Protadin/Healadin [Critique Wanted]


So I have been playing in the 19 bracket for a while now (usually played in the 29/39 brackets) and made a few 19 twinks (Hunter/Priest/Rogue/Druid) to test out what I would be comfortable with and enjoy playing. My final choice ended up to be a pally (FC) :) my only problem is I am used to either playing a Healer or a DPS and not so much a FC, so I threw together a chardev for my possible ending gear and would appreciate it if you guys could give me some feedback/opinions on what I might change and why thanks!

Set's: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

1st being FC 2nd being Healadin

My professions are going to be Mining/Herb, currently have Eng until I get [ITEM]19972[/ITEM]
Leath said:
So I have been playing in the 19 bracket for a while now (usually played in the 29/39 brackets) and made a few 19 twinks (Hunter/Priest/Rogue/Druid) to test out what I would be comfortable with and enjoy playing. My final choice ended up to be a pally (FC) :) my only problem is I am used to either playing a Healer or a DPS and not so much a FC, so I threw together a chardev for my possible ending gear and would appreciate it if you guys could give me some feedback/opinions on what I might change and why thanks!

Set's: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

1st being FC 2nd being Healadin

My professions are going to be Mining/Herb, currently have Eng until I get [ITEM]19972[/ITEM]

Blood Ring for a second ring on the FC set or else why would you take Savage Trodders over Silver-linked Footguards or Deadskull Shield over the Redbeard Crest.

I would go a little less cloth on the healing sets for some more survivability.

Consider subbing out 4/4 Defenders Mail Eagle gloves for the Magefist, 5/5 Defenders Mail Eagle for the Darkweave.

Also get a Spidersilk Drape for the cloak rather then the Battle Healers, you will miss a lot less Judgements and HOJ's.

I would also pick up an AGM. You will have a lot of problems in healing gear against a good rogue, I know fake casting helps a lot but a good rogue wont blow his kick until just when the cast is complete. Also spinning or positioning yourself facing a wall will help you avoid some gouges, but in the end, a skilled rogue will give you a lot of problems especially if you have low health. Not to mention the extra 10-20 or or so extra dmg on healing from the trinket isnt worth 120 hp, but that is just my opinion.

Hope it helped.
Me being a healadin(Arena) i find armor extremley useful and would drop gloves to mail 4/4 and legs to mail 5/5 and even go as far as dropping treebark to 5/5 and boots to mail 4/4. But meh, im more of an arena junkie so i just need to survive the dps. Get AGM aswell. also a 22int wep then switch to 30sp once the mana is used.
As a healadin I'd have to say - I'd replace magefist with 4/4 defender, leggings with 5/5 defender for more armor. Definitely makes a difference having more.

I'd also sub out cloak for Spidersilk for when you HoJ. Don't want to miss those.

I'd still take minor speed on your boots for healadin set or you're going to have HELL with rogues.

And for trinket's I'd take an AGM 100%.

edit: +22 int wep to start with until you blow 400~ mana.

I was watching a duel between my 2 friends (pally/hunter)

and my pally friend was prot spec like I intend to go, but he was wearing [ITEM]2231[/ITEM] w/ [ITEM]16242[/ITEM] on it (or was it 150 mana....)

he had 1.2k HP 2k Mana and utterly raped the hunter, is this a viable option over the Tree Bark in my Healadin set?

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