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  1. How active is the 29 scene?

    I'm talking about US servers. Cool! Also have there been any major changes for 29s in the past 8 months?
  2. How active is the 29 scene?

    I'm thinking about coming back. Kermit is on often does wsg pop?
  3. 29 Twinking Central BG (US)
  4. 29 Twinking Central BG (US)

    Everyone go Reckoning!
  5. 29 Twinking Central BG (US)

    I just xfered Kermit to Skywall. Can't wait!
  6. 29 Twinking Central BG (US)

    =( i have a really good lock too though....bah this sucks
  7. 29 Twinking Central BG (US)

    Hmmm I'm thinking about xfering/starting a new twink on skywall. Hell it took me so long to get this gear though. I got a 9/9 tiger helm the other day ;P
  8. wait times post 3.2

    I can't even get into a game on Stormstrike =( I hope things get better
  9. Mastor of anatomy question

    Does anyone know anything about this?
  10. Mastor of anatomy question

    I know there was a post about this a while back...but one of my guys (lvl 16 war) has 450 skinning. If I talk to a GM can he take it down to 300 for me...and then when I do hit 29 will the increased chance to crit show up on my guy?
  11. 29 CC Mage

    How good are mages in the 29 bracket? I don't see too many mage twinks. Would it be fine just to stack spell power? I was thinking of making a fire mage.
  12. Largest crit with 3.1.1?

    Yeah I want to see a screenshot of someone breaking 2k. It's hard to believe but I guess it's possible?
  13. Largest crit with 3.1.1?

    Damn nice! What buffs did you have? You're not even Orc so I don't know how the hell you got that =P Was this pic taken a while ago when the leg armors were available?
  14. Perfect AP set

    Wow grats! So you check the auctionhouse on different servers? I think I may start doing that >.> I don't know if I want to pay the transfer fee though...
  15. Perfect AP set

    Yeah the fire dmg DOES factor into ambushes. I asked a gm about it. Go test it out for yourself at a starting area or something. Poker will get higher crits than claw does.
  16. Perfect AP set

    True Ap rogues don't need herb ;P We love our super low health and believe that the use of an op heal is just insulting.(Aka I didn't feel like lvling herb -_-) Hmmm but I mean you're going to have low health just expect to die lol. Yeah i think the max crit you get from skinning is...
  17. Perfect AP set

    I guess you can get skinning but I like being able to make agi pots speed pots and free action...and my guild needed an alch.
  18. Perfect AP set

    Sweet! Thanks for all of that info. That helps a ton! 18ap bracers are the gnomer ones right?
  19. Largest crit with 3.1.1?

    Ah never mind I have +4 already. I was looking at the other Kermittheorc I made =P
  20. Largest crit with 3.1.1?

    I don't think you can put +6 stats on scaled leather tunic of power because it's not a lvl 35 item? I think +3 stats is the highest you can go? Finks-I really don't die all that much. With my talent build I can go back into stealth like 4 seconds after the ambush. The key is to stay in...