World PVP Video - Lavaza 29 Mage


Hey, I recently started paying for subscription again and I decided to twink out my lvl 29 mage. Because the way bg's are organized now it is nigh impossible to get a bg queue to pop so I decided to go about PVP another way: world pvp. Here's a little video of my pvp and my adventures. Let me know what you think! :)!
I love how utterly unprepared people are for world PvP encounters at lower levels. ^^
Also best of luck finishing off that twink, looks like fun.
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Could remove some clips when it's kill it before it runs away and when that 90 came and killed both.
I love how utterly unprepared people are for world PvP encounters at lower levels. ^^
Also best of luck finishing off that twink, looks like fun.

Yea, the truly fun fights are those against 30 and 31's with a decent knowledge of pvp.
I clicked on the link in the sig and sweet jesus that is a nice f2p character! Sorry to hear that it died ._. I know how it is to lose a character

Dude, you have really nice moves! I look forward to seeing you in games!!

Thanks! Ill probably be terrible in bg's but yes, im excited for that! Right now I know the basics but without going against tougher players I wont get any better so i'm very excited for BG's with everybody!

Could remove some clips when it's kill it before it runs away and when that 90 came and killed both.

Some of the "kill it before it runs away" clips were to show how Ice Floes can be effectively used to take down targets that are mounted. People think they can get away as long as they stay mounted but by the time they realize they can't escape they have already lost a great deal of health. However, I do see where you're coming from and I'll try to include more "juicy" kills (If it's worth mentioning, these clips were taken over the course of two days so I didn't have that many clips to choose from :p)

Also as a side note, if I make any more videos I'll make sure they dont look like they were recorded by a potato :p The quality ended up worse than I thought it was going to be.
The first two minutes, at least, of the video consisted of nothing but you attacking people while they just trotted away on their mount. You could have just killed people who were AFK and it would have been effectively the same video.
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