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  1. Level 1 BiS Item Compilation

    LAWL. Why bother having a lvl 1 twink? To have a glamorized bank alt?
  2. Warlock Glyph Help

    I use the insta-bolt and the soul shard glyph.
  3. Which weapon on my Warlock!?

    Yay for locks! I love playing mine. Here is my take on things: 1. I have the +10 haste on my gloves, mainly because I haven't found someone with the +20 shadow chant yet on my server. Otherwise I would put that on. If I were you that is what I would go with on my gloves. 2. I have...
  4. Trade for Transfer

    PM inbound.
  5. Price Check - Murky, Marine Murloc Code

  6. Yes, Warlocks Are useful in premades.(video)

    I love my lock. Always at the top of the charts for total damage done. Locks FTW.
  7. A short grammar lesson.

    When refering to an article using the shortened, abreviated version of you are you should use you're. e.g. You're holding a pen. I mention this because i see this mistake so many times in peoples posts and it makes me die on the inside alittle each time. How about a spelling lesson...
  8. Price Check - Murky, Marine Murloc Code

    I can fund anything you want, but the battlegroup where my 80s are sucks, and I can't transfer a ton or money with my twink.
  9. Are Warlocks useful in premades at all??

    I've never been in a premade due to the lack of twink activity on my realm. But playing a lock is quite handy for offense. Tab dotting is super effective to getting the enemy team down on health making it easier to melee to finish them off. Fearing is another important aspect. Fearing the FC...
  10. Why cant our WSG be like this?

    Wow. I would love to have that same problem. When I queue for WSG, I look at the average amount of time that people are in the queue, and mine still says "Unavailable". That is since the reset on Tuesday. Holy hell, no twink activity on Emberstrom. /cry
  11. US WTB - Lots of Items n_n

    No, I didn't buy them out. Like I said, I started a toon on there this morning to check some stuff out. They are being sold by two different sellers. I have yet to transfer to Ruin, but nobody seems interested having another lock in their guild.
  12. US WTB - Lots of Items n_n

    Yeah one was 9999g BO and the other was like 10.9k BO.
  13. US WTB - Lots of Items n_n

    I just saw two Shadowfangs on Argent Dawn's Alliance AH. About 10k each. And its on Ruin! I started a toon there to check a couple things out. Just wanted to let ya know!
  14. Good-Bye (story inside)

    Hey man, thanks for serving our country. I greatly appreciate your service. Be safe and God speed.
  15. Battlegroup Activity

    Emberstrom sucks. I'm lucky to see one WSG queue a week, and I am not kidding about that.
  16. US account

    Why not here?
  17. Wow-europe banner. Secret message?!

    I wish it was only 20g to transfer toons, I'd move all of mine!
  18. US account

    I have an 80 rogue and 80 DK, both geared. 41 warrior, 20 pally, 19 lock. On my rogue, I have at least 8 titles, an albino drake, 53 mounts and almost 20 exalted reps. Between all my toons I have at least 20,000 gold. I oughta be able to get at least $10,000 for my account right...
  19. Price Check: Formal Dangui

    I attempted to put the +275 health and +10 stats on it and it did not work. For some reason other people are able to chant it. Check out Formal Dangui.
  20. Say goodbye to WSG, well if you're not in Ruin

    Sweet! With this new change I will be able to do one WSG every two weeks instead of every week. The queue times are horrid on Emberstrom. I'm transferring to Ruin soon, anyone need a lock? Message me if you are interested. I will also be creating additional twinks when I do transfer...