19 Rogue Hitcap

its more if you want to be capped against nelfs.

Carry some minor accuracy pots on top of your normal +hit gear and you'll be fine.
Grunge said:
its more if you want to be capped against nelfs.

Carry some minor accuracy pots on top of your normal +hit gear and you'll be fine.

Im alliance, and I dont arena to much, so it should be ok, plus im thinking ill only be 1 under when i get all my gear
If you use BoA shoulders, chest, and bow you'll be at an even 11.

This allows you to substitute deviate scale belt for belt of the fang and switch gloves of the fang to the 4agy 4expertise ones (assuming you won't fight night elves).
using BoA bow + expertise gear should only be an additional gear set. in a normal BG a setup with throat piercer and agi/AP gear is superior in most cases.
Omgimarogue said:
its 15 against nelfs yes?

Sounds right. its an extra 2% miss chance they have.
5% no?

isnt it 5% which unless i'm mistaken is 10 hit. And for OH is it 15 hit rating to cap it? I dk i'm not specced to care about that anyways lol
It is 5%. BoA chest, shoulders and spidersilk cloak will cap you easily without sacrificing much. Allows you to get exp gloves and fang belt for more exp from the 3 set bonus.
Crilicilyn said:
isnt it 5% which unless i'm mistaken is 10 hit. And for OH is it 15 hit rating to cap it? I dk i'm not specced to care about that anyways lol

yes it is 5% which is actually 11 rating, 10 rating will get you 4.25% if i remember correct. OH is actually closer to 52 rating to cap it, but who cares about that, its only whites, amirite? As long as you have 11 rating all of your styles will hit unless you're fighting a nelf which you need 15 rating for.
well the hit cap is higher for PvE then PvP remember though the 5% we're going for is the pvp 1

as for NE's req.ing more hit i dk if you can get more from going higher since the hit rating is a cap right?

And totally who the hells gonna go over on hit to cap the OH but itd be funny all the same but im faily certain it isnt THT much hit rating to cap tht since its roughly 20% miss on OH or is it 20% miss overall on dual wielding? (read tht from blizz)
Yes my bad 4.25% is infact 9 rating, however you do need 11 rating to break 5%. Nobody ever endeavors to cap their OH, its lunacy. :)

5% is not a cap imposed by game mechanics, its just that getting anymore hit than this is useless for anything that its "capped" for i.e. anything other than nelfs. You can get more hit rating than 5% by just getting more hit rating (i hope i read your question correctly) and you need 7% to cap vs nelfs which equates to 15 hit rating.
yeah totally

Personally I love my setup and don't feel like swapping any gear to get 1 more hit rating or 2 more to break the cap. So yeah thanx man!

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