Search results

  1. Who do you like/respect most in this bracket?

    On Topic: I havent played much here, but I cant fault the REAL winners of this bracket... the people like Destro and Vanilla who create the community. Off Topic: If you really queue double BrM then your opinion will always be void. That is just the way it is.
  2. 29 Arms War Help

    sorry to interrupt your incredibly insightful discussion. how is arms performing against fury and perhaps, prot?
  3. is SF BiS for anyone anymore?

    thanks for your replies. On a Brewmaster, what you you prefer to use?
  4. is SF BiS for anyone anymore?

    Would it, for example, be more efficient to use SF MH and loom offhand? trying to remember if MH procs more often than OH because of miss chance,
  5. is SF BiS for anyone anymore?

    With all the changes, do heirlooms surpass SF in all scenarios?
  6. Revival.

    ill queue at some point, Lenymo - Warlock Horde
  7. Kebab Shop

    Chilli or garlic sauce mate?
  8. Kebab Shop

    Whispered ingame. Im up for this
  9. Hand of the Betrayer: Level 70 Twinking Guild - Argent Dawn Horde

    Thank you for clearing that up, in all honesty... I am only interested in the HC raider rank. is there a place for a warlock?
  10. Tips to gear a 70 Frost/Unholy DK?

    With death siphon being removed from dks at level 70.... is it worth me rolling one at all? considering a DK at 70
  11. Hand of the Betrayer: Level 70 Twinking Guild - Argent Dawn Horde

    Hey, I am interested in this, I raided TBC in its entirety when it was current content but I am slightly dissuaded in leveling a character with a playstyle I enjoy only to find a key ability or spell has been given the ban hammer. Please could you either private message me or publish a refined...
  12. Aggramar EU will be having some 29s soon

    Fairly sure I have an old 29 warrior from Clumsy Bludgeoning on aggrammar on a seperate account
  13. 85 Shadow Priest?

    Alright cheers guys. Lets say im going shadow. stacking Stam the best answer? ive went and got 90% of the blues i need.
  14. 85 Shadow Priest?

    Tiyuri @ Defias Brotherhood - Community - World of Warcraft this is an old priest of mine, worth making it shadow or is it poor at 85?
  15. Hatred of the F2P players

    Interesting idea for a metaphor except washing dishes doesnt really affect anybody else but you. A closer analogy of the f2p vs 24 bracket would be more in line with; Every time I try and wash my dishes, some guy with an electric dishwasher (which does all the hard work for him) keeps...
  16. Random Thanks

    Was minding my own business in Goldshire today on my F2P character and stumbled across a couple of crossrealm Gurubashi Surf Club members. After a small hello (and perhaps a vent from me concerning the queue times as dps) one of them relogged, threw me a group invite and proceeded to help me...
  17. How is 24 bracket nowadays? Really oldschool twinker here

    Its a difficult situation 24's would have zero pops without F2P's. F2P's are twinking their characters to be the most powerful they can be within the limitations of their accounts.
  18. How is 24 bracket nowadays? Really oldschool twinker here

    I think thats pretty subjective. I played twinking as did many others to seek out other twinks and best them, not to flatten the masses of less adequate players. However, I know a lot of people did twink for this sole purpose and I cant refute that. What i originally asked though was, why is...
  19. How is 24 bracket nowadays? Really oldschool twinker here

    Appreciate the honesty.