In need of Guru help!


Ey b0ss
Title sums it up.. would really appreciate Guru help. Just un-deleted an out-of-date 29 toon and saw he had an AGM on him and would really like the BoA.. won't be looting anything else if others want the music scroll, toon is Horde by the way. Add me @ KevinTurtles#1307 if you're interested in helping a bloke out.
The premade group finder is great for realmhopping yourself, I've done 2 AGMs completely solo using that method and I actually grabbed the BoA just this morning.

Good luck!
The premade group finder is great for realmhopping yourself, I've done 2 AGMs completely solo using that method and I actually grabbed the BoA just this morning.

Good luck!

Totally forgot about that, i'll definitely give that a try if all else fails.. hopefully i'll be able to ninja one, thanks for the tip!
The premade group finder is great for realmhopping yourself, I've done 2 AGMs completely solo using that method and I actually grabbed the BoA just this morning.

Good luck!

Do you have any tips on this? I was going to try to brawl it out with my lvl 100 on my server for the BoAs but if realm hopping is easier then I think I'll do that. Which groups do you sign up for? Any realms to look for? ect.?
Do you have any tips on this? I was going to try to brawl it out with my lvl 100 on my server for the BoAs but if realm hopping is easier then I think I'll do that. Which groups do you sign up for? Any realms to look for? ect.?

Honestly you'll figure it out pretty quickly. Garrison groups always have auto-invite, the other ones are hit and miss. If you see a realm you don't recognise there's a good chance it's low pop. Don't try to join bonus objective groups that already have 5 people in them. Other than that just abuse the shit out of the tool.

I usually stand as a ghost in the middle of the arena so I can ress right on top of the chest if a ninja seems possible (or if the server is empty of course).

If you really wanna tryhard it, get a friend to realmhop you the normal way with DKs and use the group finder while he's logging the next one.
Title sums it up.. would really appreciate Guru help. Just un-deleted an out-of-date 29 toon and saw he had an AGM on him and would really like the BoA.. won't be looting anything else if others want the music scroll, toon is Horde by the way. Add me @ KevinTurtles#1307 if you're interested in helping a bloke out.


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