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  1. Misunderstanding of 'twinks'

    old news is old
  2. Best Class Race combo's in cata?

    As soon as I saw that Gobbies could roll as warlocks with a blink racial I got a little giddy, imagine getting feared twice and just as you get out of range of that nasty drain life they blink right up to you and do it all again :D
  3. rogue fc set

    ^^^^^^ what he said.
  4. Fund Me? - just renewed

    Hey-o I have been out of the twinking scene since the patch when xp was able to be turned off and recently I have been yearning to come back. I had to quit for personal real life reasons before but now that I am back want to jump right back into twinking! I do have an 80 and 4 other twinks but...
  5. We've tried and tried

    link the thread
  6. BaR or new 2h mace for warrior dps?

    on a warrior (14 armor pen total) its about 17.65% dmg increase, vs a normal FC (1.4k armor) its about 9%
  7. where is everybody?

    yes your all alone :D
  8. Rogues, describe your 3.2 WSG experiences.

    One of my good friends is working on this on his rogue at the moment: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner he's in the process of aquiring/farming the AP greens right now :) and just looking at that AP I am thinking he will be a crazy good cherry picker. The 7...
  9. All Brackets should join Ruin

    Yeah everyone should join Ruin :D then I don't have to transfer any of my characters :P
  10. Rolling with the punches

    :D love 100% debuff on the EFC when I am on my druid, I swap out to my GC gear and pop into stealth to get myself close to the EFC, drop a Starfire/Moonfire combo then pop 4397. (ignore the 1Hr CD if you use this for 1 of your sets of gear it has huge potential) I usually go for zerker...
  11. Hunters too overpowered? Again?

    :p:p:p LOL saw 3 hunters from the same guild with AotC on today, was funny as hell when I Judged 1st, AA'ed the 2nd, and then Judged the 3rd. By the time there combined DPS got me down to 70ish HP my bubble was up & my healer noticed the fight. I think I love AotC @ 19 bracket, so many...
  12. Anyone want to?

    I would be willing to make a new character {Sham/Druid/Priest/Pally/Warr} either 19/29/39 bracket for PvP or PvE, I am bored on my server atm with the low to non-existent twink community during the days/afternoons.
  13. Priest Weapons..

    22984 + 6341 imo :) w/ 22int **unless you plan to bg with a few druid/shams then I say grab the 30sp (mana conservation mode focus on more DPS)
  14. Rogues, describe your 3.2 WSG experiences.

    I was on my 19 rogue and didn't see any real problems to be honest... Maybe its my play style but I am a very heavy cherry picker (I stay close/inside to the enemy base to cut off reinforcements/find EFC etc) and find it only slightly more challenging to pick off singles/stragglers.
  15. 29 balance druid? or is that a myth....

    @rishi: I have a rogue and pally I BG with :) pally acts as meat shield w/ his high armor (prot/holy) and rogue either sap/ambush or energy dumps on the target, if the hunter is smart and does try to come for me past the pally I simply pop into cat and dash in an oval shape out of his range but...
  16. 29 balance druid? or is that a myth....

    My dwood, still a work in progress & in my resto spec, but even still my Starfire easily hits for 557 Crits 410 Normal :) + my Rejuv ticks for 145ish, HT 500ish (Glyphed for 1 sec cast), Regrow goes for 400ish then ticks for 70ish. EDIT: I should probably mention that's not my normal gear lol!
  17. Protadin/Healadin [Critique Wanted]

    I was watching a duel between my 2 friends (pally/hunter) and my pally friend was prot spec like I intend to go, but he was wearing 2231 w/ 16242 on it (or was it 150 mana....) he had 1.2k HP 2k Mana and utterly raped the hunter, is this a viable option over the Tree Bark in my Healadin set?
  18. Protadin/Healadin [Critique Wanted]

    Intend to get 1 for FC, I will try swapping it out for a BoA trinket and see which I prefer, thanks.
  19. Protadin/Healadin [Critique Wanted]

    So I have been playing in the 19 bracket for a while now (usually played in the 29/39 brackets) and made a few 19 twinks (Hunter/Priest/Rogue/Druid) to test out what I would be comfortable with and enjoy playing. My final choice ended up to be a pally (FC) :) my only problem is I am used to...
  20. BoA Gun vs Venom bow

    42946 Scaled to 19 it has +5 AP +1 Hit/Crit Hands down I think its the best just for the +5 AP alone the hit and crit are just bonus to that imo. Plus if you really fancy yourself a good hunter (arguable seeing as most hunters classify themselves as "good") you should have a couple weapon...