Yes, Warlocks Are useful in premades.(video)


I just made this video when i was about to make a thread there i saw there was this thread : Are Warlocks useful in premades at all??

And it seem to me that my vid awser this question...


yes Warlock are usefull, and they can be n°1 dps dealer. And fear is truly imba, you can completly control a heal, dots put pressure on all the raid and when it's needed you got this uber brust with your Searing Pain.

Enjoy Also those 2 videos, fews Warlocks duels And Mage / Warlock 2v2 compo from the Mage PoV : Avaible here :
Omgganked said:
The video you have request is not available.

First vid doesn't work :(

i just upload it rigjt now, youtube havent finish the processus yet. come back in few minutes :)
yea man you shouldnt do all that fancy shit in arena vids, those are about precise timing w/ your partner n shit and if you go back n forth with the music or what ever it makes it confusing for the viewer to see whats going on. i didnt finish it btw.
Mazurati said:
very nice. I'm curious to what macros you use

Mouseover fear / corrution

#showtooltip Corruption

/cast [target=mouseover, nodead, harm]Fear;Corruption

Create healthstone wile out of combat otherwise use it.


/cast [nocombat]Create Healthstone;Minor Healthstone

Auto trade ^^

/run for i=0,4 do for x=1,GetContainerNumSlots(i) do y=GetContainerItemLink(i,x) if y then if GetItemInfo(y)=="Minor Healthstone" then PickupContainerItem(i,x); DropItemOnUnit("party1"); return; end end end end

That's it for my warlock.

(i Got a lot more on my warrior btw)
Supadrood said:
yea man you shouldnt do all that fancy shit in arena vids, those are about precise timing w/ your partner n shit and if you go back n forth with the music or what ever it makes it confusing for the viewer to see whats going on. i didnt finish it btw.

i wasnt confused
Aos said:
I just made this video when i was about to make a thread there i saw there was this thread : Are Warlocks useful in premades at all??

And it seem to me that my vid awser this question...


yes Warlock are usefull, and they can be n°1 dps dealer. And fear is truly imba, you can completly control a heal, dots put pressure on all the raid and when it's needed you got this uber brust with your Searing Pain.

Enjoy Also those 2 videos, fews Warlocks duels And Mage / Warlock 2v2 compo from the Mage PoV : Avaible here :

Wanna hit me up with an armory link? I'd like to check you out >_<
/petattack [target=mouseover]

Good for totems
Abcfear said:
/petattack [target=mouseover]

Good for totems

Thx ! that a supergood one. i'm gonna use it.

My Armu link : [char=eu-Les+Sentinelles]Sacrif%C3%ACce[/char]

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