Oh blizzard <3

All bliz has to do is give furry warriors single minded furry or what ever that spell was that allowed them to use 1hers was . Give enh shamans storm strike or windfurry wep . Either works . Give afflicted locks malific grasp .

and give hunters self heals flying and stealth
i mean i understand that these hot fixes and meant for end game but damn watch them a couple of months later put a nerf on hunters that they did for prot warriors.

i understand why they nerf'd stamped, but they compensated it in a way that low levels hunters will rape. blizzard just thinks about the end game (usually) because thats the majority
The buffs to hunter make everyone overlook the truly overpowered class in this bracket.... Priests! All you have to do is MC a hunter and you get all the hunter buffs + heals and fear!

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