What is the best Battlegroup or server to go make a 39 horde twink on?

Is there anyone that can tell me the best server or battlegroup to have a horde on, and estimate the ratio winning streak. I have some experience but please tell me the truth. Well appreciated :)
I would say nightfall. We had 7 guilds running a 10 man last weeek. We are a little alliance heavy so horde teams usually get to always play in premades while some alliance have to sit out. If your looking for a good horde guild on Nightfall talk to Hargrove or Ohsodotdot on Gnomeregen or Sockdolager or Norfire on Undermine. Both run organized 10 mans againsts other guilds at least once a week.
Castrophy said:
I would say nightfall. We had 7 guilds running a 10 man last weeek. We are a little alliance heavy so horde teams usually get to always play in premades while some alliance have to sit out. If your looking for a good horde guild on Nightfall talk to Hargrove or Ohsodotdot on Gnomeregen or Sockdolager or Norfire on Undermine. Both run organized 10 mans againsts other guilds at least once a week.

^ this is completely correct. i <3 Hargrove and he has been active for years. my server used to be before i deactivated but all teh 39er transfered after i left... now i play 29 more.

there is also some true hardcore ally on nightfall so its fun and makes for friendly competition. i must say we do better tho. also it depends on your play times.
Nightfall, I'm rolling one there because I heard they all like pillows and are silly gooses (the liking pillows has yet to be confirmed...) But yeah, from the looks of it - Nightfall is the place to go
Cyclone might be better when it comes to arena, but I have no clue if that is true or not. Nightfall is the place if you want to play in ten mans, enjoy fast queues, and a large number of twinks.

I moved there about a month ago with my guild, and love it.
We should res more threads from July imo.

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