Some information on Retribution Paladins in 5.3

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even trialmop is a better troll than you, neon
My 2 Cent on Rets:

Retribution comes behind Protection in Damage and Holy in Heals, duh. Making it the worst choice on the surface. But the numbers don't tell the true story. I often enjoy off-healing more than I enjoy being a pure DPS or a pure Healbot. The choice of keeping your teammates health up or doing damage and securing a kill makes it interesting for me. The limited mana, combined with the strong heals, keeps me from spamming heals forever. So I don't end up a 2nd class healer. Combine that with the very decent burst of TV and HoJ to set up kills. Makes Retribution a strong and versatile class that is fun to play. The numbers might make it inferior to the other two specs, but in the right hands and right situation it comes out ahead.
And for anyone that is still skeptical: You can charge into a group of enemies. Watch your health drop. Put up your bubble. Start your sprint . And run away from those suckers. Now that's exciting!
I challenge your ret to a duel with any of the toons in my sig as well as a feral I don't have any looms on yet. Personally I'd like to vs you on Gåmma. The only other one you'd have a chance against is Omegå, but that's just as unlikely.
(first my english is not perfect, please consider)

Alright, just to clarify things here :

Ret in 5.3 is bad, i would put him at the same level as enh (in overall). All the stuff about great healing ect is true when considering 1v1 : when it comes to bgs whith all the pushback/cs you won't load a fucking heal if you get focused (so you better stay back to heal). About the damages you can see nice crit ONLY against CLOTH. You will hit about 100 crusader on a fully gear prot/mail for example. The main problem of this spec lies in the gameplay : you will get bored waiting for judgment/crusader to load back, TV takes way too long to be used, if you against a dps in 1v1 you will probably not use a single TV

About the shit i've read in this post on Ret winning every 1v1 : you will loose almost every 1v1 you'll do, if you fight (at same skill/gear level of course) a hunt/rogue/mage/druid/shaman YOU WILL LOOSE 100 % sure. The only class that can bring a quite decent match against ret is war, you should win whitout problem. You WON'T win 1v1 against any healers but they won't probably kill you neither.

Ret is overall pretty bad, you can do some nice things but it will be against bad/undergeared people. You don't play ret to expect top damage/top healing/optimal group or whatever, you play ret cause you seek change.

Hope my speech have been understood by everyone, it is not meant to tell you not to play ret, i just speak of actual fact.
I take it neon is exaggerating about ret because all these prots wouldn't think twice about rerolling unless someone is blabbling about big numbers.
Also to the people saying that ret is garbage 1v1, you're sooooooo wrong. :)
I thought that this patch would make ret better in this bracket, but it clearly did not.. The 15% dmg increase to 2H weapons is not much. My numbers haven't improved much and avenger's shield still out crits any TVs.
This thread isn't locked?

If Ret had 1 more DPS cooldown then I think they could edge closer to the damage potential of Prot. Otherwise, Ret feels like too much waiting to do cool stuff.

Pushback sucks.

Yes you don't do big damage with CS vrs mail+shields. No melee does.

Big heals are great. HoTs and insta-heals win BGs. That's a statement based on large numbers, I'm sure you can tell me about that friend that one time landed a perfect FoL that crit and the FC made that last cap, but it's far more rare than the Shock that saved the day.

If I can ever get the damn grunt's pauldrons to drop for my new pally then maybe I can respec ret and see if it's at least fun.

I can't believe this thread isn't locked.

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