Cross Battlegroups planned for Cataclysm

lindenkron said:
Cata isn't until october / november... so wait half a year? tssk. You might've quit by then :)

3 or 4 months =/= half a year. and twinking will die down as everyone decides to lvl to 85 asap like it does for every xpac

Iroared said:
I recall them mentioning that they're not predetermined against twinks, and seing as they have a great chance to revive twinking right now, I'm almost sure they will do it. Its not like it will cost them anything now...

blizzard was always indifferent to twinks, neither helping or hurting. clearly they drew a line in the sand for 3.2. sure they might have thought it was a great idea, but surely they had to have known the rough populations for each bracket and known that trinking would collapse; or almost collapse in our case b/c a few ppl banded together and helped save their respective brackets. they dont get a shit about us, in fact when ever i go to shut off xp i wanna shoot up devilzzard b/c that "bemoans the loss of nethercleft, etc", hey blizzard dudes, ill make you bemoan the loss of you face and/or bout that, k?
I hope this is like we all want it: all realms linked together in eu:)

However.. when they merged my old realm Bloodlust with the french realm and made them into cataclysm they made it so, that only horde from bloodlust could meet allies from the french one, and the otehr way around. So no mixed teams :(

Rly don't hope that is how they gonna do it ?

Oh well... long time till.
Falkor said:
3 or 4 months =/= half a year. and twinking will die down as everyone decides to lvl to 85 asap like it does for every xpac

1. June,

2. July,

3. August,

4. September,

5. Obcotber,

6. November.

How is that in any possible way 3? I can get it to being possible 6 months, if they don't release it until end november, which is quite possible.

Quelfep said:
wow hamcake isnt a mod yet?

Huh? Random?
lindenkron said:
1. June,

2. July,

3. August,

4. September,

5. Obcotber,

6. November.

How is that in any possible way 3? I can get it to being possible 6 months, if they don't release it until end november, which is quite possible.

6. june <---- current month, almost half way over too

7. july one

8. august two

9. september three

10. october four

11. november five

12. december six

so if it released in october 4 months, 5 for november. personally my money is on november, although i could see them holding out till around christmas time - now THAT would be half a year. i doubt itll be december tho b/c WoW doesnt need to release around a holiday to sell a bijillion copies, and its gonna be in p1 beta soon, which means p2 then release. so, like i said i bet november at the latest. possibly october, but before that is highly unlikely imo.

so really 3.5 - 4 months is my guess, which is still less than 6 months. 6 months would be a worst case scenario imo. i guess thats worth saving 25$ to him. plus if he xfers now his twink will be isolated from his main (im assuming) but if he just waits it out he can have his twink and main together, plus save that 25$. opportunity cost methinks
We're simultaneously working on a "war games" mode for battlegrounds that allows groups to challenge other groups to a battle in a specific battleground (including horde vs horde and alliance vs alliance). Granted, the rewards aren't significant, but it's more for players to be able to have fun battling their guildmates and friends or for players on a server to throw down for the sake of pride and bragging rights.

(new blue post)
Quelfep said:
wow hamcake isnt a mod yet?

Because my application was rejected because they had enough mods (???) then they forgot to ask when they were looking for more mods WHOOPZ
Falkor said:
6. june <---- current month, almost half way over too

7. july one

8. august two

9. september three

10. october four

11. november five

12. december six

so if it released in october 4 months, 5 for november. personally my money is on november, although i could see them holding out till around christmas time - now THAT would be half a year. i doubt itll be december tho b/c WoW doesnt need to release around a holiday to sell a bijillion copies, and its gonna be in p1 beta soon, which means p2 then release. so, like i said i bet november at the latest. possibly october, but before that is highly unlikely imo.

so really 3.5 - 4 months is my guess, which is still less than 6 months. 6 months would be a worst case scenario imo. i guess thats worth saving 25$ to him. plus if he xfers now his twink will be isolated from his main (im assuming) but if he just waits it out he can have his twink and main together, plus save that 25$. opportunity cost methinks

And like I mentioned before, it can in still no possible way become the 3 months you said. More likely to be 6. I rest my case :)
october would be 3.5 months from now, november would be 4.5 months from now (roughly). november that is my best guess for launch. 6 months i highly doubt b/c like i said blizzard does not need a holiday/christmas launch date to move a gazillion units. sooooo 4.5 months is less than 6 ergo i win b/c i said 3-4 and 4.5 is close enough for government work
Falkor said:
october would be 3.5 months from now, november would be 4.5 months from now (roughly). november that is my best guess for launch. 6 months i highly doubt b/c like i said blizzard does not need a holiday/christmas launch date to move a gazillion units. sooooo 4.5 months is less than 6 ergo i win b/c i said 3-4 and 4.5 is close enough for government work

Remember though Blizzard said by next Blizzcon people will be complaining about Goblin Rogues (Blizzcon is scheduled for October). That said i expect it before October.
which only strengthens my case

p.s what is with your weird capitalization. rogue isnt a proper noun, and you forgot to make "i" upper case. just sayin...either dont try, or be meticulous imo. also grammar was a bit weak.
I usually try to keep my grammar on par, but you do miss things sometimes :p.
Good news.... however we're probably still going to have to coordinate evenings when ppl play. Even with cross-BG battlegrounds, there probably aren't enough of us left to have games going on all the time.
First of all, this "war games" idea seems awesome, however I can see boosters exploiting it for "of the Horde" titles and xp/honor, so hopefully Blizz makes these games count nothing towards "live" shit(honor,kills, etc). This being said this addition would be great, broadening the amount of people to vs in premades and not forcing competitive guilds that want the full spectrum of premading to reroll ally side which usually ends up with un-perfect twinks etc. I seriously doubt the need to organize games if this cross-bg queue system is implemented. With the diverse amount of players and time zones( I am speaking completely for US and the knowledge of asian based top end guilds) queues should be decent. Peak times will most likely be between 4-7 like usual and slow down between 3-4 am obviously. Although the player base will exponentially grow due to who have moved off of twinking to raiding to play a wsg or two on an alt instead of farming that title or running icc 10 for the umpteenth time. These alts will be past twinks that they have revamped or just new people to twinking that have ridiculous amounts of gold(due to the ezmoade of getting a shitload of gold) to dump into an expensive hobby. I for one will be doing this strategy, remaking a 19 twink, I was a bit hesitant before dropping 60 dollars to get into a guild, but it looks like I've found a new area to dump some gold into... Shaman inc. Without the need to at least drop 25 dollars if not more to get into twinking unless you are a Ruin vet the accessibility for twinking will be easy as well as having mains on servers for endless boa fun specs. Note that the community lost with the xp lock will be regained by that of the new BGs. So, this is fully my theory, but prepare for insta queues into games of 10v10 twinks instead of insta-queues with 4v4 twinks and a shit load of boring 10-12's that are just a nuisance.

Sorry for the great wall...

Thoughts, criticisms....

Nerf said:
First of all, this "war games" idea seems awesome, however I can see boosters exploiting it for "of the Horde" titles and xp/honor, so hopefully Blizz makes these games count nothing towards "live" shit(honor,kills, etc). This being said this addition would be great, broadening the amount of people to vs in premades and not forcing competitive guilds that want the full spectrum of premading to reroll ally side which usually ends up with un-perfect twinks etc. I seriously doubt the need to organize games if this cross-bg queue system is implemented. With the diverse amount of players and time zones( I am speaking completely for US and the knowledge of asian based top end guilds) queues should be decent. Peak times will most likely be between 4-7 like usual and slow down between 3-4 am obviously. Although the player base will exponentially grow due to who have moved off of twinking to raiding to play a wsg or two on an alt instead of farming that title or running icc 10 for the umpteenth time. These alts will be past twinks that they have revamped or just new people to twinking that have ridiculous amounts of gold(due to the ezmoade of getting a shitload of gold) to dump into an expensive hobby. I for one will be doing this strategy, remaking a 19 twink, I was a bit hesitant before dropping 60 dollars to get into a guild, but it looks like I've found a new area to dump some gold into... Shaman inc. Without the need to at least drop 25 dollars if not more to get into twinking unless you are a Ruin vet the accessibility for twinking will be easy as well as having mains on servers for endless boa fun specs. Note that the community lost with the xp lock will be regained by that of the new BGs. So, this is fully my theory, but prepare for insta queues into games of 10v10 twinks instead of insta-queues with 4v4 twinks and a shit load of boring 10-12's that are just a nuisance.

Sorry for the great wall...

Thoughts, criticisms....


Taitaih said:
I usually try to keep my grammar on par, but you do miss things sometimes :p.

its just like a pet peeve when people try really hard to use proper spelling and grammar and then dont. like they capitalize words that shouldnt be, etc, etc. i guess i know how english teachers feel now..
Falkor said:
its just like a pet peeve when people try really hard to use proper spelling and grammar and then dont. like they capitalize words that shouldnt be, etc, etc. i guess i know how english teachers feel now..

It's kind of weird how I start typing and then as I go on (in forums), my grammar and punctuation slowly get worse because the post starts getting too long and I start caring less. At the beginning it's not really me trying, but more of how I've naturally typed anyway. As I go on, I just stop caring :p.

But anywho, things are looking good, I just hope that they implement this all for low level BGs, including XP locked brackets. I wouldn't mind having an excuse to play 49s full time (not that I don't have a reason anyway).
in some ways this could be negative first off if cross wsg BG Q's go on there will be less fcs in wsg and less healers and prob 95 percent huntards

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