my original Player on my live account back when Naxxramus was released during Vanilla :). Alliance/Paladin/Zul'Jin. If you'll read my introduction topic you'll know that I'm also making a Warlock, for the challenge. I didn't know of the Faction imbalance before I f2p'd nor did I know of the class imbalance. I played what was close to me to test the waters.

@C O T U S

You're no longer worth the time it takes to reply to you, stop embarrassing yourself.
Wilwayco said:

I started my original Player on my live account back when Naxxramus was released during Vanilla :). Alliance/Paladin/Zul'Jin. If you'll read my introduction topic you'll know that I'm also making a Warlock, for the challenge. I didn't know of the Faction imbalance before I f2p'd nor did I know of the class imbalance. I played what was close to me to test the waters.

@C O T U S

You're no longer worth the time it takes to reply to you, stop embarrassing yourself.

cool, dude. i'll just keep on existing here in good ol' reality, aaaand you can keep on existing in whatever the **** imaginary-land you're at. there's something we can agree on. enjoy your stay!
Hardc0re said:
If you want to use the freaking BoA helm just use it, but don't ask if it's fair, that's stupid.

Look at the forum name "Free to Play". F2P can't get helms.

Post your topic on the "20-29 Bracket" forum, not here. Stop flooding this forums with freaking p2p questions...

Admins should start distributing warns/bans for this kind of topics, really

Off topic:

Beefstock= Epic Horde healer. WHY CAN'T AYE KEEEEL YOUZ.
Jdoring said:
Noraan, back to topic, as you can see you have people that dont want you to do it, people who say they dont care but they do, and people that outright think its unfair, you be the judge and make the call, and sorry that he was asking for your guys' approval, guess he wont do that from now on


Shockur said:
Hey guise f2p cant group i say its against f2p rules to ask p2p to group us. Queue solo or you are cheating!!1!

Actually you're right, making premades in a bracket that, because it's filled with people who can't do that even if they wanted/knew how to (remember, we're basically 'lending' a Trial player bracket) actually IS cheating/not following the F2P rules, and premades (can) have a tremendous impact on PUG Battlegrounds - as the 'Trial bracket' will always be at christian hours of the day.

As for the OP:

to answer your question: is it fair? depends on what kind of fairness you mean.

Is it fair to avoid having to spend the time others abiding by F2P restrictions have to spend by moving items from you P2P account?

No, because you're using signficant shortcuts.

Is it fair for Horde charatcers to correct the balance problems the Eyepatch creates by having Helmets that even while just being Heirlooms and hence hardly hard to get (for end-game toons) are still more difficult to acquire than the freebie wellfare Eyepatch?

Yes, of course it is, as just as the BoA Helms drove the final nail into the regular Battlegrounds as far as fairness is concerned, the Eyepatch (esp) means that in a bracket unlike any other Twink bracket (filled with Trial players) Alliance is toting around a significant gear advantage - an advantage that at least EU wise has been abused horrendously.

A level 20 Horde toon with a BoA Helmet is comparable to a Leather+ Alliance toon, has had to do a lot more to get it (mostly because the Eyepatch is even more piss easy to get), and as a result there are far fewer of them than Alliance cyclopses - meaning their impact on the balance is far minor.

The only problem is that those that identify themselves with Alliance (I can't otherwise understand how someone can say that on a game perspective the gearing situation is remotely similar between the factions, sorry but the Quest structure etc. simply isn't) will feel entitled to start sporting BoA Helms as well - leading to more problems with the bracket.

BTW: a cynic would say 'just use only the Helm and toggle Display Helm off, and probably nobody will notice'. Frankly, being covered in 'looms will make you far more distinctive than just plopping an invisible Helm.
Ohhhhh, that's why you were so pissy in my introduction thread, I wish the world had more opinions so that it would get to a point where no one would even look at eachother anymore. You know, since no one can just agree to disagree. Internet kids have to hold grudges!
um alliance saying no boa helm for a horde toon is ridic, ally leather wearers are MILES ABOVE hit cap on TWO pieces of gear, thats ridiculous as hit rating is the most important dps stat.
That's the difference between f2p and p2p. I'm rolling a horde toon now, do I plan on reactivating my main account? No. I'll do with what I've got, with a smile on my face. P2P's just won't be real 20 twinks if they're going to bend the rules. Again, if they're going to start making exceptions they need to just roll 24. Pretty sure we're done beating the horse remains.
Wilwayco said:
Ohhhhh, that's why you were so pissy in my introduction thread, I wish the world had more opinions so that it would get to a point where no one would even look at eachother anymore. You know, since no one can just agree to disagree.

If you really think that a little disagreement on one subject is enough for me to dislike someone, you're understanding of the human mind must be quite limited.

Also, that discussion - do I take a dislike for you because of differing opinions on the subject of this Thread, or because of the arrogant way you act and talk even when being a self-confessed newb that clearly knows very little about the things he's talking about (little hint: a Lucky Fishing Hat isn't exactly something you get form opening a mailbox) - is more suitable to that Thread than this one.

Internet kids have to hold grudges!

Guess I'll have to expect more childish posts from you then. Ah well.
Sàxxon said:
um alliance saying no boa helm for a horde toon is ridic, ally leather wearers are MILES ABOVE hit cap on TWO pieces of gear, thats ridiculous as hit rating is the most important dps stat.


20 Horde with BoA Helm > 24's as far as bracket health is concerned.

But of course not everybody knows e.g. how people had to work hard to make games 'pop' during later WotLK.
Wilwayco said:
That's the difference between f2p and p2p. I'm rolling a horde toon now, do I plan on reactivating my main account? No. I'll do with what I've got, with a smile on my face. P2P's just won't be real 20 twinks if they're going to bend the rules. Again, if they're going to start making exceptions they need to just roll 24. Pretty sure we're done beating the horse remains.

you would rather people rolled 24s with all the gear available to them @ 24 than roll 20s while sticking to the f2p rules completley except for boa helm? sounds dumb
Sàxxon said:
you would rather people rolled 24s with all the gear available to them @ 24 than roll 20s while sticking to the f2p rules completley except for boa helm? sounds dumb

F2P Horde players don't have access to the BOA helm. The whole idea behind using it as a substitute to fill the gap in an IMBA immediately folds on it's self when you compare a F2P to a P2P given the circumstances in that scenario. Ergo, your P2P horde has an advantage over F2P Horde players. Logic dictates that if you're willing to bend the rules even just a little, you've pretty much broken the spirit entirely. Why not bend another? Or even break one entirely? You'd be better off just rolling a 24. If you aren't going to be a pure 20, for the f2p 20 experience which is what the bracket was originally about. So if you're going to go against the brackets rules, why not go all out? Because players want to FEEL like they're part of the experience that they've already jipped themselves out of.

The reason a lot of people got excited about the changes to trial accounts is because we were given limits. When people don't want to follow those limits, it's pointless. That's why I say just roll a 24. You've already ruined it for yourself. But on the same token, as I've said many times in this topic; Wear a BoA helm. I don't care, no one cares. Someone asked a question and players answered it. It's all about the kind of player you want to be, and you want people to see you as. Do you want to work hard? Or take short cuts?

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