Hey, I just picked up my shadow priest a few days ago, And atm I'm running some arena with a disc priest,
Do anyone have any tips on this kind of setup does it work well in theory ?
My own experience ( we've only played like 15 games, and of them we lost three due to the other priest having some latency issues )
I'm sitting on 400 resilience (399 to be precise) and he is above the 800, Should I get more ? Because those few games we've played we've totally raped our opponents ( low rating ye, so I shouldn't be saying anything tbh )
Anyone have any tips on this setup
Some questions while I'm at it
What's the hit cap
Spell pene cap
should I get more resilience,
only setup we've actually had a challenge against was a disc priest and a mage, I oddly enough got mana burned pretty quickly and the mage was focusing my healer so he didn't have the time to mana burn him back, Which ended that they pretty much controlled the fight throughout, And you couldn't really outlast them because the mage always went invis and somehow regained mana time after time, spellstealing like mad so we bearly had a bubble up at any times, But at the end ( was like a 15 min long game ) we went really defensive and pillar humping, got them after a chain fear, silence > disarm on the priest, and the mage died,
I think since I'm not experienced with priests in arena but I think there is a easier way to beat them, How ?
Serious answers please ( And of course the trolls will come to hump the thread, And therefore if you do, You just prove to all of Twinkinfo that your just desperate after attention, likewise probably to dumb to read this and just posting directly, and therefore making a fool out of yourself ) 8)
Do anyone have any tips on this kind of setup does it work well in theory ?
My own experience ( we've only played like 15 games, and of them we lost three due to the other priest having some latency issues )
I'm sitting on 400 resilience (399 to be precise) and he is above the 800, Should I get more ? Because those few games we've played we've totally raped our opponents ( low rating ye, so I shouldn't be saying anything tbh )
Anyone have any tips on this setup
Some questions while I'm at it
What's the hit cap
Spell pene cap
should I get more resilience,
only setup we've actually had a challenge against was a disc priest and a mage, I oddly enough got mana burned pretty quickly and the mage was focusing my healer so he didn't have the time to mana burn him back, Which ended that they pretty much controlled the fight throughout, And you couldn't really outlast them because the mage always went invis and somehow regained mana time after time, spellstealing like mad so we bearly had a bubble up at any times, But at the end ( was like a 15 min long game ) we went really defensive and pillar humping, got them after a chain fear, silence > disarm on the priest, and the mage died,
I think since I'm not experienced with priests in arena but I think there is a easier way to beat them, How ?
Serious answers please ( And of course the trolls will come to hump the thread, And therefore if you do, You just prove to all of Twinkinfo that your just desperate after attention, likewise probably to dumb to read this and just posting directly, and therefore making a fool out of yourself ) 8)