Search results

  1. Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec combos.

    Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com So what's underplayed? I want to roll but don't know the bracket.
  2. Some information on Retribution Paladins in 5.3

    Well this got out of hand quickly.
  3. Guardian Druid

    I think I'll roll one instead of a feral.
  4. YaYYYYYY , Classic Raider :D !

    I lol'd.
  5. BiS Ret Paladin

    Guess I'll go holy after all.
  6. Considering Getting Back Into F2P Twinks

    Bad time to start?
  7. Best server for f2p?

    This thread has helped me decide to roll on all f2p servers. All of them.
  8. My Mother might have cancer.

    D: D: D:
  9. Help me help you!

    Thanks a lot!
  10. Return of the Huntard could it be?

    I am less inclined to roll a hunter now.
  11. What to roll on Alliance.

    Roll feral druid and off heal everybody.
  12. Oh blizzard <3

    Joy of joys.