What to roll on Alliance.

Frankly, Rogues are a garbage class right now -- you have no accessibility and get peeled easier than a banana. If you can't reach your target, you generally either die or hope for a re stealth. The class was much more playable during Cataclysm with Shadowstep.
Frankly, Rogues are a garbage class right now -- you have no accessibility and get peeled easier than a banana. If you can't reach your target, you generally either die or hope for a re stealth. The class was much more playable during Cataclysm with Shadowstep.

And Sprint, and Gouge. Way less damage then though.
Rogue & Feral are easy to gear Alliance side.

I don't enjoy rogue as much now as hunters now can see your shenanigans.
are you sure you want to degrade youself and play with those lesser beings? The mods, and every respected /known TI member already knows how *** alliance is.

As our legendary twinker, COTUS has put it a while back..when I was still learning https://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f43/alliance-spamming-24501/ ..alliance is litreally filled with ***s.
So you are implying ..that you are like men and them sexually assauting you? While opinions of other people personally do little to matter to me, I am definitely not a homosexual. One of the reasons I stopped playing alliance
There are enough people on both factions that your rolling a specific class will have no impact on the bracket. In short, play what you want.
I do not know why you people exclude guardian druids....
Thick Hide - Spell - World of Warcraft
Gdruid is a lot like feral except less damage output, way more tanky, and are simpler to play.
Guardian really should not be cast out as a lesser valued class like ret pallys
Ohhhhhh, and the stun....did i mention the stun? :)
(no offense to you retadins out there, i think you are all total BAMFs)

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