Hunters too overpowered? Again?

Like what is being said, AotC is more of a nerf for 95% of the hunter community. They will use it all the time and get dazed all the time. It will be much easier to take them down if they have it up. With that being said a GOOD hunter (no not a back peddling lol I can kite u 2 deff) will use this correctly and have a large advantage over others (even more than they already do) and good ones will be able to aspect dance around the dazes if necessary
Ego said:

lol this made my day
i think its funnny to see how hunters gets all the damn remarks about everything thats happens to them, but people dont see how much ghostwolf for a shaman has made so abusive. i mean a shaman with full SP now can kick someone ass and kite them to death easily now.

not to mention how well they run a flag with ease.

but go on ahead nerf the hunter until it is removed from the game then go ahead brag about another character until only the one you love stays ! yeah right i dont see this hapenning anytime soon !
I was just playing agiast a 19 hunter that had AotC on 100% of the time no matter what was happening. I'd say this is a buff for 30% nerf for 70%, and that may be genours.
kidneypopper said:
/cast aspect of the hawk is better

That works too. Durr.

LOL saw 3 hunters from the same guild with AotC on today, was funny as hell when I Judged 1st, AA'ed the 2nd, and then Judged the 3rd. By the time there combined DPS got me down to 70ish HP my bubble was up & my healer noticed the fight.

I think I love AotC @ 19 bracket, so many inexperienced huntards :D
The one I use saves a button, as it just toggles between the two aspects:

/castsequence aspect of the cheetah, aspect of the hawk
i tryed spec dancing, believe me when i say its harder then it looks, because in the middle of a fight its near impossible to even go back to AotC without getting dazed. and putting on aspect for 1/4th of a second is impossible due to global cooldown.

basically AotC is just good for running, and at that you have to check on everything around you all the times.

seriously, shamans and druids have it easy compared to us.

the only thing we have more is that we can do it inside of buildings. but as mentionned the daze effect is just ridiculous !
Hunters don't really need AotC to be OP, I'm gonna kill blizz if they add a glyph that removes the daze... ._.

EDIT: played my hunter earlier today, switching aspect wasn't really that hard
Twink dorf hunter 19 on Terenas/EU. Tried Aotc once and it's a real beyatch to use it:) I am not using it again, it's the easiest way for a rogue to take u down or a warrior to hamstering u then you are dead. Shamans and druids have the new forms which is WAY better than Aotc tbh as FCs :)


Hey HR, stoked here, ahh shiiit its gonna be annoying with all these sprinting huntards around. Been on holiday some i'm yet to log on, but when i do, i'm gonna go destroy some hunts on my warrior. YEEE BOI

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