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  1. Where am I going, F2P or P2P?

    1. 20-24 is absolutely terrible 2. all the other brackets are dead
  2. What really grinds my gears?

    p2ps in the 20-24 bracket really grind my gears get your ass up to 39s honestly why would u want to play that crap
  3. How active is this bracket?

    During vanilla, at level 60, I've never encountered a queue time for WSG greater than 10 minutes on Bonechewer-US. This was before, and after the first ever transfers from Warsong to Bonechewer came to be. There's a large amount of P2Ps in the 20-24 bracket and it is beyond me why they do not...
  4. How active is this bracket?

    So basically its only active M/W/F at 8 PM EST for a couple hours evidently, and then its dead as a door nail. this blows.
  5. How active is this bracket?

    been in queue for 29 minutes now average wait time: 5 minutes okay.
  6. Why is 25-29 so dead?

    Just yesterday I was getting WSG pops within 5 minutes albeit on a Friday night.
  7. How active is this bracket?

    what is the average queue time for H, A?
  8. Why is 25-29 so dead?

    which is?
  9. Why is 25-29 so dead?

    I don't understand, I can't even get into a battleground, it is pathetic.
  10. How active is this bracket?

    20-24 is a terrible bracket let alone 29's are dead, sadly i was wondering if 39 has any activity? what is the average queue time for bgs?
  11. World PVP Video - Lavaza 29 Mage

    The first two minutes, at least, of the video consisted of nothing but you attacking people while they just trotted away on their mount. You could have just killed people who were AFK and it would have been effectively the same video.
  12. Do the queue times for 25-29 regularly suck?

    That's disappointing. What are they on average? Is it any faster in higher brackets?
  13. Do the queue times for 25-29 regularly suck?

    Just made a 29, thought I'd twink one. so far waiting 9 minutes for WSG. I really don't want to play in the poverty 20-24 bracket. Should I move up to the next bracket?
  14. How are priests atm?

    I disagree strongly. F2P Priests are dog sh*t. You'll be rendered absolutely useless against Shaman.

    I'm not trolling. I truly believe you are just slightly more effective than a bot. lol

    Are you botting right now? Honest to God, I can't tell.

    Killing a player who is AFK now. 10/10 stream, would watch again
  18. What to roll on Alliance.

    Frankly, Rogues are a garbage class right now -- you have no accessibility and get peeled easier than a banana. If you can't reach your target, you generally either die or hope for a re stealth. The class was much more playable during Cataclysm with Shadowstep.
  19. Best server for f2p?

    The one with the best queue times
  20. auto Bullheaded

    lol just stop playing WoW pls.