Bracket First Impressions

Bugs Bunny

Howdy everyone!

This past weekend was my guild's debut into the bracket. I just wanted to share my first impressions of the bracket!

When I first queued up, I'm not going to lie, I thought the gap between F2P and 24's would be huge and I believed I would more or less steamroll any F2P. But that is simply not the case. F2Ps pack a significant punch! Those BiS rogues and hunters hurt when they roll in packs and F2P healers are just as strong as any other healer I have seen. I could barely solo a F2P holydin.

There are also some very good F2P players out there and was pleasantly surprised at their ability in the gulch. Players like Ploy and Albinocow make me remember the good old days of 19 twinking. Ploy reminded me firsthand of Painaid when he used to run the 19 bracket. It was a lot of fun playing against them and look forward to more games to come!

As for the P2Ps, I did not actually see a whole lot, I think the most I had in a single game was around 4-5 24's. I had the privilege of playing with Jinx and Honeybadger. Coming from the 19 bracket, it was refreshing to see respectable players that do not condone GY farming and lead their teams to victory. When asked to HK farm Jinx responded with "No, GY farming isn't fun." People like that cause me to have high hopes for this bracket to come.

When it comes to GY farming itself. I can tell you it forsure happens. I was a victim of being farmed by F2P twinks for around 10 min. Do I believe farming HKs is right? No! But ill die defending their right to do it! After all this is America! But do I farm HKs with the flag waiting for 2 minutes before I cap? No, but I do believe that if you contain them at their GY as we quickly cap to end the game, it's fine. If we are winning by that much I just want to get onto the next game.

As for faction balance, this bracket is much more balanced than the 19 bracket. In the 19 bracket, I felt like the Horde won 80% of the games and discouraged good alliance players from playing. But the 20-24 bracket is the most balanced Ive seen! Each game I played was very competitive with a few flukes here and there but that is expected.

Class balance is another story. I feel like a majority of the bracket (F2P and P2P included) is dominated by Paladins and Hunters with Druids, Rogues, and Priests coming in close second in popularity. I don't mind the high number of hunters to be honest, if it's still not as bad as 19 cata hunters 3 shotting everything, then I don't mind. As a WW monk, I enjoy the challenge of going up against the "OP" classes of the bracket and testing my skills.

Shadow Priests... wtf man.

So far I enjoy this bracket and am excited to meet and play with more of you!
I sadly find this bracket to be fun but it has its times. As a person who plays a mage I find resto druids to actually be the cancer that is killing this bracket. Just got out of a game where the alliance had 4 resto druids and the rest of the team was hunters and rogues. What the hell?

Wishing travel form didn't exist again and that hunters actually took some thought to play and spriest having a 1000+ health shield up 24/7 while doing insane damage and cc is annoying.
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I too have played 20 -24s and been eagerly watching how bracket forms, as it has HUGE potential due to the F2P base population that creates 24 / 7 games. Recently we were putting together a group to play together and get some competitive games and premades. We decided to not focus on 20 -24's even though it had great potential and do 19's first to get premades. While the bracket has constant pops, there still haven't been any premades to speak of after almost 2 years of bracket existing. If it wasn't for the posturing and dodging about doing premades, we would be actively adding to the bracket.
I am glad you are liking the bracket there is definitely a good amount of F2P's who work well together and put up a good fight. Scaling has made the gap a lot closer than people initially think it will be. We have good games mostly everyday and you can't beat the queue times. I am with you on a GY farming thats not to say you won't see me up there sometimes (especially when I first started the bracket) but I always try to make sure the flags are moving.

This morning I solo queued into a BG where a 24 monk was holding the flag in the alliance GY to farm alas there is only so much you can do at this point. I hate losing top damage in a BG just because I don't condone GY farming. I will never say I don't GY farm because the day I do there will be SS all over TI of me doing it LOL all I can say it that I don't think its fun to GY farm I would much rather hang back mid and get the people who make it through or return flags but at the same time you will hardly ever see me AFK out either .

If I am in a group thats GY farming chances are I am talking in BG chat trying to get them to cap especially since Karma will bite you in the ass this morning after that BG a instantly queued into a 3/0 alliance win where my team was getting farmed at the GY haha... :D

Happy Hunting Folks and Welcome to the Bracket!
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I've been guilty of gy farming.. usually happens after I was gy farmed.. but after a minute or two i head to mid and chillax..

The bracket is fun but still frustrating at times, if i ever get pass the fact that 1/2 my team is not there to win just to have fun and kill stuff i may nerd rage less. I just need to accept that is how it's going to be.. and not worry about it..
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Howdy everyone!

This past weekend was my guild's debut into the bracket. I just wanted to share my first impressions of the bracket!

When I first queued up, I'm not going to lie, I thought the gap between F2P and 24's would be huge and I believed I would more or less steamroll any F2P. But that is simply not the case. F2Ps pack a significant punch! Those BiS rogues and hunters hurt when they roll in packs and F2P healers are just as strong as any other healer I have seen. I could barely solo a F2P holydin.

There are also some very good F2P players out there and was pleasantly surprised at their ability in the gulch. Players like Ploy and Albinocow make me remember the good old days of 19 twinking. Ploy reminded me firsthand of Painaid when he used to run the 19 bracket. It was a lot of fun playing against them and look forward to more games to come!

As for the P2Ps, I did not actually see a whole lot, I think the most I had in a single game was around 4-5 24's. I had the privilege of playing with Jinx and Honeybadger. Coming from the 19 bracket, it was refreshing to see respectable players that do not condone GY farming and lead their teams to victory. When asked to HK farm Jinx responded with "No, GY farming isn't fun." People like that cause me to have high hopes for this bracket to come.

When it comes to GY farming itself. I can tell you it forsure happens. I was a victim of being farmed by F2P twinks for around 10 min. Do I believe farming HKs is right? No! But ill die defending their right to do it! After all this is America! But do I farm HKs with the flag waiting for 2 minutes before I cap? No, but I do believe that if you contain them at their GY as we quickly cap to end the game, it's fine. If we are winning by that much I just want to get onto the next game.

As for faction balance, this bracket is much more balanced than the 19 bracket. In the 19 bracket, I felt like the Horde won 80% of the games and discouraged good alliance players from playing. But the 20-24 bracket is the most balanced Ive seen! Each game I played was very competitive with a few flukes here and there but that is expected.

Class balance is another story. I feel like a majority of the bracket (F2P and P2P included) is dominated by Paladins and Hunters with Druids, Rogues, and Priests coming in close second in popularity. I don't mind the high number of hunters to be honest, if it's still not as bad as 19 cata hunters 3 shotting everything, then I don't mind. As a WW monk, I enjoy the challenge of going up against the "OP" classes of the bracket and testing my skills.

Shadow Priests... wtf man.

So far I enjoy this bracket and am excited to meet and play with more of you!

Mhm. I play both on 'both sides of the coin', 24 and F2P, but mainly F2P.

It's a lot better than 19 from my personal experiences due to the variety and less Graveyard farmers.

A lot of competitive players and queues 24/7. I'm too lazy to level up and gear for the higher level twinking brackets so F2P twinking and 24 twinking is just fine for me.

Welcome to the bracket man.
me and my guild are breaking into 24. ive been a big 19 since pre this is new and fun. join us if u want we got gold, runs, and good times..... Wyrmrest Accord realm <Gaming For A Cure> crricha13
Yes, F2Ps blow the 24 thing way out of proportion. Since scaling, level 20's have even become more powerful. There even some classes that it may even pay to roll at 20. I shelved my 24 shaman and rolled a 20 because of the scaling. I have 20%+ more spellpower and with can get upwards of up to 3500 health fully buffed. As far as GY farming, what you can't get through their skulls is that it is nonproductive as far as honor, that's why they claim to do it. Faster games = faster honor.

Yes welcome to the bracket. Let's all cross our fingers and hope blizzard gets the enchant scaling right before 5.4 hits and destroys the gains for the f2ps brought about by level and stat scaling.
Welcome to the bracket :D
Albino and his premading team,Hard to win when Pugging. Hoping to get a good premade against them.
I am glad to be here. This is probably the most fun ive had twinking since maybe wrath on my 19 rogue. I usually queue at night either solo queue or with some guildies. If anyone want's to queue with me, go ahead and send me a PM with your Btag and I'll add you!
It is a fun bracket.
I recently stopped raiding and just focused more on PvP.

Resto druids aren't that much of an issue, Shadow Priests on the other hand....
It is a fun bracket.
I recently stopped raiding and just focused more on PvP.

Resto druids aren't that much of an issue, Shadow Priests on the other hand....

Hah, yeah right. Resto druids are absolutely crazy at this level. Easily the best FC and a good one can keep running nearly forever.
Ahoy Drayner!

Nice to see you still in play! I have not been around since post-TBC or so; tried some of the XP-OFF brackets but they were always brutally slow to queue, too bursty, or too much e-thugging attitudes that didn't sit well with me.

20-24's however are like a godsend; speedy queues, civil and competent teammates, and plenty of folk who're objectively focused. It reminds me of the twink brackets back in the day, and I must admit I'm psyched!

I used to play 49s, as Naddia/Hetta/Carnegie on vengeance, so after a 4-5 year hiatus, it's nice to see we can still capture the flag like it was old times!


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