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  1. Ruin queues lately

    I will be rolling my alliance twinks on ruin. Just after I finish the horde ones =P
  2. If you could have one spell or ability...

    Start spamming SS then /Cast Vanish /Cast Sap Bandage/other form of heal Start spamming SS again (lol).
  3. lvl 1 rogue

    What happened to the Sunstrider Axe? Horde only, but 1h Axe speed 3.5. Insane procs with instant attacks.
  4. @39's ... get to Nightfall asap

    Are there any guilds on 39 Nightfall Alliance side? Thanks.
  5. Level 1 rogue spice!

    I was thinking the exact same thing after I read the patch notes. Slow axe MH, Thrash OH, both with LS or Fiery (or Unholy w/new changes) = Insane procs :D
  6. Eu, where to go?

    When I get my account back (soon, hopefully) I might roll a 39 human rogue on Silvermoon. Edit: Just realized that US players can't play on EU servers without buying another WoW. Nvm then /facepalm.
  7. 1337

    The Pally's Spidersilk Drape isn't enchanted =P
  8. 100% crit chance :D

    Too bad you can't do this anymore. Level 80 Onyxia =\
  9. Battlegroup Activity

    Does Ruin also have 39 activity? If not, what's the best battlegroup for 39? Thanks.
  10. Level 10 2hander?

    Cool, now I have an excuse to roll a lv 10 twink and whack people with fishing poles.
  11. Rogue Question - Spec

    I was thinking to get 2/3 Imp gouge so that your gouge would last 5 sec. Gouge -> Stealth = Vanish? I need to test this out when I get the chance. Also, how does DR on sap and gouge work? Ty.
  12. Kitsunebi 70 rogue

    Wow =D 10/10 imo.
  13. Rouges at 19

    Why does everyone talk about fiery and overlook lifestealing?
  14. What is the best Battlegroup or server to go make a 39 horde twink on?

    Does Nightfall also have 10-19 activity? Thanks.
  15. 19 Rogue Hitcap

    If you use BoA shoulders, chest, and bow you'll be at an even 11. This allows you to substitute deviate scale belt for belt of the fang and switch gloves of the fang to the 4agy 4expertise ones (assuming you won't fight night elves).
  16. Best Rogue Spec for 19

    Just looked it up, won't exactly work. However, with the same spec it would be possible to: Sap -> Ambush -> Gouge -> Stealth -> etc.
  17. Best Rogue Spec for 19

    I was thinking something along the lines of: 3/3 Imp gouge 3/3 Imp stealth 2/2 Opportunity 2/3 Camo Sap -> Garrote w/o breaking sap -> Gouge -> Stealth (.5 sec window). Rinse and repeat, 1v1 only for people without a pet. That is, only if garrote doesn't break gouge.
  18. Rouges at 19

    My eyes burn.
  19. Fondest moments in 19s v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner This.
  20. 19 Rogue offhands?

    My understanding was that Battleworn Thrash Blade was second best in offhand (first being Shadowfang). Correct me if i'm wrong please, thanks.