Perfect AP set


Looking for a guide or examples of a perfect rogue AP set. With 3.2 coming and Tiger Hunter gloves possible to get I would love to play with this gear set up.
Look up my guy. He's missing 9/9 tiger helm.... another charged gear of the tiger...and I think there is a better power chest out there? Hmmm oh and the boa bow gives more ap and so does that 10ap neck...but I use scouts instead. Don't forget to roll orc ;)
Thanks for the replies guys. I like Raptor's quite a lot, but would go with a different spec and Poker MH. Also maybe Infiltrator legs, but I do like how the crit is far higher than Kermit's sooo...

:edit: oh and 7 agil to boots, not 5 and 26 AP to gloves.

btw Kermit 6 stats to chest
Kermittheorc said:
Look up my guy. He's missing 9/9 tiger helm.... another charged gear of the tiger...and I think there is a better power chest out there? Hmmm oh and the boa bow gives more ap and so does that 10ap neck...but I use scouts instead. Don't forget to roll orc ;)

He... is...amazing...

Follow his guide
So I have read. Couple things I have learned is that an AP set is for big ass ambushes only then switching to swords after? Seems to me that speccing for ambush/BS would be more viable unless the swords benefit from Kermit's low crit compared to Raptor's lower ap (by 29 if you consider no agil on MH). I dunno, this is all intriguing considering I had what I thought was the perfect balance set (minus AGM). To see check out Marjoke in My Twinks.
Wtscritspst has the best ap set in existence atm. 2nd best i believe goes to falarus, although he is a gnome, so he cant get as big of a crit as an orc.

Btw kermit, you're missing quite a few pieces from a perf ap set. Considering its the hardest set to complete in the game for any twink though, dont be too hard on yourself. No 29 has ever actually gotten the full set, and the closest (wtscritspst) is missing 2 pieces from it just to give you an idea of how incredihard it is to do.
Haha yeah sorry I logged out in the wrong gear. After the ambush I switch to that sword/crit spec and ss them down to death. If you want ap then you're going to lose a lot of crit. That's just how it goes. Oh and look at Kermittheorc on Norgannon. The other one on Kargath or w/e I made a while ago.

Twentynine-There was a 9/9 tiger helm in my guild bank but someone rogue took it. I'm still not over that. He's one of those 1700 health sword spec something or others. He didn't need the tiger helm =( I'm farming rfd for it right now. If I do get a perfect set...I'll have around 700 health haha. With what I have it at least puts me near 900 or something which is manageable. I'll keep looking for the missing parts though.

Just to put this to rest Poker is the best Ambush dagger available.
Kermittheorc said:
Haha yeah sorry I logged out in the wrong gear. After the ambush I switch to that sword/crit spec and ss them down to death. If you want ap then you're going to lose a lot of crit. That's just how it goes. Oh and look at Kermittheorc on Norgannon. The other one on Kargath or w/e I made a while ago.

Twentynine-There was a 9/9 tiger helm in my guild bank but someone rogue took it. I'm still not over that. He's one of those 1700 health sword spec something or others. He didn't need the tiger helm =( I'm farming rfd for it right now. If I do get a perfect set...I'll have around 700 health haha. With what I have it at least puts me near 900 or something which is manageable. I'll keep looking for the missing parts though.

Just to put this to rest Poker is the best Ambush dagger available.

I know, i made sure I was looking at the right toon.

You're missing:

9/9 tiger hat

boa shoulders

28 ap chest with 4 stats

18 ap bracers

22 ap boots

2 perf tiger gears

Boa bow.

That's 8 possible upgrades. 6 of which are near impossible to get, 4 of which are exceedingly near impossible to get.

Like I said, wtscritspst has the best ap set in existence atm, and even he is missing 2 pieces. Its basically an impossible set to finish.
Wouldn't Gallan Cuffs with AP to bracers be better? What is this fabled 18 AP bracer? Also again +6 stats to chest >>>> +4 and why Alchemy when Skinning seems sooooooo much better an option?

:edit: NM the 6 stats, read the other thread for that answer.
Kermittheorc said:
Sweet! Thanks for all of that info. That helps a ton! 18ap bracers are the gnomer ones right?

Indeed. However, if you actually get them, I'll hate you forever. =(
Rottenuts said:
I've got +28 AP legs =D. Was good when I had the +50 AP enchant of them.

Cool you got the most common part of the set!!!!!111eleven
Finks said:
Wouldn't Gallan Cuffs with AP to bracers be better? What is this fabled 18 AP bracer? Also again +6 stats to chest >>>> +4 and why Alchemy when Skinning seems sooooooo much better an option?

:edit: NM the 6 stats, read the other thread for that answer.

I guess you can get skinning but I like being able to make agi pots speed pots and free action...and my guild needed an alch.
True Ap rogues don't need herb ;P We love our super low health and believe that the use of an op heal is just insulting.(Aka I didn't feel like lvling herb -_-) Hmmm but I mean you're going to have low health just expect to die lol. Yeah i think the max crit you get from skinning is something like 2%? Not worth it when you have the ambush talent anyway.
Kermittheorc said:
True Ap rogues don't need herb ;P We love our super low health and believe that the use of an op heal is just insulting.(Aka I didn't feel like lvling herb -_-) Hmmm but I mean you're going to have low health just expect to die lol. Yeah i think the max crit you get from skinning is something like 2%? Not worth it when you have the ambush talent anyway.

I feel ya to a certain extent. You shouldnt be getting hit too much as an ap rogue, since you're picking your battles carefully. However, herb is just soooo op that it will allow you to do stupid things like take on 3-4 people instead of 2-3. It also allows you to slightly adjust your playstyle to be more aggressive when its off cd.

Really no question with eng though. Ambush vanish ambush sapper lol.

Kermittheorc said:
Just to put this to rest Claw of the Shadowmancer is the best Ambush dagger available.

Fixd :)

Unless you want to explain why you think Poker is better.
Kermittheorc said:
Sweet! Thanks for all of that info. That helps a ton! 18ap bracers are the gnomer ones right?


but beware, it's worse than a 1/1000 drop
Fixd :)

Unless you want to explain why you think Poker is better.

from what i heard, the extra fire damage on TP factors into ambushes. but i don't have any proof :p

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