FCing Tips?


Dare to be Optimistic
So I just FC'd my first bg on a warrior Im working on Khäotic. Any Tips on Gear Choices would be great (I know I need 2nd agm and Satchel Belt working on them) But my main question is any Tips on FCing a BG. I thought I did ok but we lost 0-3. I kept using my Charge to my benefit, Running away from Ranged attacking getting melee to follow me and Charging back, thought that was a good technique. Being a warrior tho I dont feel I would be the strongest for a Kiting Defense. So do I just hope I got Strong healers or is there tactics I should be using to stay alive?
ToT jumps are amazingly useful for creating distance between you and your attackers. In addition to that, ToT also provides the FC with structures to get out of Line of site of ranged attackers while keeping in LoS of his healers. As a warrior you really do need to have a good priest or sham with you at all times. Also keep in mind Warriors can also use charge as a huge tool for kiting, tunn---> roof---> FR---> Tun---> Roof---> FR----> ToT---> Tunn---> FR---> GY etc

Check out our jumps section on Twinking.net on the right hand side you'll see the tag for WSG jumps. Those are very useful as a FC to have down.

Best of luck to you!
Thanks for the info. When it comes to Kiting, to use the charge you gotta charge to where enemies are, whats the point of kiting if your going to where enemies? Guess only way to figure out my play style if bye playing and learning what works to me. Does the Gear look Legit? or am I making Mistakes someplace?
As far as warrior kiting goes, you make think you can't get away from the other team, but there's always a way :). If you have a few melee and a ranged on you, or if the melee dps have a healer, you can always run away from the ranged then charge back, which can create a little space between you and the melee dps. Also, your base does not mean you are automatically safe, I see so many fc's make a mad dash through an enemy infested mid just to get brought down. If you are no where near returning a flag, and you aren't in your base, its ok, you can stay there.
If you are no where near returning a flag, and you aren't in your base, its ok, you can stay there.

I agree to a point, being a slower fc wouldnt it be best to be closer to the cap? I mean you generally can tell if the fc is about to be dropped but at the same time theres always chances of you being dropped quickly where there isnt much los/kiting routes to take. Dont get me wrong I am taking everything everyone says and picturing it in my head, All point of views are welcome in my book, as well very much appreciated.
Also every class / role should always have zone map on. You can change its opacity etc and I change the size of mine to be quite small. It's how I can get a feel for if the EFC is going to get dropped (seeing a huge mess of dots on top of the flag as opposed to seeing them scrambled in midfield etc)

Zone map is an extremely useful tool that everyone should fully utilize. It visually shows who's priorities lie with playing the flags or what have you. Watch as many FCing vids as possible too :3
The best tool, better than any jump or exploit, is communicating with your healers. Tell them where you're going, ask them where to go, and don't be an ass to them (preventative measure, I'm not callin you an ass :3). The worst thing for a healer, and something that would cause them not you heal you later in the game, is blaming a death on healers, especially when there's a lack of communication. See ya in the gulch :)
Communication, being as Im on a twink free server (have no intention of leaving) Im guessing the best choice for me would be to go into vent? if so Do alot of twinks that pug chill in the public vent?
Communication, being as Im on a twink free server (have no intention of leaving) Im guessing the best choice for me would be to go into vent? if so Do alot of twinks that pug chill in the public vent?

No, vent is usually quite empty, making macros can help communicate in BG chat.
Anyone know of any FC videos that isnt druid? lol Ive spent alot of time watching videos and all it makes me do is wonder if I picked the right class to fc with lol.
Just a few things:

1, use minor speed on boots till 4x debuff
2, Practise all wsg jumps till you're comfortable using them under pressure (i.e with O up youre ass)
3, Always keep LoS of your healers
4, Have EFC on you're focus and get ready to cap with efc is dying (when you know you're O is decent)
5, Dont attempt to tank there O unless you know you can take them and have less than 4x debuff.
6, Practise juking players off roof etc as this can buy you time (around 1-2mins)
7, Armor > HP till 4x debuff
8, Only use trinket if you are sure about making a cap/preventing repick.
9, Practise, Practise, Practise!

Good luck.
Thank everyone for the great tips, Now here is a question, I find myself fcing for the first flag round, ie- get first cap or die and we repick/they cap. After that I seem to not be able to get the flag, Im not comfortable telling people to drop when there is someone near to click, but at the same time there always seems to be someone. Any tips on learning/ becoming more comfortable with clicks?

Edit Note: Would like to thank my last game everyone in the game was great and encouraging. Its twinks like that, that truly make the community great.
Thank everyone for the great tips, Now here is a question, I find myself fcing for the first flag round, ie- get first cap or die and we repick/they cap. After that I seem to not be able to get the flag, Im not comfortable telling people to drop when there is someone near to click, but at the same time there always seems to be someone. Any tips on learning/ becoming more comfortable with clicks?

Edit Note: Would like to thank my last game everyone in the game was great and encouraging. Its twinks like that, that truly make the community great.

If you know you have an fc thats better than you on your team let them fc ofc. just ask them polity to drop flag, most non derp players will.
Thank everyone for the great tips, Now here is a question, I find myself fcing for the first flag round, ie- get first cap or die and we repick/they cap. After that I seem to not be able to get the flag, Im not comfortable telling people to drop when there is someone near to click, but at the same time there always seems to be someone. Any tips on learning/ becoming more comfortable with clicks?

Edit Note: Would like to thank my last game everyone in the game was great and encouraging. Its twinks like that, that truly make the community great.

Scroll click the flag, set interact with mouse over to scroll up and scroll down
I understand the whole scroll clicking, but it takes more than just scrolling, it takes experience. And sadly that is something I lacking, Im asking if anyone has tips to work on it. I find myself alot of times when Im scrolling clicking on the Corpse of the person who just died instead of the flag, its things like that that looses good games.
I FC as a warrior for lethal synergy and as a warrior you have great damage mitigation, but lack the movement aspect so you are only as strong as your supporting classes. The biggest thing as a warrior FC is to move with your team and communicate the next move. Stay close to your healers and don't be afraid to use your trinket if your slowed, rooted or feared and your distsnce becomes and issue from your healers. Spec into double time because like many said before charge is your friend to get you ahead of the enemy a lot of the time you will have a few casters ahead of you while the bulk of the army is on your ass charge up to those casters giving you a head start. Your healers should be at a safe distance hopefully ahead of you. Also while your in mid working your way to base target those classes that can cc your heals and interrupt them if you can.
Once inside the base kite with your team. I find the best class aside from a healer is a Mage for survivability. Since you don't have the movement ability as a Druid or shaman your Mage will actually be saving your ass more than your healers and work your way in routes that can keep you near cap when your around 4 stacks. When stacks become an issue warriors have the upper hand, but a good FC has a good support team with him.
Just talk and work together and try to save your trinket for the end when your about to cap in case you get fear, slowed, etc.
most of all practice and have fun!

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