29 balance druid? or is that a myth....

Im interested in making a 29 but i dont really know what i wanna play. I used to play a fury warr, but i wasnt all that into him... im thinking im either gonna make a rogue, hunter, but those are classes ive played before, so i just got to wondering what would a dps cat druid or even a dps caster druid be like.. i know 29 healing druids are good, just get back any info would be awsome.
No it's not a myth, I've had a 29 "balance druid" hit me for 700 without zerker

Note: it looks like he's wearing his stam set so you'd have to hit up some other druids for gear


Total Glasscannon. Will crit you for 400 with Moonfire and 800's with Starfire.
My dwood, still a work in progress & in my resto spec, but even still my Starfire easily hits for 557 Crits 410 Normal :) + my Rejuv ticks for 145ish, HT 500ish (Glyphed for 1 sec cast), Regrow goes for 400ish then ticks for 70ish.

EDIT: I should probably mention that's not my normal gear lol!
@Leath: it sucks how you walk up to a hunter, your spells take twice as long to cast from knockback, theyre doing 200 DPS while youre stuck at 100, your heals take twice as long to cast and do half as much (making them 25% as useful) and theyre critting you every 5 shots - every 7 seconds or so, while youre critting them every 10-20 shots - maybe once every 30 seconds if youre lucky. Shit sucks =/
@rishi: I have a rogue and pally I BG with :)

pally acts as meat shield w/ his high armor (prot/holy) and rogue either sap/ambush or energy dumps on the target, if the hunter is smart and does try to come for me past the pally I simply pop into cat and dash in an oval shape out of his range but still able to HoT-Doc it up on the pally/rogue.

Works very well usually :D

also say if we get out numbered, eg; 7v3, pally and I focus heal the rogue while he aims the main DPS and we blow our CC's on the healer, then pick off stragglers etc...
Balance tips and the importance of +crit

I wanted to chime in on the viability of balance spec at 29.

There is essentially one true dps build, 20/0/0, the same as that of the profile linked above.

Stacking spell power, this build can consistently get starfire crits over 750 and as high as 900.

Unfortunatly, significant inceases to spell power require sacrificing intellect and stamina, making max-damage builds quite vulnerable against rogues and hunters and quite dependent on frequent trips to the regen hut to replenish mana.

Additionally, many best-in-slot items are boe equips of arcane wrath which do not contribute to the effectivness of your HOTs.*

Although challenging to run solo, as a support class this built truly shines.

Even while speced balance, don't be supprised if you accedentally have as much healing at the end of a BG as you do damage.

You can easilly lay down significant burst damage against a distracted opponent.

It is important to note that because of your talents that increase the damage of your criticals, this build benefits more significanty from +Crit than others. The Dignified Headmaster's Charge, Death Speaker Robes, and Master of Anatomy passive are your friends. +Crit can add more to your overall damage output then just stacking +damage.

Because starfire is your most used spell, the glyph of starfire is a must, saving you the global cooldowns that would be required to reapply moonfire to your target.

I may be biased, but in my opinion a druid can contribute more to a competitive BG balancing the roles of healing and dps than focusing exclusively on damage.

Personally I respeced resto. Check out Theforce on Alterac Mountains.


Leath said:
My dwood, still a work in progress & in my resto spec, but even still my Starfire easily hits for 557 Crits 410 Normal :) + my Rejuv ticks for 145ish, HT 500ish (Glyphed for 1 sec cast), Regrow goes for 400ish then ticks for 70ish.

EDIT: I should probably mention that's not my normal gear lol!

lol, we have the same spec, almost the same gear, and our server is called Zul'Jin (tho I'm EU)

it's not that common :p
Theforce said:
I wanted to chime in on the viability of balance spec at 29.

There is essentially one true dps build, 20/0/0, the same as that of the profile linked above.

Stacking spell power, this build can consistently get starfire crits over 750 and as high as 900.

Unfortunatly, significant inceases to spell power require sacrificing intellect and stamina, making max-damage builds quite vulnerable against rogues and hunters and quite dependent on frequent trips to the regen hut to replenish mana.

Additionally, many best-in-slot items are boe equips of arcane wrath which do not contribute to the effectivness of your HOTs.*

Although challenging to run solo, as a support class this built truly shines.

Even while speced balance, don't be supprised if you accedentally have as much healing at the end of a BG as you do damage.

You can easilly lay down significant burst damage against a distracted opponent.

It is important to note that because of your talents that increase the damage of your criticals, this build benefits more significanty from +Crit than others. The Dignified Headmaster's Charge, Death Speaker Robes, and Master of Anatomy passive are your friends. +Crit can add more to your overall damage output then just stacking +damage.

Because starfire is your most used spell, the glyph of starfire is a must, saving you the global cooldowns that would be required to reapply moonfire to your target.

I may be biased, but in my opinion a druid can contribute more to a competitive BG balancing the roles of healing and dps than focusing exclusively on damage.

Personally I respeced resto. Check out Theforce on Alterac Mountains.



QFT I can aggree with this entire post.

I find my best role is hanging out near the rocks in WG or guarding a flag in AB and popping out of stealth and giving them a surprise.
me and a friend were bored and did some math concerning balance dps. Here's what we found on your main topic, moonifre:

with glyph of moonfire, the talent to increase its damage by 10%, and the talent to icnrease the DoT length, me and and my friend found that after the DoT is done ticking 630 damage should be down with only 150 spell power. Of course that 150 spell power is including the talent to increase spell power by 5%. I only need one more enchant for this gear! When i am done getting that last enchant, and work up the guts to respec balance (im resto right now), ill tell u all. But for right now for my current spec and gear, wowarmory inkas from kilrogg.
The Hots and Dots Build: A Truly "Balanced" Druid?

The glyph of moonfire is interesting and I am glad that someone mentioned it. I can see why moonfire might be considered a superior glyph to starfire from a dps perspective (especially to those of us who envy the Dot locks who can out dps a twink hunter)

My last post was getting long and I didn't describe a Druid build/strategy I have recently been considering.

As I mentioned previously, the best Druid should be able to fill the roles of dps as well as healing based on the situation.

An interesting build that I have been toying with doesn't spec toward large starfire crits, but instead tries to maximize the druid's*

healing over time and damage over time potential.

This build uses the following talents: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#0VGbzbZZf:qZV

An alternate build would be this one: http://www.wowarmory.com/?talent#0VGbzi:uZV, sacrificing survivability for an increase in burst damage.

These builds can use either the glyph of rejuvination or the glyph of moonfire. Both glyphs add very useful effects.

Keep in mind, if you are using the glyph of moonfire, you will no longer be able to drop a fleeing opponent (flag carrier) by spamming moonfire for its instant damage effect. The loss of this very useful technique is the reason why I have not choosen the glyph of moonfire when giving the build serious consideration.

If you do not use this strategy often, consider using the glyph of moonfire.

This build is still in the testing stages but I think it might allow for an alternative to the cookie cutter 20/0/0 balance - spam starfire builds that are the standard.

By increasing the damage potential of your moonfire ticks, while in a support role, you can set your dots and then focus on healing, while still producing significant damage. *

Let me know if you have any thoughts on the viability of a hots and dots Druid build.

- Theforce

i finally went balance!

i have 168 spell power, 55 mana regen, 1538 health, and 1900 mana

and i said SPELL POWER, not +arcane damage.

i am VERY happy with this set. with everything i described in my former post, my moonfire ticks for 103-104. my starfire hits for 390-410 avg. My wrath hits for 175-185 avg.

YET at the same time, my heals are more than adequate, since i have 168 SPELL POWER not +arcane dmg.

U really should armory me if ur interested in this

OR even better, make a character on kilrogg and try to contact me.

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