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  1. Laughing Skull FTW Relocation (update)

    I didnt read any of the other replies so i dont know what was said.. if he actually had your ip he got it through skype. The worst he could do is ddos you(which is a bitch thou). Basically what Im saying is set up a new skype with new friends that you trust. Dont just add random people
  2. Going to make a 19 Twink

    Not many LS people play anymore. Ive been there since nilla. Go to BH imo.
  3. Twink Harlem Shake
  4. US Rest in Peace, Sneaky. You will be missed.

    Honestly I didnt know the guy, I sent him a few messages on TI asking a few questions and he replied like hes known me forever and was very helpful. Im not a poet anything close to it. I just returned from my uncles funeral this weekend and saw this post. This poem was read at my uncle's funeral...
  5. Time for a new best of each class thread?!?! yay....

    Any tinker who uses more than 5 macros in their game-play, since I'm sure not more than 10 people in the bracket do.
  6. New way to identify locations in WSG!

    I feel more stupid for having read this. That grammar and spelling was just... well.. there isn't even a word to describe it. It was that bad.
  7. New way to identify locations in WSG!

    I havnt really been paying much attention to the grid you made or if there is one yet, but if you do a good idea would be making it similar to League of Legends maps. Kinda like a yellow ping that makes a high pitched noise telling people to stay away from a place, generally meaning like a kitty...
  8. New way to identify locations in WSG!

    zoom out all the way on your minimap, it stretches half way across the wsg map EDIT: Also if theyre out of range of your minimap, chances are theyll be gone by the time you can get to them. You'd have to check your map to see where theyre going any way. Theres also this handy Shift-M function...
  9. New way to identify locations in WSG!

    So uh, theres this thing called a mini map that you can ping. When you ping this it makes a noise. People should always be looking at it anyway but thats a reminder to look at it. Im a strong believer in pinging the mini-map and seem to be one of the few who do it. Its an exact description of...
  10. Fraps Movie editing software help
  11. Twinkesarus strikes again -.-

    Join date would be more reliable than post count imo
  12. Twinkesarus strikes again -.-

    Could you not send in an email with your id next to a real time photo or w/e they call it and set a different email? I had to do that on a diff account a month or so ago after it kept getting hacked.
  13. Twinkesarus strikes again -.-

    Any idea how Id do that? EDIT: Sent it.
  14. Twinkesarus strikes again -.-

    Either way, just letting it be known. Dont give him your info
  15. Twinkesarus strikes again -.-

    Title says it all. Dont trust people mates.
  16. 19's 3s

    This. Who needs pvp when we got pokemon?
  17. FCing Tips?

    Scroll click the flag, set interact with mouse over to scroll up and scroll down
  18. 19's 3s

    Ill que skirmishes and go against you guys.. oh wait.. blizz took away the best thing that happened to twinks..
  19. *Who is the #1 Paladin? (EU included)*

    I guess its time to hang up the pal Ive been playing for the last month, didnt even get honorable mention xD Edit: Moving back on to end game I guess Edit #2: Sealofwin
  20. *Who is the #1 Paladin? (EU included)*

    Epeen contest dont worry yo