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  1. EU-BLACKOUT Guild Recruitments.

    oh dear it seems like fewer and fewer ppl play twink at all now on blackout, is it just a wave cause of icc content stealing the attention or what? (cause i manage both) the few twinks that rly bother to log on plays pretty much alone, BG queues are riseing and same goes for arena. there...
  2. help me stop keyboard turning & clicking on action bars

    u can bind the Q and E witchever u use as streifing as hotkeys, then when u wanna streif you just hold right mouse button down while pressing A or D witchever way u wanna go, and btw u dont wanna mind w,s,a,d, they might not be as much used now anymore but u also gotta use ur mouse to targeting...
  3. Hit rating

    id say no, u might hit more but u do overall less dps and the chance that it changes of ur other abilitys are too low to be worth the dps-lowering
  4. 5v5 Thursday (EU)

    cant on any thursday make it in weekends instead, just a friendly hint :P
  5. EU-BLACKOUT Guild Recruitments.

    smells like twink spirit is also looking for more members, we are atm rather few but we sure are dedicated and would love ppl to join us, we are a twink guild on Emerald Dream with over 1 year of meat on the legs and aint stoping :P to get more info ask me ingame, Sinjo
  6. Oh question

    pleaaaase dont dw sf it crits my eyes, its a waste useing it as a offhand, thiefs blade is more than good enugh, i havent done maths about it, but im quite sure there is a combo that beats dual sf
  7. Second Twink.

    note that this is my personal oppinion not a fact or something to flame about :P for me druids are nice kiters with ok healing , root heal and repeate if needed paladins, bad kiters with bad healing 1 healing ability.... make the pala a dps or fc instead shamans nice kiters, ok...
  8. @19s, The Blackout Battlegroup Migration & Qs (EU)

    hey nøø, saw u in wsg today, darn i hate ur kiteing, frost mages ftl :< and tbh u did play good, i doubt u dont deserve a spot on that list :P
  9. Introduction

    hi, im sinjo, the lvl 19 warrior twink on emerald dream, blackout, EU servers, my main is a 80 warrior, and i also got a 80 lock, rogue and druild. and i also got a priest, pala and warlock twink.
  10. For all the rogues out there

    shodowfang MH thief blade OH end of story :P btw i lol of all those rogues with dual shadowfang, waste of a awsome weap to OH it
  11. Rumsey Rum.

    going into CoT with main, buyin 200 for like 2s each, then send over to twink, if u dont got a high lvl main at that server :P bribe some1 xD the rum is in old hilsbrad foothills or whatever its called, in the south shore inn,easy to get when u first know where to look ^^
  12. Worst class at 19?

    hmm every class can be played right and be awsome, but i got a finger on mage tbh even on my warrior they usualy go smooth, a rend or 2 is all it takes to make em pop life blood, and after that its a question of nuke :P
  13. @19s, The Blackout Battlegroup Migration & Qs (EU)

    where am i on the warrior list :P have ganked most of em in arena, of those i remember that is :P