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  1. GM ticket trick question

    I recently did this on my twink Pexy. I was hacked and had all items destroyed. Upon my request to get the items restored the Gms did a static restore whereby all items in recent history are restored. However, many items came back without enchants (wranglers etc being blank). So i petitioned...
  2. You getting your SF

    Got first for 20g in vanilla and second 1k which i sold for 5k and 3rd for 2k, which i sold to ganki for 2k.
  3. Most $$ for a Shadofang?

    got my first free in Vanilla from a mate got and sold another for 3K mid-tbc
  4. Awesome mind reading thing

    i did Aeon Flux and he got it :P
  5. Double checking rogue race.

    Gnome all the way! You as a human is wrong
  6. Faction Change

    Get as many quests done you can. Get all the faction specific pets.. the 5s ones. you will make a lot of gold on these. Like shazz said get the faction specific gear. If you have a main get all the Boas, but if you are staying on the same server it doesnt really matter
  7. lvling fishing...need help

    i did 1-225 in Sw then to 350 or w/e im at now in Dala getting the Rat. You can gain levels anywhere.
  8. whats the meaning of life?

    to live long and prosper
  9. Scam or real??

    Its a scam. Blizzard will NEVER ask for personal information of this sort. I assume you have used this email address for another wow related reason, buying gold or w/e - its how they know who to contact. If in any doubt phone blizzard (dunno any number but the forums or mainsite will...
  10. Beasting? Rammstein all the way!
  11. tired of no BG action? try XP BGs instead... warry/pally

    Thanks for sharing Basil. I have been considering doing this (to a lesser extent to you) for a while. Aiming primarily for Boas and picking up a few BiS along the way. How did you find the Xp in the mid range brackets? post 70 the xp you gain in Av was on par with grinding, i hope its not the...
  12. Meadow ring of eluding anything worth?

    Sold one the other week for 200g on Al'akir
  13. Music Help this song is awsomes
  14. 19 Feral Druid

    Tbh its not needed to spec into feral. Most Fcs spec into Nature. I.e less mana cost for shapeshift and instant rage when form change. The armour contribution is nice but not needed to fc. Fcing is boring as hell. I suggest getting both Fc and healing gear so you can at least have a laugh
  15. new druid

    If you can get both TBJ and Inferno and get +4stats on Tbj and take your pick on Inferno, its down to how you will play. If you will play offensively you might want to consider the Hp buff or if you can keep a distance mana regen/mana might be the best option. Inferno robe is best overall. 19sp...
  16. Hunter: Loss of Target

    The target kills you
  17. Quit twinking

    flashbacks to you raging my rogue ^_^
  18. The "LEARN SOMETHING NEW" thread

    The Monarchy in the UK is considered above the law, and as such can grant immunity to another, albeit in an indirect manner. Many old laws are still in existence, although most are obsolete as they are overruled by statute law. It is against the law to die inside the houses of parliament...
  19. The "LEARN SOMETHING NEW" thread

    Lies Silver rhymes with chilver Orange with sporange Month with uneath Purple with Hirple Not in common use but words nonetheless There is something you can learn today:P these do have rhyming words in the English language
  20. yayyyy!

    So why do you want to stay awake 100hours? :S