DK for 70?

sentence was the word..... and whats ur big burst ability? festure? i know unholy has good consistent damage.
Honestly, I think he's confusing consistent damage with burst.

Topping the charts in Damage or KB's doesn't mean you necessarily have good burst. It means you have good consistent damage. The overall damage done is especially affected by that.

But, on the other side of the argument, DKs have much better burst than most people realize or give them credit for. Hell, blood hits really hard at times, and people aren't expecting it, and I catch them off-gaurd for a finish.

Stop bickering like 11 year-olds about who spelled what wrong. God dang.
yes unholy has good damage, but its consistent. as blood death strike will crit for 8k for you, and as frost if you get the right procs, you can get 2 8k obliterate crits in a row.
as blood death strike will crit for 8k for you, and as frost if you get the right procs, you can get 2 8k obliterate crits in a row.

./Sigh if that was the case Threesets DK's would be fotm/newmages.

Honestly, I think he's confusing consistent damage with burst.[/QUOTE

Yeah just reread my post and caught that, but I'm still pretty annoyed that you supply invalid information, and no proof that Unholy-DK's have crap burst.

Also threesets there isn't "One big burst ability" except from tazik.
yes i agree that unholy can have good damage, and can get scourge strike to crit for 3k, and festering for 2.5k, but there's no 10k star surges or anything

Lets just say 400 each for diseases, and 2.5k for scourge and festering - 5.8K damage

Tazik 3.2k odd damage. - 9k damage. followed by another scourge (2.5k) - 11500 damage in 6 globals ( 6 seconds ) - In a pet stun or a silence

Thats the general Idea I do believe that if you get some lucky numbers, you can get someone down in a few hits depending if you have all cds.
Tazik's shouldn't factor into your classes' burst, since every class can use it as well. Basically, if you take that into account. Just add another 3k onto every other classes burst, since nothing really changes in the grand scheme of things since everyone has it as well.

I'm just playing devil's advocate though. I don't even care. I love my DK and I know how good it is. I don't play unholy or frost since it's just not really my thing. I am offspecced unholy though and did try it for a while, but they die really fast in a tough situation. Overall, they're like a warlock melee, which is exactly what they were designed to be. They don't have the burst of the other specs, but pop a few diseases on a group of enemies and overall you've got some good damage output.

Unholy also has the best time-on-target by far out of the specs, along with being the best for taking out casters for multiple reasons.
Also I think it's wrong to compare a class to a class that is getting nerfed because of their burst being to high, example

Ferals, can't compare dk's burst with them, because they are way to op, and thats why they're receiving a nerf,

My english isn't really good so don't flame me for it like above,

my point is comparing dk's against a op class, is tarded, I think you should be quiet or wait until the patch, Then you can say if they don't have good burst compared to ferals (example )
Wittyscrub said:

Lets just say 400 each for diseases, and 2.5k for scourge and festering - 5.8K damage

Tazik 3.2k odd damage. - 9k damage. followed by another scourge (2.5k) - 11500 damage in 6 globals ( 6 seconds ) - In a pet stun or a silence

Thats the general Idea I do believe that if you get some lucky numbers, you can get someone down in a few hits depending if you have all cds.

You havn't factored in using Unholy Frenzy, Gargoyle and pet damage (Dark Transformation).

Resto shamans are the only healer that I find impossible to kill on my unholy DK, they just have too much passive healing with earth shield and riptide ticking for me to take them out in the 4 second stun, then the 4 second silence during which they can drop Stoneclaw and grounding totems. So that's really the only time my lack of burst is noticeable.
You havn't factored in using Unholy Frenzy, Gargoyle and pet damage (Dark Transformation).

Resto shamans are the only healer that I find impossible to kill on my unholy DK, they just have too much passive healing with earth shield and riptide ticking for me to take them out in the 4 second stun, then the 4 second silence during which they can drop Stoneclaw and grounding totems. So that's really the only time my lack of burst is noticeable.

I stated that was the overall general Idea. Ofcourse you could get much higher burst, but atm I can't test that out while my character is being transferred.

I believe nothing can kill a Resto shaman except from a Mage.
threesets said:
DONT GO FROST, unholy is 10 times better and blood can put out more dps than frost, frost has no burst, that the other specs don't have.

haha, you're doing it wrong or you're completely bad. unholy is not "10x better than frost" I've played both, I can say frost burst is ridiculously good, it's a great spec and amazing for arena because of the 10 second freezing trap which cost nothing to cast on a 1 min CD, a buff that icnreases strength by 20% for 20 seconds also on a 1min CD. Lichourne heals are OP, can heal you to full health in 2-3 deathcoils and all the killing machine procs that make your obliterates/frost strikes criticals is really good. Howling blast is awesome, a ranged attack that slows targets movement speed by 50% and has a 45% chance to cost no runes after using obliterate.

I changed to frost from unholy a long time ago because it just seems far more pvp orientated and the 10 second freeze is too good to give up, you can basically freeze a target for 10 seconds and time a silence on the same target to completely lock them out for 15 seconds. depending on what class you run with the cc can be crazy. it's going to be even better next patch when frost dks get their blood runes permanently converted to death runes..

Unholy is still a great spec but for 2v2 when vsing healer/dps teams it seems to lack the burst and cc that frost has, the dmg as unholy is a lot more steady.

I also get 70% melee haste as frost while in unholy presence which make my weapon a 2 second swing time + my runes regen really fast.

Before saying "DONT GO FROST" - try and learn to play your class first.

Personally I believe Unholy is the best spec for arena, Yes it does lack in cc but a /focus cast silence on healer is just nearly enough for me.

Before saying "DONT GO FROST" - try and learn to play your class first.
I Really wouldn't pay attention to Threesets he hasn't even played a DK/very well.

I know I haven't supplied enough information, but I haven't played on my DK for a couple of days.

If Frost spec does get a buff in the foreseeable future <I WILL> switch over.

;EDIT; Unholy does have an everlasting pet and a gargoyle which actually does amazing amount of damage itself.

If you manage to pop everything in unholy It doesn't take long for your target to die (except from a rsham)
Wittyscrub said:

Personally I believe Unholy is the best spec for arena, Yes it does lack in cc but a /focus cast silence on healer is just nearly enough for me.

I Really wouldn't pay attention to Threesets he hasn't even played a DK/very well.

I know I haven't supplied enough information, but I haven't played on my DK for a couple of days.

If Frost spec does get a buff in the foreseeable future <I WILL> switch over.

;EDIT; Unholy does have an everlasting pet and a gargoyle which actually does amazing amount of damage itself.

If you manage to pop everything in unholy It doesn't take long for your target to die (except from a rsham)

yeah unholy's sick, just giving some insight on why frost is too ;)
frost is good, if you have a pocket heals, and get lucky on procs, going a long time w/o the crit obliterate, can really hurt you
threesets said:
frost is good, if you have a pocket heals, and get lucky on procs, going a long time w/o the crit obliterate, can really hurt you

Just putting this out there, but it seems like as frost you HAVE the proc more than you don't. When I did frost I never even had enemies to use it on half the time.

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