Hand of the Betrayer: Level 70 Twinking Guild - Argent Dawn Horde

Guild Leadership has been given to me.
Nothing in the guild will change though. Well, except the amount of members, who still are increasing as i write this! :)
Guild Leadership has been given to me.
Nothing in the guild will change though. Well, except the amount of members, who still are increasing as i write this! :)

Hey, I am interested in this, I raided TBC in its entirety when it was current content but I am slightly dissuaded in leveling a character with a playstyle I enjoy only to find a key ability or spell has been given the ban hammer.

Please could you either private message me or publish a refined list of all character limitations.

Thank you so much.
Hey, I am interested in this, I raided TBC in its entirety when it was current content but I am slightly dissuaded in leveling a character with a playstyle I enjoy only to find a key ability or spell has been given the ban hammer.

Please could you either private message me or publish a refined list of all character limitations.

Thank you so much.

Hey there :) We'll not go with any character limitations, but if we decide to do so in the future, then it will most likely be on the current top dps classes in this bracket. These are Hunters, Rogues, Warriors (our tanks mainly) and maybe shadow priests. We might also just stick to having said classes given a certain talent; the one with least dps. In this case it would arms, combat/subt (debatable) etc.

There will never be restrictions to our two other raid teams - ICC Raider and Normal Raider. These can do as they please, as long as they agree with the rules covering every rank, as well as if they attend what they sign up to. Same goes with the PvPers by the way (having a RBG team running soon - lead by Celqis and Excpl)

Please add me on btag: Zitalin#2772 :)
Thank you for clearing that up, in all honesty... I am only interested in the HC raider rank.

is there a place for a warlock?
Thank you for clearing that up, in all honesty... I am only interested in the HC raider rank.

is there a place for a warlock?

Definately :) Be aware that we currently got most raid events on hold due to the exams happening in this month. You should have plenty of time to level then though ;)
I might come back to the guild as a passive officer, however the certainty of this decision isn't set in stone yet.

Hello guys!

I am out of the game for quite a long time and now, with all the excitement about upcoming expansion, honestly, all I can think of now is nostalgia of TBC raiding.

Is it even possible to join your guild when my toons sit at the Burning Legion realm? If so, I am likely to renew my subscription ;) I would really love to join your squad!
My 'main' 70lv is shammy with SWP/BT gear for both enh and resto. Got also prot/holy pally with also SWP/BT gear.

Looking forward to hear from you!

Otczyk @ Burning Legion - Community - World of Warcraft
Eschaton @ Burning Legion - Community - World of Warcraft
Hello guys!

I am out of the game for quite a long time and now, with all the excitement about upcoming expansion, honestly, all I can think of now is nostalgia of TBC raiding.

Is it even possible to join your guild when my toons sit at the Burning Legion realm? If so, I am likely to renew my subscription ;) I would really love to join your squad!
My 'main' 70lv is shammy with SWP/BT gear for both enh and resto. Got also prot/holy pally with also SWP/BT gear.

Looking forward to hear from you!

Otczyk @ Burning Legion - Community - World of Warcraft
Eschaton @ Burning Legion - Community - World of Warcraft

Hello! :) Apparently Argent Dawn isn't linked to other servers, which means you can't join the guild unless you're on the same server as us. We can invite you to cross-realm raiding, but you'll be 2nd prio when it comes to invites, as guild members always will be first priority when we raid :)
Hello! :) Apparently Argent Dawn isn't linked to other servers, which means you can't join the guild unless you're on the same server as us. We can invite you to cross-realm raiding, but you'll be 2nd prio when it comes to invites, as guild members always will be first priority when we raid :)

Well, then I will have to start a new character at Argent Dawn :) However before I hit 70, I'd love to switch to shammy/pally just for raids :)

What class/specc you lack the most?

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