How is 24 bracket nowadays? Really oldschool twinker here

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Hey, old twinker here (vanilla++ with 10+ twinks in 29,39,49 bracket) Ive seen theres something happening, people saying theres good queuepops atm in EU 20-24.
They stopped happening when they made xp off a few years ago, so it died back then.
That correct, its alright now?

In that case i have a couple of questions:
1. Wheres the most active hordeguild?
2. Whats winratios? WSG/AB? Is it about 50/50 or does horde usually win?
3. Best classes? I've heard its priest, hunter and druid (much like it was in 29 a few years ago, except rogue a bit weaker than before?)

Hoping for some good answers, i love twinking low lvl chars and always thought it was too bad they died.
Im enjoying 90's arenas too, got some 2k achis, but its nice with a change.
Cancer, cancer, cancer, cancer.

doesnt matter what anyone says (im from a f2p/p2p perspective) too many hunters/rogue/paladins/w/e fotm class for this bracket to require any skill. faggots/dickheads think theres skill involved and coming from a 19s background. there isnt any at all. no sportsman ship.

Paladins HoJ you 1v6, druids speed pot, Nelf rogue will meld anything, hunters keep pet abilties on auto cast, paladins will bubble anything, HKs> Objectives, Camping is normal. Spanish will give you cancer, 24 guild premades will report you afk for disagreeing with them, no one cares about fair play, dont play, you will get cancer.

ermm yeah, play a half geared toon for lolz or on a casual otherwise if you play srs you will get aids/cancer/herps or w/e


P.S Cancer
Hey, old twinker here (vanilla++ with 10+ twinks in 29,39,49 bracket) Ive seen theres something happening, people saying theres good queuepops atm in EU 20-24.
They stopped happening when they made xp off a few years ago, so it died back then.
That correct, its alright now?

In that case i have a couple of questions:
1. Wheres the most active hordeguild?
2. Whats winratios? WSG/AB? Is it about 50/50 or does horde usually win?
3. Best classes? I've heard its priest, hunter and druid (much like it was in 29 a few years ago, except rogue a bit weaker than before?)

Hoping for some good answers, i love twinking low lvl chars and always thought it was too bad they died.
Im enjoying 90's arenas too, got some 2k achis, but its nice with a change.

Cancer man, he is right, a lot of people don't twink PuG for a few reasons and focus on high end competitive aspects like Arenas and Premades, and gearing in general. Low level twinking is getting more attention from a varied of sources, Blizz, (if indirectly) but streamers and big tournaments as well are happening. 10 years of end game and twinking and I have never seen low level brackets like this, even in BC. Never been a better time to get into twinking.

Be wary, ye that disagree be bound to inflame thy thread xD
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Pretty shit bracket, as mentioned previously.


- Pops 24/7

- Easy to level to 20-24 and gear


- Most people roll FotM (hunters/rogues) and they are pretty much uncounterable on some classes. Prepare to see at least 70% of teams you consisting of rogues/hunters. Rest 30% are more often than not protpaladins/restodruids/24s.

- Big amount of GY farming and griefing

- No sportsmanship unless it's a f2p premade vs f2p premade

- Lots of 24 premades

- Really shitty balance. You are bound to rage numerous times every day if you keep on queueing. (f2p hunters/rogues global you, 24 any class globals you. Healers are weak. Protection warrs/paladins do more damage than some dps classes.)

- Lots of spanish players. This wouldn't be a problem, but most of them don't speak english and have a low skill level (as do most other people in the bracket)

- Average skill level is shit (as the majority of the bracket consists of trial toons, or shitty 24s seeking enjoyment in grieving and farming shitty trials)

- Teamplay/communication is usually quite bad

- F2P tryhards will give you shit and stereotype you as a retarded keyturner even if you're decent. They like to fill a lot of f2p section threads with f2p vs p2p shit, and some even enjoy coming to the 20-24 section to unleash their anger towards p2ps.

- Majority of the bracket seem mentally challenged / 12y/o
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However, if you still want to join this shit bracket <Somalian pirate crew> on SS horde is the most active.
its fun sure can be bursty but i run into alot of tough games over her ein the us maybe eu is slacking in the 24s but us has tough tinks
It's no longer called twinking.....that word has lost it's value and its meaning in this bracket.
F2Ps aren't twinking, 24 are.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Any evidence to support this statement?

My counter argument would be that in the f2p bracket, it is the f2p's who are in the spirit of twinking.

and 24's are for those who twink for the wrong reason, to shit on players who have a huge disadvantage.

Maybe its just me but whenever I see some 24 decked out twink I just think about 19 mouth-breathing hunters and rogues back in the day killing white geared players at the graveyard
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of low level PvP in locked XP bracket being something fairly competitive and as balanced, gear wise as possible, that's fun and I enjoy it.

But that isn't what twinking was, and that's not why I have my 24.

I think thats pretty subjective.

I played twinking as did many others to seek out other twinks and best them, not to flatten the masses of less adequate players.

However, I know a lot of people did twink for this sole purpose and I cant refute that.

What i originally asked though was, why is f2p not twinking if 24 is?
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