And Ret buffs keep on comming.......

Now with this patch the Lay on Hands Glyph (minor) reduces the cool down of lay on hands by 5 mins. It can now be used in Arenas. <3

Wow you are kidding right? Bubble AND lay hands? Gezus... I honestly don't know how stupid those developers at Blizzard are, I mean seriously, do they have any clue about this game?
Krymore said:
Now with this patch the Lay on Hands Glyph (minor) reduces the cool down of lay on hands by 5 mins. It can now be used in Arenas. <3


Have you tested and confirmed this? There was a lot of talk about this before when it was mentioned to reduce the CD. I was under the impression that it could go off of the unmodified CD. Thank god I don't q arena's on my shaman.
It goes off the base cooldown, much like Army of the Dead. So you won't see any paladins using it in arena ;)
It goes off the base cooldown


Although I wouldn't be surprised if it worked that way Kry >_>
Marmite, why have u posted an unconfirmed rumor in like 5 forums? U have a paladin, why not just check ur damn self?
Just played an arena on my warrior, LMAO @ all the paladins running around. 2 attacks to get u below 20% then 1k finisher...
Pally/Pally looks to be the strongest 2s team..

I'll go out on a limb and say Pally/Pally/Pally wins 3s

Prolly wouldn't need it, but a dedicated healer for 5s:

Pally/Pally/Pally/Rogue(for Sap lolz)/HealyPally
Lay on Hands has never worked in Arena and probably never will. Tier 3 Set Bonus + Talents + Glyph = -1 minute cooldown on LoH :p Even then it isn't useable in the arena!

Don't forget about Exorcism. 3/3 Judgments of the Wise gives them pretty much infinite mana to spam-nuke the shit out of you.

Paladins have no need to worry about mana.

4 buttons and an auto-swing will not OOM anyone

.. and they're off to the next target.
Even if LoH can't be used in arenas... Ret is so ridiculously overfuckingpowered now that NO respectable player should be playing the spec in its current state. I don't have a ret, but if I did I'd go holy or put the toon into retirement until Ret isn't as overpowered.

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