Best Class Race combo's in cata?

What do you guys think will be a good class race combo in cata?

I'm thinking the following

Tauren paladins will be good due to the double stun and will potentially have the ability to stun lock kill especially with bombs and the extra attack of crusader strike. An attack sequence with a burst potential of 1000 in 2 seconds followed by two stuns and another round of burst should bring paladins back up to par.

Worgen druids and rogues will be nasty too due to the proposed worgen sprint racial ability (two sprints for rogues = good)

Goblin's, which are proposed to get a 30yard leap or fire-rockets from belt (same cooldown you chose), should be good for any class but especially gives hunters a VERY easy way to get ranged on someone, no more back pedalling instead just goblin leap then turn around (this might be the end of twinking as we know it). Other interesting goblin combinations include CC mages, shamans???

Human hunters might be intersting if they go with double haste trinkets but I think goblin will be the choice for hunters.
I think every race will get new or somewhat new racials soo its hard to know what will be best.
Tauren pala, double stun+crusader strike=over powered!
goblin warrs will be retarded at high levels tot will be crazy.

and hunters will be able to just get the heck out of any situation they please.
Grunge said:
goblin warrs will be retarded at high levels tot will be crazy.

and hunters will be able to just get the heck out of any situation they please.

goblin warriors will be pretty good nothing like going 60 yards in like 1-2 seconds, Leap-charge-hamstrings. good call on that one.

Just out of curiosity, can I faction change into a new race?

Ne Warrior > Goblin

UD Rogue > Worgen?
I think you will be able to, but you will have to wait a couple months for race changes (so 80's cant change into a worgen, and get "first level 85 worgen") etc etc
As soon as I saw that Gobbies could roll as warlocks with a blink racial I got a little giddy, imagine getting feared twice and just as you get out of range of that nasty drain life they blink right up to you and do it all again :D
Leath said:
As soon as I saw that Gobbies could roll as warlocks with a blink racial I got a little giddy, imagine getting feared twice and just as you get out of range of that nasty drain life they blink right up to you and do it all again :D

Or, you're being chases for a while on your warlock, so you teleport back to your summoning circle (this doesn't relate to twinks ... but), they finally catch up, and you rocket away form them xD
I don't think the leap will be anywhere close to a blink though, I think it may look more like the DK pet leap and it definately won't break CC.
The Goblin racial is definitely interesting.

I wouldn't bank on the Tauren Stun joining with Pally Stun to be anything game breaking yet. Blizz is downsizing the rogue stunlock so they could potentially put the Tauren Stun on a shared DR with Pally and Warrior stuns as well. It will however, be very nice vs high avoidance targets.

The Goblin Racial will have major implications in flag extraction in WSG (This will be it's biggest effect at 19s imo), and provide hordeside warriors and rogues an anti-kite mechanic at the expense of other racials. The Worgen Racial has its uses, but it can be trumped by snares and roots much more easily than the Goblin racial. Rogues will love it as an anti-kite mechanic with more time on target potential than does the goblin racial, and the hunters will love it as a kiting cooldown that doesn't get nixed by being hit.

Now, Worgen and Goblin mages are going to be very mobile forms of walking CC at 19, though Orc mages will have that extra oomph to go along with the int changes as well that could provide a very nice burst option for hordeside mages. I'm not certain how Gnomes int buff would measure against the Worgen 1% damage buff though as far as damage is concerned.
Conrose said:
I wouldn't bank on the Tauren Stun joining with Pally Stun to be anything game breaking yet.

The reason I think Tauren racial will be helpful for pallies is because if a pally opens with a judgment autoattack crusader strike for a conservative 150 for each hit = 450 damage (not including a sader proc and not including seal damage). he could then stun (autoattack+crusader strike while stunned = 200 damage minimum) warstop autoattack+judgment (200 minimum damage) For a very conservative attack sequence of 850 damage while the target is completely defensless. Throw in a couple more crusader strikes, crits, sader procs, fieryprocs and some seal damage and this could get into the 1400+ range quickly.

Tauren racial wouldn't be that game breaking as it is right now but I really think that with an extra attack and an extra stun pallies will be quite bursty, only problem is getting to the target, I think you may see more paladins being used in a trap senario especially because druids have the 3 charges on root which can be countered with HOF.
Grabco said:
The reason I think Tauren racial will be helpful for pallies is because if a pally opens with a judgment autoattack crusader strike for a conservative 150 for each hit = 450 damage (not including a sader proc and not including seal damage). he could then stun (autoattack+crusader strike while stunned = 200 damage minimum) warstop autoattack+judgment (200 minimum damage) For a very conservative attack sequence of 850 damage while the target is completely defensless. Throw in a couple more crusader strikes, crits, sader procs, fieryprocs and some seal damage and this could get into the 1400+ range quickly.

Tauren racial wouldn't be that game breaking as it is right now but I really think that with an extra attack and an extra stun pallies will be quite bursty, only problem is getting to the target, I think you may see more paladins being used in a trap scenario especially because druids have the 3 charges on root which can be countered with HOF.

Exactly, the Tauren Paladins would still need to reach a target, and given that Worgen Druids will have an extra mobility cooldown at their disposal, chasing Alliance FCers will be especially frustrating for Retadins in the future.

Also, I think you're being either generous or paranoid on exactly how many attacks a Retadin would be able to achieve during a full stun lock. At 19, Hammer of Justice is a 3 second stun, Tauren Stun is 2 Seconds. Arcanite Reaper is a 3.8 Second swing timer, and the Crusader Strike as currently implemented is on a 4 second cooldown (Without considering the possibility that they'll up the cooldown and introduce a talent in ret to reduce it) while Judgements are on a 10 second cd (8 if specced into it). 5 seconds of stun max is available at this low level. At 5 seconds, you'd have a Judgement, 2x Autoattacks and 2 crusader Strikes, at 8 seconds is 2x Judgement, 3x Auto Attacks, 3x Crusader Strike. The key to the Post Cataclysm Tauren Ret Stunlock will likely be managing exactly where those extra 3 seconds are going to be within the stunlock sequence, especially depending on the class they are engaging. For example, vs a Druid or a Priest, you'll probably want to chain the stuns to prevent them from getting off any mitigating effects in the instant they are out of the stunlock (PW:S or Bear Form), but the moment they are out of the stunlock, the Priest will PW:S, then get off a heal and undo that damage you did, while the druid could quickly go for the big heal before your next burst combo. Vs a Rogue, you'd want to do it while their evasion is up, vs Warlock, you could save it for whenever they decide to try to cast fear. Hunters and mages, it will depend on the availability or duration of HoF. Shaman, you could allow for say a second to go by between the stuns. So it's going to require a bit of discipline on the side of the Retadins themselves to really pull it off in a game changing style... otherwise, I don't see it elevating a Tauren over say, a Human, Belf or Draenei Retadin at present.
Doesn't matter what race you roll among Tauren Belf Draenei, you're gonna be OP to fuck anyway as a Ret in Cataclysm. And honest. I LOVE IT. Imma spend the first 10 hours of my playtime in cataclysm, 1-shotting hunters. REVENGE MOTHER****** ;D
Could we say that if you had two Tauren paladins on a team in arena you could probably kill a focused target before it had a chance to move?
lindenkron said:
Doesn't matter what race you roll among Tauren Belf Draenei, you're gonna be OP to fuck anyway as a Ret in Cataclysm. And honest. I LOVE IT. Imma spend the first 10 hours of my playtime in cataclysm, 1-shotting hunters. REVENGE MOTHER****** ;D

Pet management will also change. Hunters will now have two types of attainable pets: active pets and stored pets. Hunters will be able to have up to three active pets (perhaps five for Beast Mastery specialized players) and will have the ability to switch among these pets any time they are out of combat, without going to town. They will also be able to have a large number of pets in storage at the stables. In order to swap a pet from active to passive, a hunter will still need to visit their local Stable Master. However, this should afford ample storage for the many Spirit Beasts wandering the lands of Azeroth.

This is a big thing that has stayed under the radar. Hunters potentially being able to switch pets outs during a match is gonna be pretty devastating and really expands the tools at their disposal whenever they change where they are going to be patrolling, or even as they watch as a player is coming for them and make a decision based on the class of the player that's coming for them.

# We are also changing many pet family abilities to provide important buffs and debuffs. The intention is to allow the hunter to be able to swap pets and fill a position if a certain role is missing from the group. The goal is to have all pets provide a damage increase that is very similar and no greater than any other pet. Some examples of the changes we are making to the pet families are listed below:

* Wind Serpents: Will provide a debuff that increases the amount of spell damage taken by an enemy (similar to a weaker version of the warlock ability Curse of Elements).

* Ravagers: Will provide a debuff that will increase an enemy's Physical damage vulnerability (similar to a weaker version of the warrior ability Blood Frenzy).

* Hyenas: Will provide bleed damage (similar to a weaker version of the druid ability Mangle).

Weaker versions of buffs/debuffs that are provided by talents or class abilities not yet available by 19 could be game changing in the 19s bracket, especially with premades. Most of your premade are casters? When you call for a focused effort on the FC, bring out the Wind Serpent. Got a few rogues waiting to dump a bunch of Garrotes on the target in a surprise attack, bring out the Hyena, conc shot, watch the rogues stack glyphed/talented Garrotes on the poor guy... especially since the Garrotes will also benefit from Crit as well.

Marksmanship will also have the benefit of "Double Shot" as well, so pooling Focus for Conc shots and relying on Auto Shots is within the realm of possibility... and if Conc is taken off CD like I see as entirely possible, then your HoF will be replied to by another Conc shot as soon as it's duration runs out.

Your revenge might not be as sweet as you may envision it.
Worgen druids, definately, if they can use their sprint while in bear form they are going to be impossible to stop while FCing. Hit sprint go bear grab flag and be out of the base before any melee can even touch you. Natures grasp pulling people off of you, then hitting a hot, going travel form and flying back to cap while people are wondering what just happened. These should be very dominating in that regard.

Also Worgen hunters that can now kite beyond what any other class combo can do without sprint pots is gonna kill most "original" style characters completely. Why would you even bother with a mage when it can no longer CC anything because it just sprints out of range or to catch up. Or Warrior Worgen being able to lock onto things even better, and do way more damage now with an instant strike Heroic strike. Alliance racials are already killer, with escape artist, everyman for himself and Naaru, but with people sprinting every three minutes, it will make Horde think twice about getting a faction transfer.

Tauren pallies will be nice, but the Stun they have is not that much better then A Belf's silence against healers, and they are still not that as reliable as other classes when it comes down to it.

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