The New Age of Level 19 Twinking (Patch 3.1)


== Motivation ==

For the last few weaks i couldnt help myself overhearing all the whining about stuff beeing removed from the 19's twink bracket.

But as a matter of fact we have gained quite a lot from this. Speaking just for myself I find the changes quite Amazing.

This wont be a whining about all the things lost post, nor will it be a all hail to 3.1 post.

In this post, i will try to highligt and showcase what really gives me shiny eyes.

== My background in twinking ==

When i first leveled my mage (Calilo) to level 80 i used to play battlegrounds in every bracket and 19s was far the best.

At that time i didnt have the money nor the will to actually get the best out of her as i wanted to gain max level.

(As a little side note: I got my start on TBC). But still i had a lot of fun fighing in bg's during my levling process.

Now many of you will probably assume i got 'owned' a lot whilst playing, and guess what - i did. But to me this

never really mattered as the main mode of beeing in world of warcraft is dying, and you cant really escape your destiny anyhow.

With that in mind i always tried to support others rather than be the big fighter myself, and i really enjoyed teamplaying rather tan

soloing 10 non twinks like some others i know did. What do i mean by supporting you may ask?

Well, would polymorph oppenents, and freeze them for the stronger ones in place, help distract flag carriers, slow enemy's changing ours,...

And i have a strong feeling this has been in fact brought back by 3.1!

The really interesting question that strikes me is when i am reading somebody's whine about the changes is - are you just making up

the missing skill thruout enchants?.... - Anyhow, back to topic

Whilst stuck between 70 and 80 and loosing my motivation to level as i had done 70+ in a row i wanted to make my comeback in 19's.

And what hell of a ride it has been. I did to my own view extraordinary things, and accomplished my goals very well.

I first off got a pretty decent gear, and especially the arena master trinkets where fun. So much fun i eventually got two of them.

Then i had my highs and lows leveling my professtions to 450 (wich is really a big pain in the arse to be honest and everybody who hasnt

taken the time and pain shouldnt talk about how unfair it is. - i myself did it and consider it a unfair advantage)

After having some of the best gear, and best things i could find to use on my rouge, levling professions and getting enchants the fun for me began.

I am currently at 5k honorable kills. This means i play quite a lot, and i have most of the achievements for wsg (except for the rep one).

But as it turns out for me the real fun isnt all about owning in pvp, shure its nice and i like it but i wont do this all day long when i am logged onto

my twink. As a matter of fact there are a few more things that i really love.

== Things Lost, Things Gained - Really, code or pretense ==

One of the really nice tooltips ingame has provided me with some really good inspiration its "nothing ventured - nothing gained" on the venture

coins from the grizzley hills. Since my twink was close to finished in last december i really saw a lot of fun stuff to do and spent enourmous

ammounts of time on it.

- Achievements:

I know this sounds odd, but since i had gotten thruout all the pain of gearing up as i call it - life had been sweet for me and i definatly wanted to change it.

Accomplishing achievements (some are close to impossible with 19 and some are impossible) - i descided to try to get every possible one with 19.

This has provided me with a lot of fun after wsg or whilst in queue for joining the game.

-Alternate Professions:

*Now this may sound like i am a jerk, but i eventually got cooking up to the max i could get and now own 76 reciepts (all allience chars at 19 can possibly have

..the only ones missing are the thislte tea and the few ones gotten in shatt thruout quests)

*Fishing - All of the twinks i know have gotten theirs up just for the sake of getting the fishing gear. I myself enjoy fishing a lot.

I do it whilst watching movies, or when there is not much going on at nights.

-events and Rp items (+ rp)

I roleplay a lot, partcipate in roleplay events and by the nature of this i choose to customise my little twink rouge to the highest extend.

Carefully coosing my clothing, trying to get all the nice items (picknic basket, beer keg, dvarfen dices, trainset ,.....) and having fun with them.

TWINKING IS INDIVIDUALISM and i really enjoy that. I have no problem wearing medium gear if everybody else can wear the same in pvp.

But at the end of the day its not all about killing in wsg and arena's - for me twinking is more.

The new patch actually brought up some neat changes.

Of corse it has been quite a shock to see my health drop from 2.8k to 1.2k but hey, after i rebalanced the gear i want to use i can go on the farm again.

That will be a lot of pain/fun i guess. Now close to everybody underestimates that the changes beeing brought up to gear.

You will loose a whole shitload of stam but then again if you rebalance your gear you can still get a decent amount if you are willing to have your dps drop a bit.

-- so yeah after all it looks balanced to me

With the FISHING AND COOKING quests removed and a few changes to them you can even level fishing up to 450!!!! - This will be so much fun, dalaran coin seal inc.

Dalaran sewer rat inc,.... Ah now you are getting the idea... (i am not shure about cooking atm)

== summary ==

After all the gear changes, the profession buffs beeing fixed (in a bad way, but fixed) - 3.1 hasnt gotten us all a lot of trouble, it has also gotten us a lot of fun.

And after we get used to it it will be definalty one of the best patches our bracket has ever seen.

== Twinking on Budget ==

As a matter of fact my rouge cost me about 15k gold so far, i have it all 22 slot bags from shatt, nice gear,... jewelery,... but hey i did it all on budget.

Now i guess that since i seem to be one of the best geared, best playing twinks in my battlegroup having accomplished this on budget and financially limited

i see it as amazing. 15k gold are a lot, but you may wonder why i say it was on budget. I earned 14k of it with my rouge.

Fishing for deviates, trading at the auction house and so on provide a neat income for every twink if you do it right.

My rouge caîce is a standalone twink, he is my only charakter on his realm. and stll one of the best geared ones i figure...

== Afterwords ==

Dont always look on the bad things, take a look on the bright side of life and enjoy twinking with even more possibilities.

I wish you all the best luck/fun for 3.1! ( will definatly have fun)

So long

caîce aka calilo

== charakters ==

char: caîce

realm: de_die_todeskrallen

type: rp_pvp

link: [char=eu-Die+Todeskrallen]caîce[/char]

char: calilo

realm: de_antonidas

type: normal_pve

link: [char=eu-antonidas]Calilo[/char]

== EDIT 1 ==

i forgot to reference this so here goes


guess what i will be up to over the next couple of night =)

the dalaran coin seal will be mine

"Only character level 10 is required to train fishing all the way to 450."

i wonder if they removed the limitations on cooking aswell - as the cooking

quest is gone according to the patch notes. So maybe with a little luck i will be able to get cooking up to 400 or so (cooking stuff is still untested due to the realms still beeing down in .eu)
This is by far the best post I have seen on these forums. Thanks for putting it up, and I totally agree with you about the mage part (I myself playign a 19 mage). Its all about the teamwork and having fun.
"-- so yeah after all it looks balanced to me"

Said the rogue who will be doing 1200hp ambushes while everyone now has <1000hp.

Yeah. So balanced!
cherzra said:
"-- so yeah after all it looks balanced to me"

Said the rogue who will be doing 1200hp ambushes while everyone now has <1000hp.

Yeah. So balanced!

wich wouldnt happen due to the fact that leg enchants are gone and that i wont get the ap together for that. ...

plus my biggest ambush crit so far has been 900...

anyhow -

so 900 of the 1000hp gone in one shot and your next two melee swings taking the remaining 100 is ok.
1200 yeah right

even with pre 3.1 nerf, rogues had to have full attack power gear, attack power leg armor and would be uber lucky if they could even get in position to pull a ambush for around 600-900 BS/ambush. very rare in 19 bracket for rogues to spec like this or even have a full set of "POWER" gear.

rogues have lost alot on patch 3.1 also. today my rogue lost

8 agi from hat

6 stam from chest, had to re-enchant chest with +4 stats gained 4agi/4str

40 stam from legs

12 agi from legs

6 stam from boots
my hunter has 1800hp, or used to have 1800hp and i never, i repeat never lost even half my health on a rogue ambush !

i swear much of you guys are so negative that you started over exagerating your sayings !
ArthurianKnight said:
my hunter has 1800hp, or used to have 1800hp and i never, i repeat never lost even half my health on a rogue ambush !

i swear much of you guys are so negative that you started over exagerating your sayings !

yup, you are right about this, when i said that 900 was my record, it was toally the biggest one i ever did, before the patch the averages ones where between 600 and 800 (tops) and that is still totally acceptable - when thinking about

my stats for dps dropping aswell as my stam.

i forgot to reference this so here goes


guess what i will be up to over the next couple of night =)

the dalaran coin seal will be mine

"Only character level 10 is required to train fishing all the way to 450."

i wonder if they removed the limitations on cooking aswell - as the cooking

quest is gone according to the patch notes. So maybe with a little luck i will be able to get cooking up to 400 or so (cooking stuff is still untested due to the realms still beeing down in .eu)
shanker said:
1200 yeah right

even with pre 3.1 nerf, rogues had to have full attack power gear, attack power leg armor and would be uber lucky if they could even get in position to pull a ambush for around 600-900 BS/ambush. very rare in 19 bracket for rogues to spec like this or even have a full set of "POWER" gear.

rogues have lost alot on patch 3.1 also. today my rogue lost

8 agi from hat

6 stam from chest, had to re-enchant chest with +4 stats gained 4agi/4str

40 stam from legs

12 agi from legs

6 stam from boots

so u lost 12 agil. which is 12 ap. Then u go get ur leggings of the fang and refunds what? 5-9 ap back over ur 5/5 pants (Don't know exact stats and can't look up cuz i am at work). U have lost NOTHING in terms of DPS while casters have lost health. The key to staying alive thru ur ridiculous burst and damage. 600-800 ambushes is not acceptable. thats 3/4's of my twink priests health in 1 hit. 300-400 IS acceptable.

U speak like a true pathetic 19 dps. You lost so much. don't make me laugh. And to think, hunters are worse then you.
The New Age of Level 19 Twinking?? aww you have no clue this is back to old days and it rocks!
its indeed back the old day Yaw.

and at Medikal, u are totaly right, i have a healer(druid) myself and i got 1k health, so i`m going to get 3/4 shotted by rogues who ambushes me
kafefo said:
its indeed back the old day Yaw.

and at Medikal, u are totaly right, i have a healer(druid) myself and i got 1k health, so i`m going to get 3/4 shotted by rogues who ambushes me

the only people truely rejoicing about these changes are the pathetic hunters and rogues. If they took the time to play a class that didn't crit every other hit and took maybe half a brain to play they may realize what this patch did. It hit me personally even harder cuz now my profs don't even scale and i refuse to drop them.

from one healer to the next bro, i don't play wsg at 19 anymore (for obvious reasons) but i still enjoy twinking. i don't know what ur toon looks like but i am going with the boa mace (3 stam 4 intel) with furbolg with +22 intel. With the spirit nurf (WHICH AGAIN MELEE HAVE NO CLUE ABOUT) u are gonna need as much int as possible. Sp isn't nearly as important due to everyones health dropping. Always carry rumsey and get ur hat if u don't have it. consider magefist gloves for the extra stats over the sp. 3/3 bracers with intel/stam. Stick with stats, and enjoy dying. U can only kite for so long before ur oom.

Spirit was the biggest hit for casters. with spirit staff i have 64 regen. down from 110. once your out of mana. Kiss ur ass good bye or hope u got a mana pot up and run.
Rouges were getting such high ambush crits BECAUSE OF THE AP LEG ARMORS. WHICH ARE NOW REMOVED! Also, that 900 ambush crit could have been with a berzerking ona 100% debuff fc... I play a mage and I am not qqing about 3.1. YEs spirit nerf sucks, but as Druiddroid says (I think), Skill > Gear. You'll find a way.
Doing just fine here with ~1300hp and ~105sp.

Seen a few of the old familiar people in wsg, now with massively reduced health, I laugh, and smile to myself.

Not sure where the other familiar people are... too butthurt to play I guess.
Someone said hunters liked this patch, but I freaking hate it as a hunter. I get pwned by shammys now cuz they just heal then frost shock me repeatedly! I have like half the health i did have also. And its not quite back to the old days, because we cant have they higher lvl enchants anymore like u used to be able to. And we get all the BoA equipment.
Froom said:
Someone said hunters liked this patch, but I freaking hate it as a hunter. I get pwned by shammys now cuz they just heal then frost shock me repeatedly! I have like half the health i did have also. And its not quite back to the old days, because we cant have they higher lvl enchants anymore like u used to be able to. And we get all the BoA equipment.

frost shock ya at 19 huh?

deftones - whats ur mana pool like? Are u including rumsey for 1300 health?
3.1 on Twinking

I thought I would make a post on the new 3.1 changes because I do agree that the nerfs to the enchants was needed. First off I'm glad they fixed the profession bugs. For the people complaining about them you have to say "Didn't you see that coming?" I mean really thats kinda of obvious. As for leg armors not a big deal like Yaw said its back to vanilla WoW twinks (except without librams and with BoAs). Personally I have been playing 19s since 1.0.9ish (It was some where around there) which was before cross realm bgs were even out. Yes this patch makes it harder for hunters, but its about time you remeber how to kite a rogue and not just stand there and rape them. As for rogues this means you can kill a hunter with a few lucky crits and some well time gouges. I also like this patch because it brings back the caster soloability imo. With spell damage not scaling as well as melee, the high health made casters almost support only. While yes they have much less health now, but swap some gear out and you'll be fine.

And no frost shock isnt 19...

19 Rogue---Nostrodomos

19 Warrior--Noggenfogger

19 Hunter--Vostrodomos

US-Laughing Skull
Medikal said:
the only people truely rejoicing about these changes are the pathetic hunters and rogues.

i'm rejoicing, and i hardly play either of those classes.

If they took the time to play a class that didn't crit every other hit and took maybe half a brain to play they may realize what this patch did.

if you're playing against someone without 1/2 a brain, they're easy to manipulate (provided you have 1/2 a brain).

It hit me personally even harder cuz now my profs don't even scale and i refuse to drop them.

yes it sucks to lose your stuff, but cmon if you're going to pout over having overpowered & grandfathered stuff being taken away, it really sounds childish. not to mention it really doesn't prove your point against the OP at all.

U can only kite for so long before ur oom.
at 19 you can kite for long periods of time without going OOM. using movement tricks as well as simply keeping distance on your opponents (2 of my priest's fears will allow me to escape from ANYONE) and you should be fine.

Spirit was the biggest hit for casters. with spirit staff i have 64 regen. down from 110. once your out of mana. Kiss ur ass good bye or hope u got a mana pot up and run.

or you can be smart with mana.
I love how caice nominated his own thread for thread of the week

healers did get buttfucked with mp5 and health loss, but they got along fine pre-bc when nobody knew how to backstrafe or even had spirit weapons....i think anyone who actually has skill can still manage as a healer...

as for rogues raping with ambush, that is rediculous...the only reason rogues could crit 900s was netherCOBRA (why does everyone always say rogues lost nethercleft, the good rogues all used AP)....rogues have lost dmg and they rarely hit for 900s in the first place...hell, 98% rogues are sword

dps will dominate, but not because of rogue ambush crits....and skilled healers will still be able to play, if anything this patch is awesome because it will weed out the piece of shit healers that just frustrate you...never again will u see a priest casting smites when u need heals because all those bads willl have quit
Tetox said:
dps will dominate, but not because of rogue ambush crits....and skilled healers will still be able to play, if anything this patch is awesome because it will weed out the piece of shit healers that just frustrate you...never again will u see a priest casting smites when u need heals because all those bads willl have quit

this .

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