Return of the Huntard could it be?

Has Huntards Returned?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 86.0%
  • No

    Votes: 7 16.3%

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Im sorry but once this starts to happen ever 2nd game you have to admit there is a problem with the bracket.

Lets look at the facts..

Hunters ARE with out a doubt FoTM.

90% of hunters roll alliance due to the eyepatch. (Lance, Oneshot, Trialmop, Lil) Im sure there would be less complaining if horde and alliance had an equal amount of hunters each game.

Hunter damage is a joke atm. Ive seen decent hunters crack 130k dmg consistently game after game (without lolpatch). Name one class that even comes close to that..

Most of the users here on TI that are defending hunters ONLY play a hunter...

Then again anyone who has played this bracket knows this already.
Hunters are fun to play. Metro is a killing machine but also a dying machine. Seems there are no healers anymore and just hybrids who would rather slit both wrist while jumping out of a sky scrapper than throw dps a renew or bubble to keep them from dying.
my 24 *shock horror* mage has 2.2k hp, i'm all but dead buy the time i get a spell off. no trolling here, if you can tell me how to counter that i'd be grateful. please don't tell me to run round with a healer.

Tell my 1.9k Frost Mage that loses against a 900hp hunter with greys, keyboard turning and backpaddling.
Or my 2k Arms Warrior that loses against a 900/1.6k hunter that had his pet on auto but still scattered me at the same time the monkey put me in his disorient.
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Vashj premade was fighting a pug that had all ranged dps and a prot pala. 4 surv hunters, 1 marks hunter, 1 ele sham, 1 24 holy pal keeping all hunters nearby alive and dps'ing as well, 1 prot pala, resto druid and a bal druid.

We barely managed to deny them 3rd cap for 15 minutes and even then they got the 3rd cap. Our 2 non hunter dps were the lowest dmg of the dps classes in the BG, whereas we normally top charts. The huntard is back in force, and the more people notice that the more hunters will be unshelved or rerolled.


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Vashj premade was fighting a pug that had all ranged dps and a prot pala. 4 surv hunters, 1 marks hunter, 1 ele sham, 1 24 holy pal keeping all hunters nearby alive and dps'ing as well, 1 prot pala, resto druid and a bal druid.

We barely managed to deny them 3rd cap for 15 minutes and even then they got the 3rd cap. Our 2 non hunter dps were the lowest dmg of the dps classes in the BG, whereas we normally top charts. The huntard is back in force, and the more people notice that the more hunters will be unshelved or rerolled.

I was playing one of those hunters - a new toon with some dung blues but also some shitty greens.

One of my first bgs with it. I was genuinely horrified at how OP it is.

I could hardly stop laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. Your clearly skilled hpala and three druids getting utterly raped by our pack of pug hunterds (term replaces huntards, ppl). All I could think was how raged I'd be if I was one of you guys at that point in time. I'd be looking for a new LCD screen right about now...

Anyway it felt awful and Im sorry about that. XD It's bound to happen again - I wont be involved. That is until ally's hunters boil my blood yet again and force me back onto it.

Hunters are destroying the diversity of the bracket. Makes me sad. :(
Frankly if you have 5 of any given class it's going to be that faceroll, think about it. (with the exception of pug stealthies who dont leave stealth out of fear) Hunter just happens to be the easiest one to do it with.
5 warlocks need to coordinate their fears; 5 mages, their sheeps and silences, rogues, the ambushes, etc.... While 5 hunters is a keyboard smashing feast. They can smash their keyboards togueter and still kill the whole opposing team. So, it doesnt matter what ppl say, playing huntard right now is: 2+2.
They are weak imo. I don't think anyone should roll one unless you like never getting a kb and being lowest damage.
I originally rolled dawn at the beginninnish of mop because of the state of healers. I found it fun because you Simply Couldn't kill anything pressing two buttons, I recently played a couple of games On my healadin and it kinda felt like cata. The point is; I think I'm done with my hunter. They just aren't fun for me anymore, when Something dies in 2 explosive shots, I just don't feel anything. Bottom line:hunters are op.
5 warlocks need to coordinate their fears; 5 mages, their sheeps and silences, rogues, the ambushes, etc.... While 5 hunters is a keyboard smashing feast. They can smash their keyboards togueter and still kill the whole opposing team. So, it doesnt matter what ppl say, playing huntard right now is: 2+2.

5? 2+2 right?
Got into a WSG yesterday on my arms warrior and we were fighting 8 Nelf hunters in near BiS. They were retarded/Spanish/Brazilian so they didn't go after flag at all, they only pushed mid and GY and none of us could get over. So we were farmed for 20 minutes, with 0/0 cap.
Do you really not get it? Do you really not understand?

For.. YEARS now, since the creation of battleground brackets, hunters have reigned supreme. And the worst part? It takes little to no skill to be more effective than half of your team. Do you even realize how bullshit it is that a mis-geared, piss-poor-playing hunter with a finger glued to the s key can do more damage than warlocks, mages, shamans, warriors, priests (excluding 24 shadow), paladins, druids, rogues, and monks? ...Oh wait, did I name all of the other classes in the bracket?

Do you even understand how frustrating it is to be playing another class at skill cap (yeah, yeah, whatever) doing literally everything within your power, when some fresh 20 hunter decides to spam concussive shot and explosive shot on you and somehow, regardless of how well you manoeuvre your character, to realize that it's hopeless and that the hunter with an eyepatch in a robe will still kill you?

Do you realize how bullshit it is that Blizzard hasn't implemented any Line of Sight walls in the mid-field of WSG to make for interesting play? And by doing so allow mindless zerg to be the best way to play their map? As it is, Hunters can chase you around the entire map without impunity. With no hunter dead zone and no line of sight, what's their counter?

And don't even get me started on 'hunter's high skill cap'. It's a fucking myth. Sure, whatever, they have a couple of interrupts and silences and have to time their focus dump. But this game is already so fucking easy to play, if you can't handle that and know when to use what then you sure as hell shouldn't see any success. But see, that's the problem. Any monkey who can press two buttons will be wildly successful. And for whatever reason (years of conditioning from pokémon and tamagotchi?), hunters attract the dumbest of players.

See, the reason people despise hunters is because the hunter skill floor is higher than most classes skill cap. And that's about as backwards and bullshit as it can get. Do you remember cata? Do you remember how all of the tactical play in this bracket, all of the meta, if you will, was and is based around defeating and surviving hunters?

Does it not get old for you, defending the most bullshit class in the bracket?

Well said, I haven't AFK'd out of BGs since Cata, but now when I see 5+ hunters in BGs, I'm saying fuck it. 10 minute deserter is better than dealing with getting farmed by hunters.

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