New Rouge Standard?

what are the best alternatives now that 3.1 is live?

for pants: leggings of the fang?

for feet: footpads of the fang or feet of the lynx?, 7agi or minor speed?

is there any head enchants/armor that we can attach?

is there any leg enchants/armor that we can attach?
Fearitself said:
what are the best alternatives now that 3.1 is live?

for pants: leggings of the fang?

for feet: footpads of the fang or feet of the lynx?, 7agi or minor speed?

is there any head enchants/armor that we can attach?

is there any leg enchants/armor that we can attach?

Fang set with Minor Speed. I would never, EVER roll without speed to boots.
Jancith said:
Fang set with Minor Speed. I would never, EVER roll without speed to boots.

Rolling without minor speed is like taking spirit over stamina. YOU DONT DO IT. not taking this enchant effectively makes you slower than everyone else in the bg, because they will all have it. The 4 ish seconds lost from spawning at gy to making it to their fr can make or break a game, and when chasing down their fc they will be faster than you with no ccs, and if they are good will easily outrun you.
I'd say..


For boots.. Run speed is the best by far but.. +7 AGI is another option since now we are all gonna be dependent on our dps/crit and don't forget dodge :p

so +7 AGI is quite a bit at 19.. never forget that.

also for chest +4 Stats would probably be the best we can get at 19 now, I would say this probably would go for all 19 twinks.. even maybe casters depending on whats out there for them, but it's kinda hard to find someone with +4 stats, I've seen quite a few with +3 agi but.. thats kinda dumbing your self down when +4 stats would give you 40 health and 4 agi alone :p

and for legs, we could roll armor kits :D
Well, it depends on your gearsets too- I have +7 Agi on my Feet of the Lynx boots and minor speed on my Footpads of the Fang- it depends on your rogues' (not rouge- fyi) role in the WSG. If you're flag carrying, then minor speed is a MUST (and the Footpads of the Fang have a higher stam count; not changed in 3.1). If you're chasing flags, the same is true. If you're about working the middle and big damage, or are a stealth/dagger spec, the +7 agility may be a really good choice, but again, it isn't for everyone. If you cannot catch the target, you can't hit it (as a rogue).

I heard that you can't use the heavy armor kit in a trade window as well- has anyone confirmed this? Or does it just need to be applied by a level 20 or higher?

Another question- has anyone crunched the numbers with the new expertise bonus from the Fang set vs. the hit rating off of the Deviate Scale Belt & and the Scouting Gloves of the of Monkey ?
trailblazer boots are good if you're going for a high dps set. they don't work well solo; they are only viable if you actually have a good amount of other AP/crit gear equipped. and this is provided you don't have the lynx boots...

footpads of the fang are best for most situations.
Rayekk said:
I heard that you can't use the heavy armor kit in a trade window as well- has anyone confirmed this? Or does it just need to be applied by a level 20 or higher?

can anyone verify this?

(i remember, that in classic wow, my Leatherworking Main to apply Armor Kits through the

trade window. but thats ages ago)
Rayekk said:
If you're flag carrying, then minor speed is a MUST

No, thats flag running.

When you're flag carrying with the debuff, the minor speed increase is a wasted enchant.

Stam/Agil is preferable here. Personally rather take the agil, as avoidance > healthpool when you're receiving 50%/100% more damage.
Stormfist said:
No, thats flag running.

When you're flag carrying with the debuff, the minor speed increase is a wasted enchant.

Stam/Agil is preferable here. Personally rather take the agil, as avoidance > healthpool when you're receiving 50%/100% more damage.

I'll agree with that- I was thinking in a more "general here-to-there" kind of way. If you have the gear/bandwith, I'd say have several sets, if you plan on being the FC-
You can keep a spare set of lynx with 7 agi on them for when the FC gets the debuff and his minor speed enchant on his boots is nulled. Then you have a DPS increase on an already gimped FC and you're running at the same speed. It's minor but can have it's uses.
trailblazer boots

damn, I never realized how much AGI them boots have, looks like I'll be rethinking my high AGI Gear build.

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