Price Check - Murky, Marine Murloc Code

iaccidentallytwink said:
$40 is 3500 - 4500 gold.

But he(she?) isn't buying gold, he(she?) is trading an in-game pet that is no longer obtainable. Its worth whatever the person wants to pay for it, not $40 or 3500-4500 gold. Your mind is logical, but kind of closed.
canihascookie said:
Haha, you made a spelling error >.<

Ironic really, seeing as how I posted about
I could fund you a 29 twink for that sweet murloc cookie ^_^ Id say Dragonmaw would be the best (my 80 is there, as is We Are Rampage) but i could do it on medivh if you wanted :p
I can fund anything you want, but the battlegroup where my 80s are sucks, and I can't transfer a ton or money with my twink.
once im off my ban i will start putting a gearlist together lemme know what class and level you want.
canihascookie said:
Bump, any other offers?

Ok ok, Final Offer:

  • Full week in Shattrah with Ego
  • All costs payed in full by truly yours
  • I'm quite naughty when I'm drunk
  • I know all the frisky female types on our server
  • They like Ego...A lot...
  • They do anything for Ego
  • Including hooking up Ego's friends
  • 2 TCG Tabards of your choice
  • A trip to Hogger :)

You seriously can't pass that up.

Wtb that for my level 1 xP!

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