Search results

  1. So how are 60 paladins on PTR?

    Because I'm getting pretty tired of these 2 button wonders raping half my team and then bubbling when they can't win against another twink. There's disproportionately much outlands gear with sockets they can use and they rely on their 2 button rotation, their 15 gems and bubble to "win." Are...
  2. List of Tier 3 Toons?

    So annoying that T3 was grandfathered and is now unobtainable for anyone else. The warlock T3 bonuses are 500x better on T3 than on T2 or T2.5... the difference is not even funny. T2: (3) Set: Increases spell power by 23. (5) Set: Your pet gains 20 stamina and 130 spell resistance...
  3. Hit cap for 60s vs 69?

    Hi, Any idea what the hit cap would be for a 60 to actually be able to hit 69 players? I'm guessing it'll be ridiculously high... Thanks.
  4. <Cthun is Harder than LK> 60 Twink Raiding LF Healers + Ranged DPS

    My newly rolled lock's 55 now. I expect to hit 60 Thursday, but before I transfer I will be staying on my current server for a few more days. That way I can group with my main to attune to MC and BWL, do some BRS and DM runs for gear, and I may get the BC trial for outlands gear (which I don't...
  5. lvl 60 anti-DK class?

    I just found this thread, I think it answers my questions :)
  6. lvl 60 anti-DK class?

    There's nothing I despise more than these scrubs rolling this OP class and thinking they can steamroll the 50-60 AV and 60-69 WSG/AB brackets because of their OP specs and starter gear. What class and spec is best suited to kick their butt? I suppose casters are weak because of the...
  7. Zul Gurub Necklace

    I'm pretty sure you can still get the rep in cata. They aren't removing the zone entirely. Plus I doubt they would remove an entire faction of rep and all the associated quests.
  8. <Cthun is Harder than LK> 60 Twink Raiding LF Healers + Ranged DPS

    I've been thinking about twinking an affliction lock at 60, but with three 49 twinks (on the shelf for now, but with cata and the new battlegroup stuff that will probably change), an 80 in a top guild on my server and several alts I don't know where I'd find the time :( Your recruitment posts...
  9. Cross Battlegroups planned for Cataclysm

    Good news.... however we're probably still going to have to coordinate evenings when ppl play. Even with cross-BG battlegrounds, there probably aren't enough of us left to have games going on all the time.
  10. 49s WSG Revival on Ruin: Thursday, Jan 28th!

    I loved playing my 49 twinks but quit 8 months ago. Back then it was usually possible to get an AB or WSG queue within 10 minutes any day, with most taking only a few minutes. Reading that people have to arrange a dedicated night just to get a 49 queue going is just sad... not worth coming back...
  11. Monkey Ribsplitters x2

    Yeah, all the mobs can drop it. But it's not efficient to go through all of BRD... I would just repeat that road over and over. Most mobs / hour so it was the most efficient :)
  12. Monkey Ribsplitters x2

    LOL how do you get 4? I multiboxed my 5 elemental shamans for 2 weeks straight, 5 hours a day, in BRD, farming the road with all the patrols (left of the entrance) over and over. And I found exactly one ribsplitter. It was a monkey though, so I was happy.
  13. Orgrimar Death Runs.

    Try getting to the stockades as horde... the GY is literally on the other end of the map. I'm sure the GY for you guys is much closer to org.
  14. So I got IP banned at pwndepot...

    Apparently they banned a proxy for my company. I can stil get on from home... guess one of the other 50000 employess did a boo-boo on their forums.
  15. New Rouge Standard?

    Rouge is OP. Nerf rouges. -Lipstick
  16. And Ret buffs keep on comming.......

    Wow you are kidding right? Bubble AND lay hands? Gezus... I honestly don't know how stupid those developers at Blizzard are, I mean seriously, do they have any clue about this game?
  17. Immediate Reactions When You First Entered a BG After the Patch

    4500 health? How did you get that? Even with the last patch and the best stamina enchants / gear my sl/sl lock only had 4200hp. I'm down to 3200 now after 3.1.
  18. So I got IP banned at pwndepot...

    And I have no idea why. Wow, that place is a joke. Idiots.
  19. Immediate Reactions When You First Entered a BG After the Patch

    I haven't entered and am probably not even going to bother on either my enh shaman or my lock. I canceled the account and as soon as I'm unbanned on the warcraft forums tomorrow, I expect another ban for telling them where to shove their disgusting changes. Those people truly have no clue...
  20. The New Age of Level 19 Twinking (Patch 3.1)

    "-- so yeah after all it looks balanced to me" Said the rogue who will be doing 1200hp ambushes while everyone now has <1000hp. Yeah. So balanced!