Hatred of the F2P players

Can moderators / Shane start doing something about the constant stream of shit in 90% of the threads I read, caused by f2p players who have so much anger towards p2p players that they simply can not control their feeling and shut the fuck up. Literally every thread I go to f2p, 20-24, and recently even the 25-29 section, evolves into a shitstorm about p2ps and f2ps and how it's unfair how p2ps have enchants and stuff.

Sure, there's a major difference between a f2p and p2p player, I get it. Sure, it sucks a dick to queue into a 5man 24 premade or get globalled by a backpedalling pay-to-win. I get it, it happens every now and then to anyone who plays this bracket. Now, I personally am not too fond of washing dishes IRL myself. Do I bitch about it all day every day on forums? Do I hate people who happened to have the money and bought an electronic dishwasher? No. I either keep washing those dishes as it's a costless way of getting your dishes clean, or get some money and buy a dishwasher. Simple as that.

I'm sick and tired of seeing this shitstorm of f2p vs p2p in every damn thread, it never gets anywhere, it never solves any problems, it never makes for an enjoyable and informative read. I'm fairly certain that such a shitstorm is bound to happen in this thread aswell. Hopefully not, though.

I'd like to link another thread, it's stickied in the 20-24 section, I hope you'll take your time and read this through: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f40/read-before-posting-26079/

I really hope the administration team will look into this and tighten their policy on handing out bans and infractions for harrasing, and above everything else I hope the users of this forum start acting less cuntlike. Probably wont be posting in this thread much as I feel like there's not much I have to add to what I've already said.

Mesi over and out, thanks if you bothered to read this far.

EDIT: This obviously does not concern every f2p player as most of them behave very nicely, so don't let this post get into your feelings if you're one of the good guys ;)
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p2p bads

ps: id like to see you make a topic to enforce some aggresive anti-trolling rules also. Trust me, forums will be much cleaner and nice to read.

le: waiting....
l2: still waiting...
l3: tired of waiting, troll topic spotted. I'd suggest mods close it.
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well said (written).

moaning isn't going to change anything. If people need to vent i would suggest writing your nonsensical gibberish in an email to yourself, waiting for the nerd rage to subside and then see if you really want to read the pointless idiocy you spew
Interesting idea for a metaphor except washing dishes doesnt really affect anybody else but you.

A closer analogy of the f2p vs 24 bracket would be more in line with;

Every time I try and wash my dishes, some guy with an electric dishwasher (which does all the hard work for him) keeps ruining my dishes, effectively making my job impossible.
see if you really want to read the pointless idiocy you spew

Yes, yes I do.

@ No one.

You can not have a discussion with them, I've tried. Yes yes, I'm a troll, I know it and you know it. But try to have a real conversation and they revert to name calling.

If you want me to see things your way "lol you bad I good" is not the way. I will just ignore and poke fun.
Now, I personally am not too fond of washing dishes IRL myself. Do I bitch about it all day every day on forums? Do I hate people who happened to have the money and bought an electronic dishwasher? No. I either keep washing those dishes as it's a costless way of getting your dishes clean, or get some money and buy a dishwasher. Simple as that.

Fuck i am f2p but have a dishwasher... Mesi dont fuck with me brainz.

Actually I like 1-3 p2p in BGs. If you are fully geared a "common" f2p is no longer a real threat so in terms of challenge I do apprechiate p2p.
@ above posted don't bring that shit in here.

@op strong thread friend.

everyone shut the fuck up about f2p vs p2p. the same arguments from both sides have been posted daily for the past 2 years i've been on these boards and it never amounts to anything. you're not going to "goad" them into playing f2p by calling them bad or saying they can't hang at max level. it just brings down the quality of the forums for everyone involved. see you all in the gulch :)
This is OUR section and OUR bracket. You don't like the hatred GTFO of our section as we are allowed to say whatever we want (as long as it doesn't break the CoC) in our own subsection. If you don't like F2Ps feeling entitled to their opinion go to a different bracket? We make this bracket possible, you make this game possible HOWEVER there are many different brackets in this game yet you chose to come to the one we made possible. If you came to our bracket and have severe advantages compared to us then expect to be resented and frustrated at. If you don't like that frustration don't bg (seeing majority of bgs are composed of F2Ps) and stay in your OWN forum (where I do agree you should be safe of F2P hate).

This is NOT saying the BITCHING isn't annoying. It's quite annoying seeing a thread every other day about a topic just to completely bitch about something. I.E. inub posting a thread every other day moaning about hunters. Idc if I main a hunter or if I mained a mage, that is simply annoying. I recently had a short talk with [MENTION=10751]Apnea[/MENTION] about the F2P vs P2P debate. It wasn't a bitch fest, it wasn't a flame war, it wasn't degrading towards anyone. Guess what?! It was a simple discussion where both sides treated each other with decency and explained their point. F2P vs P2P DEBATES are ok imo, however sadly this forum mostly just knows how to bitch and insult each other like children and yo mama jokes.

P.S. mods if you are actually reading this pointless thread PLEASE do something about the CONSTANT 3-5 people that ruin every single thread with their offtopic bitching. That is where your attention should be not a P2P coming into the F2P section telling F2Ps how to act
Lil is correct.

I sorta wanted to agree with you, but couldn't, for multiple reasons.

You're complaining about a non-issue in terms of this section. The free to play section doesn't have a lot of random bitching. It does have debates, and it does have threads specific to bitching where people bitch. But there just aren't flame wars in this section

Your example with the dishwasher was completely retarded. You purposefully excluded the fact that p2p twinks have a negative effect on f2p twinks in order to make you seem like less of the bad guy. And you made it seem like the solution was buying the game, but that's not the reason many of us don't play p2p-geared twinks. Many of us (myself included) have p2p accounts. Your "solution" just makes the game not challenging or interesting for me, and even less challenging and interesting for those around me. I'm sure, however, you know this, and it just slipped through your mind when you were writing your very not biased post.

As far as the 20-24 section, yep, people go there and flame p2p twinks, pretty often. That is a real issue. If you had limited your complaints to that section, I would agree.

And while I hate bitching as much as anyone, if 90% of the threads you read are turning into shit-fests, then you just don't read this section very often. The discourse is very on-task and relevant, far more than 10% of the time.

I think a lot of people agree with the general intent of your post but you seriously over-broadened the scope of it.

tl;dr what lil said but less angry
Did you not read any of my post or just miss this part?

you dont understand it, even though you mention the f2p hate in the p2p section youre still mad about p2p trolling in the
f2p section. so now again for you:

if you want less trolls here, better ask your morally superior (thanks to achmed for this one) f2ps to stop crying in the p2p section. I wrote down the 3 names, feel free to pm them.
This is OUR section and OUR bracket. You don't like the hatred GTFO of our section as we are allowed to say whatever we want (as long as it doesn't break the CoC) in our own subsection. If you don't like F2Ps feeling entitled to their opinion go to a different bracket? We make this bracket possible, you make this game possible HOWEVER there are many different brackets in this game yet you chose to come to the one we made possible. If you came to our bracket and have severe advantages compared to us then expect to be resented and frustrated at. If you don't like that frustration don't bg (seeing majority of bgs are composed of F2Ps) and stay in your OWN forum (where I do agree you should be safe of F2P hate).

Absolutely agree. In the end, this section is called "F2P Twinking" and if people, who enjoy exactly this part of wow, want to rage over p2ps in most of the threads out here, then let them have it. I support the idea, that this raging should only happen in this section on the forum. P2ps who want to join the discussion (as soon as an actual discussion happens here) are of course invited, but others who dont have the time and patience to do so, should not be forced into it.
The same thing applies to p2ps whining about raging f2ps in the F2P Twinking section btw! Start this thread over in the 20-24 section and any f2p who wants to say something, is going to. But please dont bother me or other people like me who dont want to hear about your issues with f2p rage, Mesi.
Also keep in mind, there are more or less informative threads out here, that are worth reading where p2ps cover a minor part of the topics at max.
And most importantly, because of the fact, that f2ps cant post on the official forums, it is why every type of possible flaming thread is compiled here. So dont be surprised, if your one single thread is not making any difference.
I agree with Lil on this one. There is room for civilized debate. Treating each other with respect regardless of the conflict between your opinions is absolutely paramount.

In my opinion, the F2P/P2P situation is a classic example of two sides needing each other.

Free to Plays aren't providing any actual money to the game, so Pay to Play accounts (which may or may not include P2P 20's/24's, who make up a very small amount of Blizzard's financial security) cover the expenses, so to speak.

Pay to Play Accounts in the Trial bracket rely on Free to Plays to make up the bulk of the population of the bracket. Queue times would be like any other Experience Locked bracket without trials (read: miserable).

There is room for debate in regards to what constitutes fairness, and by all means tackle that topic. But do so respectfully, please. Otherwise it's just a flame-war and your opinion gets added to the large (Huge) [Gargantuan] stack of Screaming Voices.
I agree with Lil on this one. There is room for civilized debate. Treating each other with respect regardless of the conflict between your opinions is absolutely paramount.

In my opinion, the F2P/P2P situation is a classic example of two sides needing each other.

Free to Plays aren't providing any actual money to the game, so Pay to Play accounts (which may or may not include P2P 20's/24's, who make up a very small amount of Blizzard's financial security) cover the expenses, so to speak.

Pay to Play Accounts in the Trial bracket rely on Free to Plays to make up the bulk of the population of the bracket. Queue times would be like any other Experience Locked bracket without trials (read: miserable).

There is room for debate in regards to what constitutes fairness, and by all means tackle that topic. But do so respectfully, please. Otherwise it's just a flame-war and your opinion gets added to the large (Huge) [Gargantuan] stack of Screaming Voices.

Your whole point falls into water when a p2p's chooses to play under f2p restrictions.

What happens then ?
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This is OUR section and OUR bracket. You don't like the hatred GTFO of our section as we are allowed to say whatever we want (as long as it doesn't break the CoC) in our own subsection. If you don't like F2Ps feeling entitled to their opinion go to a different bracket? We make this bracket possible, you make this game possible HOWEVER there are many different brackets in this game yet you chose to come to the one we made possible. If you came to our bracket and have severe advantages compared to us then expect to be resented and frustrated at. If you don't like that frustration don't bg (seeing majority of bgs are composed of F2Ps) and stay in your OWN forum (where I do agree you should be safe of F2P hate).

This is NOT saying the BITCHING isn't annoying. It's quite annoying seeing a thread every other day about a topic just to completely bitch about something. I.E. inub posting a thread every other day moaning about hunters. Idc if I main a hunter or if I mained a mage, that is simply annoying. I recently had a short talk with [MENTION=10751]Apnea[/MENTION] about the F2P vs P2P debate. It wasn't a bitch fest, it wasn't a flame war, it wasn't degrading towards anyone. Guess what?! It was a simple discussion where both sides treated each other with decency and explained their point. F2P vs P2P DEBATES are ok imo, however sadly this forum mostly just knows how to bitch and insult each other like children and yo mama jokes.

P.S. mods if you are actually reading this pointless thread PLEASE do something about the CONSTANT 3-5 people that ruin every single thread with their offtopic bitching. That is where your attention should be not a P2P coming into the F2P section telling F2Ps how to act

Nice reply, your P.S. is off though...( the attention part )
Your whole point falls into water when a p2p's chooses to play under f2p restrictions.

What happens then ?

I'm not really sure how that affects my point.

A P2P playing with F2P restrictions would still be a P2P in that they're supporting the game and allowing (in perhaps an extremely minimal way) for the F2P bracket to exist.

How you gear has nothing to do with your impact on the game or the bracket, outside of class balance.

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