What really grinds my gears?

Leveling herbalism grinds my gears

Tons of things about twinking > Herbalism :)

Another thing that really grinds my gears (not my charged gears) is being on a team that dominates and begins GY Camping.

Not only do I think it's disrespectful, even though I have done it before, I can easily bite your team in the ass. One thing that can happen on occassion is when a couple steath classes sneak out, grab the flag and getting one by the team. I know that is rare, but I've seen it.

Another problem, which I have seen a couple times in the last few weeks, is the team being camped AFKs out and the replacement players rally. I have seen this twice lately. One of the times, we were up 2-0 and a 24 Pally with scrolls takes the 3rd cap into their GY and everyone except me and a rogue were ass deep farming for 5 minutes or so. Me and the other rogue were picking off stealthies mid. All of a sudden, I see the FC drop. I look at the mini map and 5-6 of our players are in the GY. Now this team I was on was me on a 21 rogue, a 24 rogue, 24 Spriest, 24 Pally, and the rest F2Ps. It turns out that 2x 24 SPreist, a 24 hunter, and a couple rogues got into the game.The gathered themselves and proceeded to beat us 2-2. I got LOL'd at in /BG when I said, "you should have capped... now we lose... GY camping is fun right? So is losing!".

I have started AFKing from games where our team has the opportunity to totally dominate, thus the opportunity to GY Camp. I often solo queue because there aren't many 24s that I encounter that don't GY camp when they have the chance. I've turned down several realid requests from other 24s that want to group because of this. That is why I loved playing with Pony Slaystation last year, most of the core players wouldn't camp and I think that [MENTION=7850]justpwn[/MENTION] actually told members not to. I am happy to have my horde toon in a guild with a lot of great twinks, but I don't run in their premades often. The new guild I am in now on the alliance side is some old Vengeance buddies of mine and I will group with them, but we're running flags if we're dominating the game.

Anyhow, THIS WALL OF TEXT boils down to this....

What grinds my gears is losing a game because of HK farmers, whether that be mid farmers or GY farmers.
When it's quiet in vent, someone yells and scares the crap out of me
This doesn't really grind my gears, but I haven't seen a WTF-theme thread. (Although it is possibly relates to bots or /afk honor farming, which does.)

So anyway, a couple of times pugging in WSG I see this lvl 24 Orc Hunter in virtually no armor walking up mid with a mace all by himself. I DoT him up, no reaction. Maybe some lag. Hit him hard. Just keeps walking. Now he is dead. Later on (maybe same game, it's all just a blur now) I see the same Orc Hunter walking up the tunnel to Ally flag room. Same as before.

Wish I had a screen shot.
Dying after killing somebody 1 on 1.
Getting the EFC down to 5hp and dying.
Having 5 huntards on the other WSG team, and my team is melee.
Teammates whining before WSG starts - "we lost this one"

On my rogue:

Hunters finding me even though they are 4 levels below.
Hunters stunning me even though I use Subterfuge and am still stealthed.

On my mage:

Facing huntards

On my druid:

Trying to get away from huntards.
Purging shamans!
Finish farming Timekeepers rep only to have 15 agi to gloves recipe drop in AQ next day.

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Finish farming Timekeepers rep only to have 15 agi to gloves recipe drop in AQ next day.

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^ priceless. I always appreciate metro going up and beyond for the guild. Shhhhh.... Don't let anyone know I gave anyone a compliment.
Finish farming Timekeepers rep only to have 15 agi to gloves recipe drop in AQ next day.

The same thing happened to me several years ago. The same exact situation. I still only need +20 fire to have every enchant a 19 or 24 twink would ever need... well, except for the new MOP raid chants.
A certain Rdps on EU 20-24 bracket who kept rage spamming me about how I always run around with 3-4 pocket healers on ally.
that guy is funny and dumb, maybe its is lack of intelligence that makes him funny :confused:

I wouldnt call him funny, rather mentally handicapped.

Pretty much I log onto my horde warr to do a bg and he instantly spams me when I get into a bg with him. "hurr hurr y u run with 5 pocket heals jaja" "u never get any heals as horde jaja" and it goes on.

I guess he's mad at me because I farm his jaja ass whenever im against him xD
When I play my 21 rogue and 24 rogues send PMs all game telling me that I am geared or spec'd all wrong.

"BoA weapons are better then your blue weapons"
"You should level to 24 so you can get better gear"
"You should have chose subtefuge, you'd do much more damage"
"Dancing Steel sucks"

The most common question/comment I get is, "why 21?". I reply simply, "Blackvenom Blade, otherwise I'd be 20". I am seriously considering making a macro to answer. Back in the Vanilla/BC era, I had a macro explaining how to get Lucky Fishing Hat because it was all too asked.

It's amazing how many F2P and P2P players I encounter that do not know about item scaling.

Anyhow, I might not have my rogue set up perfect, but it does the job and I have fun playing her. I just wanna play, not answer questions and field criticism about my gear/level/talent/enchant choices.

If you want to comment on my crappy play, go for it... but leave my gear/level/talent/enchant choices alone. :) Thanks!

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