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  1. My 79 Warrior

    what's up with all that hit ? O.o okey at 80, but thats retardedly much, reforge som hit into crit / haste, Now I don't know warriors that well at 79, but I know that haste scales really good witht the amounts you can get with that gear, on my dk I got nearly up to 90% haste without BiS gear...
  2. Warrior or Death knight, ?!

    I'm leveling a warrior and a deathknight at the moment from the brutal welfarez, And in this process I've decided to stop at 77-79 and level those levels thru BG's some of you might not like it but it's my decision . Anyway, I've gathered most my gear from the AH, planning to get some boosts...
  3. 80 pvp balance?

    Don't forget that mastery scales insanely well, so speccs with strong mastery is really fucked up,
  4. 70 Warrior arena

    I just aslso noticed that and was going to comment that too... bastard O:<
  5. Highest rated 70 rogue is....

    Whos even the topp 1# atm ? in eu/Us ? would be kwl to know :)
  6. Game hates me..

    I was chillin' on my 70 rogue, My guild ''friend'' ( really shitty player, he got a group with 70s for kara with no healers or tanks, also he gems intellect as hunter) Anyway ,he was getting a group for Black temple, asked me to join but as I knew he was most likely to fail I went to sleep, the...
  7. List of the largest 70 twink guilds eu?

    What happened to iddqd `?
  8. DK for 70?

    Also I think it's wrong to compare a class to a class that is getting nerfed because of their burst being to high, example Ferals, can't compare dk's burst with them, because they are way to op, and thats why they're receiving a nerf, My english isn't really good so don't flame me for it...
  9. Shadow priest arena

    Also he should switch out a mooncloth for a Satin part, That way he gets another 35 resiliance,
  10. Shadow priest arena

    You gonna hate me for getting it first try on my priest, Though I've been farming it for my mage for bloody ages, so I guess the game don't want me to have two :<
  11. Shadow priest arena

    I do have the KJ staff, it's currently gemmed with 60 intellect & enchanted with 81 spell power,
  12. Shadow priest arena

    Thanx for serious replies :) And orbit, You tell me how I oomed, But it kinda was a one thing experience, We meet them today, And tbh I've never meet a disc who is manaburning me, ( yet I haven't played that much arena )But like Vapriest said.. anything over 600 resilience is hard to kill...
  13. Shadow priest arena

    Hey, I just picked up my shadow priest a few days ago, And atm I'm running some arena with a disc priest, Do anyone have any tips on this kind of setup does it work well in theory ? My own experience ( we've only played like 15 games, and of them we lost three due to the other priest...
  14. Ret is fine.

    Falkor... Maybe he has a Razer Naga (; ?
  15. Wannabe 74 Rogue twink video

    That was just my point about the whole thing :) - But tbh I didn't get as many bolt gun shots as I wanted to, Got some nice 1v2 action somewhere and thats when I decided to toss all the other stuff I gathered from frapsing into a short movie, no editing at all just mark and paste'm
  16. Wannabe 74 Rogue twink video

    Nope I don't xD But somehow the video comes out in 480 and that laggy ... Got no idea why, WMM ftl, might be my crappy computer but I don't play as laggy as that, but mostly the videos purpose was to show how op the Bolt gun is to my mate,
  17. How to gem as a rogue + more ?!

    I go with a mix of Resi & Agility, Mostly resi though, Try getting around 400+ and I'd say your fine.
  18. omfg is blizz serious?

    cba reading all 4 pages, But I critted today 19k with my bolt gun, YouTube - 70-74 Twink Rogue Cataclysm at about 7:50 + There's two crits there,
  19. Wannabe 74 Rogue twink video

    Yooo... Once I got my engineering maxed I just frapsed like 1 game of WSG and some duels, there was no editing at all, just tossed in the clips and some music I had on my computer As Sub & Muti, depends totally on the clip Most of it is @ 75-79 ( I was lvl 75 ) And some parts are at...
  20. 79 Rogue BiS?

    Hey. Could someone help me out with a chardev for a 79 rogue, with all cata gear obtainable, Saw a dk before, He had something like 35k hp, and ilevel of 285 ~ (Aka higher then all of hardmode icc gear ) Would like to know if there is something like that for rogues :)