Battlegroup Activity

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2014, 2015, & 2018 TC Champ
Well due to the patch that was just implemented (3.2.2) queues by default should be a little bit longer. I would like to know from anyone outside of the Ruin battlegroup what queues are like elsewhere. Ruin was able to run two WSGs at one time for a good hour and maintain one for a good while until the late hours.

Were any other battlegroups even able to get 10v10 in WSG?
In Nightfail we had 1 game going for about 3 hours, it was pretty much all the same people continuously queueing as soon as the previous game had ended though.
bloodlust gets them at prime time for australians almost all nights, and on weekends prime time us as well.

arenas are bad though
Kusakari said:
bloodlust gets them at prime time for australians almost all nights, and on weekends prime time us as well.

arenas are bad though

I'd love to go to bg9 if you got que's popin all night...

but manno is my home
Cyclone was still pretty active, we had consistent games most of the afternoon but the knee jerk reaction of "OMFG WE NEED TO GO TO RUIN TO TWINK!!!!!" mindset is costing us players and its starting to show . . . haven't seen one pop since 3.2.2
Well, i haven't played since.. august but i has a feeling that Emberstorm was unable to get 10v10 T_T

when i come back inc ruin transfer ;3
Whirlwind fails unless its during Prime Time... then theres still only like 2 games a hour.
canihascookie said:
Whirlwind fails unless its during Prime Time... then theres still only like 2 games a hour.

Whirlwind is dominated by Alliance and I've seen so many good Alli twinks make Horde toons just to get a bg to pop. We start 10 Alli vs 5 Horde, and usually end up 10 vs 3. Whirlwind fails.
Since patch day, Cyclone (US) hasn't gotten a single wsg to pop. Granted a few arenas here and there, but it's pretty minimal, and a lot of non-twinks are queueing up in them, It's really starting to bug me
Emberstorm is done, jail xfer to ruin with the rest of emberstorm, all the cool kids are doing it
Xiledtwink said:
Does Ruin also have 39 activity? If not, what's the best battlegroup for 39? Thanks.

RUIN has no 39 bgs, on mannoroth many 39's are gearing/leveling for 49 bracket than pay the xfer fee.

my two 39's are OP bank alts and farmers

to give you a idea of the fail que times, i logged my 39 druid and qued wsg/ab. i went on a herbing spree for briarthorn/swiftthistle for swiftness potions for my 19's. i farmed the mats for 160 swiftness potions. and fished for 52 firefin snappers then farmed 26 bruiseweed to make 26 minor accuracy potions. i never bothered to look at the clock when i logged
Xiledtwink said:
Does Ruin also have 39 activity? If not, what's the best battlegroup for 39? Thanks.

Nightfall is where the 39s hang out.
Tonkks said:
Emberstorm is done, jail xfer to ruin with the rest of emberstorm, all the cool kids are doing it

When i get my first job i plan on it. ^_^

(should be sometime late oct, or early nov)
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