ffs dude just post the website you're using and save people your endless triple and double posts.....

Sixty Amazing-but-True Facts!

i think thats what you used, yes?
Why the fuck would i do that? This isn't just for me to post here. This is for everyone to come together and to read some weird and cool shit.

If that's your case why dont you go to the IRL photo's thread and go 'Dude just put the website and stop making all these retarted posts.'

The three best-known western names in China: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley

The longest distance a deepwater lobster has been recorded to travel is 225 miles
Twinkzruz said:
The three best-known western names in China: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley

I'm fairly certain Michael Jackson would be up there, any chance you could post your source?

Also please avoid swearing in every post, it not only makes this an unpleasant environment but there are also younger players that may take offense.
Twinkzruz said:
Why the fuck would i do that? This isn't just for me to post here. This is for everyone to come together and to read some weird and cool shit.

lul umadbro?

my statement doesnt only apply to you, it applies to everyone. your posts are just the most frequent and the ones filled with the most obvious bullsh!t.

posting stuff isnt weird or cool when its a lie, durp.

there is plenty or weird/cool "shit that is perfectly true. GO FIND IT

and linking a page of say 'top 100 weird and cool shit thats true' would be better than you making 100 retarded posts for each scrap of info.

try harder bro, maybe start another thread to boost your post count?
... IF your not going to follow the topic of this thread, then why do you keep posting here?

And that would go against the meaning of this thread. And btw this is the Tavern.

And you don't need to call out EVERY single one of my posts by saying 'Oh no, that could and could not be true'

It costs about 3 cents to make a $1 bill in the United States

The Flintstones cartoon was the first thirty-minute cartoon to be aired during prime time

When Queen Elizabeth I of England died she owned over 3,000 gowns
Twinkzruz said:
... IF your not going to follow the topic of this thread, then why do you keep posting here?

And that would go against the meaning of this thread. And btw this is the Tavern.

And you don't need to call out EVERY single one of my posts by saying 'Oh no, that could and could not be true'

the meaning of the thread is to teach people fun little facts. lying does the opposite by making people look like retarded jackasses if they believe you blindly and then repeat it irl or anywhere for that matter. SO you are in fact going against your own thread by spreading lies.

yes, i know this is the tavern. that does not mean you can just lie & mislead at will b/c you want a higher post count.

i will continue to edit your asinine posts b/c you are not willing to do research or at least post sources. i will correct you when wrong to help everyone in the TI community from believing your lies.
The Monarchy in the UK is considered above the law, and as such can grant immunity to another, albeit in an indirect manner.

Many old laws are still in existence, although most are obsolete as they are overruled by statute law.

It is against the law to die inside the houses of parliament.

In the UK, a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants.

The queen actually decides who becomes Prime minister.

In the city of York, it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.

Edit. Falknor the words i mentioned before do exist but may not be in the dictionary as they more regional terms, although Sporange is used in microbiology or something cant quite remember what it was.
-Peco said:
Edit. Falkor* the words i mentioned before do exist but may not be in the dictionary as they more regional terms, although Sporange is used in microbiology or something cant quite remember what it was.

if they arent in the can they be defined as real words, they're just slang words. thats like saying mgurk is a real word b/c it has regional use.

sporange is:


1. In botany, the case or sac in plants in which the spores, which are equivalent to the seeds of flowering plants, are produced or carried. Also sporangium." (from a botany website).

sporange when pronounced correctly does not rhyme with orange, you dont say sp-orange you say spor-Ange is in spor-Angium.

"Neither of the two pronunciations of SPORANGE in Webster's Third New International Dictionary would qualify as a rhyme"

"(The ending sounds of sporange and orange are similar, but not identical.)"

from Does Sporange rhyme with Orange?
I'm not lying. Because you are stating things that are untrue aswell, without sources? I'm not the only one who might be spreading faulty info. And not all of them are false, if any.

Seniors who drink a cup of coffee before a memory test score higher than those who drink a cup of decaffeinated coffee
The letter J does not appear anywhere on the periodic table of the elements

People living on the east coast prefer creamy peanut butter, while people living on the west coast prefer chunky peanut butter

the youngest pope was 11 years old
Twinkzruz said:
I'm not lying. Because you are stating things that are untrue aswell, without sources? I'm not the only one who might be spreading faulty info. And not all of them are false, if any.

i have not made one untrue statement. you are blinded by ignorance. good day sir. I SAID GOOD DAY SIR!

all the ones i corrected were false. any that i left were either correct or i didnt feel like correcting you further.

i already said you arent the only spreader of misinformation, i just said you post the most times and are correct the least amount. so you are the easy correction target. and its "your" thread, of any poster you should follow the rules.
... I'm posting things that i find. Im not posting things that i know. Because thats common sence most facts that people dont need to look up to know.

And im sure that some of the things you have used to correct me were from the internet aswell. The same pool that i got my information.

Walt Disney had originally suggested using the name Mortimer Mouse instead of Mickey Mouse

Native Americans used to use pumpkin seeds for medicine

The spray WD-40 got its name because there were forty attempts needed before the creation of the "water displacing" substance
Twinkzruz said:
The letter J does not appear anywhere on the periodic table of the elements

People living on the east coast prefer creamy peanut butter, while people living on the west coast prefer chunky peanut butter

the youngest pope was 11 years old

1. ok...thats obvious to anyone with eyes and that has taken a science class. moving on.

2. rash sweeping generalizations/stereotypes, hmm...neat facts brew.

3. the youngest pop was 12 years old. pope benoît IX, elected in 1032

whoooo whooo, all aboard the twinkzruz failboat!!!!
Stereotypes? That wasn't a stereotype it was a poll that was taken by sales that were concluded in stores on both sides.

That people living on the east coast purchased creamy peanut butter, while people living on the west coast purchased more chunky peanut butter

Contrary to popular beliefs, chocolate does not cause acne

The average life span of a single red blood cell is 120 days

The watch was invented by Peter Henlein of Nuremberg in 1510.

Crayola is a French word that means "Oily chalk."

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