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  1. Bugs Bunny

    Twink 110-119 farming alts

    @Cernunnos thanks for the quick and thorough response. Yeah I’m thinking about just staying at 110 on my boomkin and do what I can to get the best gear possible with the correct perks. Looks like boomkin is a farming force again so I’ll be running with that. Thanks a ton!
  2. Bugs Bunny

    Twink 110-119 farming alts

    Hey all, I wanted to get your opinion on the best farming and soloing alt in the twink bracket. I absolutely loved my boomkin 101 twink in legion and would like to do something similar in BFA. I’ve heard 110s, 111s, 115s and 119s are all pretty great right now and I wanted to get everyone’s...
  3. Bugs Bunny

    Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 3 posts!

    Hey guys, I know this website pretty well except for posting mechanics. I am trying to make a post for my new twink guild recruitment and I don't know how to put a picture in the thread without it being somewhat of a link. I want it to be a banner at the top of the page but I can't seem to...
  4. Bugs Bunny

    In need of Guru help!

    Do you have any tips on this? I was going to try to brawl it out with my lvl 100 on my server for the BoAs but if realm hopping is easier then I think I'll do that. Which groups do you sign up for? Any realms to look for? ect.?
  5. Bugs Bunny

    Returning to the bracket! Have a few questions.

    I am not saying they weren't! I love my windwalker except for how damn squishy I am. I only play brewmaster at 19 because my guild needs me to for the twink cup and flat out told me that they would not take me if I ran Windwalker.
  6. Bugs Bunny

    Returning to the bracket! Have a few questions.

    Then Ally sounds like the move for me! Thanks for the responses!
  7. Bugs Bunny

    Returning to the bracket! Have a few questions.

    What's up everyone? My name is Bugs and I used to play a 24 twink Windwalker monk back in MoP on Horde Shadowmoon-US. I had a great time back then and view it as probably the most fun I have had twinking. I have returned to the game and have been enjoying endgame content while keeping my eye...
  8. Bugs Bunny

    24, 2 vs 2 torny!

    Bùgs - Windwalker Monk - Horde - US-Shadowmoon PepeLePëw - Protection Warrior - Horde - US-Shadowmoon NOTE: Pepe is traveling back home on the 17th and should be online but if he has trouble with traffic or whatnot I can see if my brother can sub. But Pepe should be ready to go.
  9. Bugs Bunny

    24, 2 vs 2 torny!

    So prot warrior and windwalker are not allowed?
  10. Bugs Bunny

    Don't feel bad about being a 24.

    Everyone is entitled to the bracket, whether it be 24 or F2P. No one can claim the bracket for themselves, it doesn't matter who makes up a majority of the population, because in the end each player chooses the situation they are in whether they want to F2P or P2P. If you want to play for...
  11. Bugs Bunny

    Reason to go 21 rather than 20 for monk.

    I'd say Touch of Karma is better then a few stats from scaling. But I guess it's all personal preference in the scaling vs abilities argument. But if you do go for scaling instead of abilities, I agree, 21 is better than 20.
  12. Bugs Bunny

    Bùgs - 24 Windwalker Monk

    UPDATE: I got Brawler Gloves! ONE STEP CLOSER TO SEMI-BiS
  13. Bugs Bunny

    Bracket First Impressions

    I am glad to be here. This is probably the most fun ive had twinking since maybe wrath on my 19 rogue. I usually queue at night either solo queue or with some guildies. If anyone want's to queue with me, go ahead and send me a PM with your Btag and I'll add you!
  14. Bugs Bunny

    I'll just leave this here.

    I swear, every other thread in this bracket-forum is of kids calling each other keyboard turners/backpeddlers/clickers/GYfarmers. It's almost as if those terms hurt someone's feelings.
  15. Bugs Bunny

    P2P 20-24 List

    Still in the process of gearing/regearing myself but throw Bùgs up there! Bùgs @ Shadowmoon - Community - World of Warcraft alt code 0249 for the ù
  16. Bugs Bunny

    Bùgs - 24 Windwalker Monk

    Thanks for the great suggestions! Now let's see what I can do! I will get the 12 agility to cloak tonight, I realize now 12 agil is a much better option. The reason i am choosing a more stamina heavy build is because I usually queue up solo and rarely have a pocket healer. Most of the time I...
  17. Bugs Bunny

    Bùgs - 24 Windwalker Monk

    i'm not a huge fan of tigers lust, my main is monk and I am used to the triple roll. I am working on AGM and ill look into the ring and 12 agil enchant! Petrospill legs are super rare on my server but ill keep an eye out for them! thanks!
  18. Bugs Bunny

    Bùgs - 24 Windwalker Monk

    Hey all! Bùgs @ Shadowmoon - Community - World of Warcraft Just a few things to note. -I really don't care about the 3 armor difference from stockades boots and lynx... -I WILL NEVER RUN GNOMER Any advice would be awesome! Thanks!
  19. Bugs Bunny

    Bracket First Impressions

    Howdy everyone! This past weekend was my guild's debut into the bracket. I just wanted to share my first impressions of the bracket! When I first queued up, I'm not going to lie, I thought the gap between F2P and 24's would be huge and I believed I would more or less steamroll any F2P...
  20. Bugs Bunny

    Sanctuary Wargames Open to Pugs

    Howdy! I am the leader of <Tune Squad> a very new horde 20-24 guild. As of now, My brother and I may be able to play with you all. Still waiting on some of our people to level but my brother and I are geared and ready to go. I am a Windwalker Monk and my brother is a Survival Hunter. We are...