auto Bullheaded

how's using a cunning pet? And how much damage you lose by using one?

Missing Rabid (burst) , Spiked Collar and Heart of the Phoenix (insta revive if that pesky prot warr one shots pet) looks quite hard to go with...
Need to make sure my pet insta-breaks frost nova, can't let those mages get away!

What's the point of breaking out of frost nova (or any other cc) when pet does shitty dps?
I'm saying this because cunning's dps is much lower then ferocity's (dunno exact numbers btw) and because of not being BM (cuz who's not using a fero pet as BM...?) pet's damage is not very considerable... just my 2 cents...
What's the point of breaking out of frost nova (or any other cc) when pet does shitty dps?
I'm saying this because cunning's dps is much lower then ferocity's (dunno exact numbers btw) and because of not being BM (cuz who's not using a fero pet as BM...?) pet's damage is not very considerable... just my 2 cents...


just stop playing WoW pls.
Because it's people like you who I one shot. ><

I was talking about the PET breaking out of frost nova, not the player... I am aware of the dangers of Shatter....
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