Monkey Ribsplitters x2


I figure I'll make a new thread, since the other one is 6 pages long and i didnt read any of it.

I can't post on the wow forums, due to some retarded GM, so I'll post it here.

I recently came across 2 monkey ribsplitters. Anyone willing to buy them if i xfer to you???? I'd prefer reckoning or ruin, please!!

Contact me in-game by sending a letter to Dothehustle - ally - Emerald Dream - US.


Locked said:
Paying 50$ to sell non-rare virtual pixels is bad.

Considering I'm going to xfer anyway, why not find someone who could use them first?

And $50 doesn't mean much to me. Sorry.
Locked said:
Paying 50$ to sell non-rare virtual pixels is bad.

why burn someone who is only trying to help others?

if anything we should be aplauding this type of behavior in the twink community...

some people make me wonder
I agree your action are nice to see. However unfortunately the 49 bracket is in a down cycle atm and items that once were rare and went for a high price are not moving.

On Azgalor there have been multiple rib's up there lately not selling. And this server has a number of 49 twinks on it Alli and Horde side.
the upside to this is now you can make a very good 49 with multiple sets very inexpensively and transfer to Ruin. Leveling is extremely quick with que-anywhere xp bg's and BoA's.

pretty good deal imo.
LOL how do you get 4?

I multiboxed my 5 elemental shamans for 2 weeks straight, 5 hours a day, in BRD, farming the road with all the patrols (left of the entrance) over and over. And I found exactly one ribsplitter. It was a monkey though, so I was happy.
cherzra said:
LOL how do you get 4?

I multiboxed my 5 elemental shamans for 2 weeks straight, 5 hours a day, in BRD, farming the road with all the patrols (left of the entrance) over and over. And I found exactly one ribsplitter. It was a monkey though, so I was happy.

afaik there are more mobs than that capable of dropping ribsplitters...they might not be feasible time wise to farm, but couldnt hurt with only 5 instances per hour i suppose.
Falkor said:
afaik there are more mobs than that capable of dropping ribsplitters...they might not be feasible time wise to farm, but couldnt hurt with only 5 instances per hour i suppose.

Yeah, all the mobs can drop it. But it's not efficient to go through all of BRD... I would just repeat that road over and over. Most mobs / hour so it was the most efficient :)
How much are you asking for them?

I have only a twink on Magtheridon, but I rack in some dough smelting/selling cobalt/thorium/mithril. And holy crap, if anyone is ever interested, especially enhancement shamans... look up mosshide gnoll from the wetlands... they respawn instantly, pick a camp and it'll look like a pally tanking the whole scarlet instance at once lol. They drop wool cloth, which goes for 20-30G per stack on my server.

So yeah, if you truly don't mind xfering, I already have 2 ribsplitters, but they're not monkey, and I'd absolutely love for them to be. NAME YO PRICE!

EDIT: Your realm is so full! And I'm probably late on the post. I'll try to get ahold of ya later. Post back if you can, I'm quite interested!

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