Meadow ring of eluding anything worth?

Dodge got nerfed so its not worth much, maybe good for one slot backstrafing NE druids but there are alot more BiS.
Andraklas7 said:
not even worth a shot on AH?.. i just got so happy it dropped :(

Well, if you want you can put in on the AH. Still, IMO, it's better for an alt leveling OR an alternative ring slot for 19 rogues.
50-150g I'd grab one just for a loldodge set.
Um.. If noone noticed. But this ring has been removed from the Blizzard Loot Logs. It is impossible to drop anymore. Troll get lost.
Twinkzruz said:
Um.. If noone noticed. But this ring has been removed from the Blizzard Loot Logs. It is impossible to drop anymore. Troll get lost.

I doubt this. Why would somone make a post like this.
Why would any item get removed from loot logs??

I've seen shields of arcane damage, cross bows of spirit. Those haven't been removed (although VERY useless) and i continuously see them pop up on the AH.

Same goes for the meadow ring of eluding. I see them on countless servers whenever i feel like playing the AH.
Yes there are still a few unequiped rings of Eluding that still go on the AH. Most from people that don't know the truth about them. But yes, they were removed from the loot logs. They no-longer drop in the game, but they are still there. You just cant get any more from mobs.
Cite a source?

This looks exactly like your "Learn Something New" thread. You posted a bunch of BS and didn't cite any sources. Turns out, half the crap you posted was false. Until I see a source proving that Meadow Ring of Eluding no longer drops, I won't believe you.
Hard to imagine that this is the kid that applied for Moderator and truly believed he had a chance at it.

fake edit: Successful troll is successful.
I didn't get it because ive bitched to many times on this forum. And so what? Doesn't mean i care about one person that dislikes me. There are way more people on here that trust my judgment and get help from some of my posts that im not flaming in. And if i really wanted to. I could get a position here, or anywhere for that matter.
This site is for the distribution of useful information, it would be nice to know for sure if the eluding ring really doesn't drop anymore. Cite a source pls?
These Things were the shit back in the day,

I had a 19 Dodge Rogue before they fucked dodge % conversions over,

Sat at around 70% Dodge Unbuffed, was ridiculously fun.

Anyway, Ive farmed these rings from Stockades, Had one drop from a chest in SFK, and so on. This wasnt recently however, So im not sure if they are still dropped. But I Cant see why they wouldnt be, I found a 2/3 meadow ring of the monkey, like last week. Would they really just remove the Eludings? why not all?.

On another note, I picked one up on the AH for 2g, not long ago, Re- sold for 900G , Probably to a Rogue who doesnt realise how much their worth has dropped :rolleyes:
Twinkzruz said:
Um.. If noone noticed. But this ring has been removed from the Blizzard Loot Logs. It is impossible to drop anymore. Troll get lost.

rofl.. come and trade me in-game on Draenor EU and I show you it still exist buddy ;) hahah.

and it dropped like 10 mins before I made this post yesterday!! ehm your the troll;):rolleyes:;):rolleyes:

so. shall I try with 50g ? and theres loads of 19 twinks on draenor btw :p

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