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  1. Xio and Myrmidon strike again

    wow some serious nerd rage in this thread
  2. Weapon Skill

    I have no evidence to support this and have no idea if it is true but from what ive been told weapon skill does not affect pvp at all (inc crit), unless you have some expertise rating. If you have expertise rating it will have no effect because wow factors in the expertise before realising that...
  3. Breaking 3k HP thihi.

    i remember gettin my hunter above 3k hp back in like 2.1 lol
  4. Xio and Myrmidon strike again

    plz let the almighty wield his all powerful banstick...
  5. Kiting Controls

    Most people change their keybindings like this (similar to any FPS) and only use the mouse to turn. I suggest you get a USB mouse as high end pvp will be impossible until you do. This also free's up 2 extra keys to bind skills to, something else which is pretty crucial. If you want to pvp with...
  6. Best hunter ranged weapon???!!!??

    As you are fairly new to the forum you probably didnt know that there was a pretty extensive thread on this subject a little while ago that included all the relevant maths ect. You can find the thread here.
  7. What would you want back?

    I don't mind them taking things like the shoulder enchants + leg armor that was easy for any scrub to get, but plz plz plz give me back those fishing boots that took me months to get :cry:
  8. Twinking smarter (saw this today)

    /agree, there are loads of these that apply Though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays. Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to...
  9. Best 19 Hunter Pet

    Not sure if its a glitch or not and might change before the patch goes live but atm on PTR when you turn xp off your pet still gains xp (up until it hits your lvl). So you can have 5 lvl 19 pets without any xp worries :D
  10. Its not really that terribad an idea.....

    lol read his post, he is gonna use a pally so that his abilities arent gimped too much
  11. 19 Rogue Professions (need some opinions)

    as a dps class the 3% crit is far better than the extra 70 hp
  12. Its not really that terribad an idea.....

    lol the only reason those 600hp nubs think they are twinks is because they can 2 shot a lvl14 clothy. How many do you think will continue to play when they are 400hp+ below everyone else and are getting 2 shotted themselves by real twinks? EDIT: Even if your char isn't going to be top end...
  13. Its not really that terribad an idea.....

    Is this really still going to be viable in 3.2 when the only other people you are facing are twinks? (that are using weapons) Sweet idea if it is
  14. Has anyone tested if pets gain XP with XP off

    yep ive tested it, your pets can gain xp even when xp is turned off
  15. Best 19 Hunter Pet

    Unfortunately you will have to wait for 3.2 if you dont want to get xp yourself. In the current patch your pet gets a % of the xp that you get (this % can be modified by getting a higher lvl to kill mobs for you) therefore you cannot lvl your pet without getting some xp yourself :(
  16. New cloth BoA chest = moot?

    yeah can't find the original gm post but mp5 is getting approx a 25% buff :D
  17. What's a Decent price for Mindthrust Bracers?

    I've been messing about on my new twink trying to figure out a good spirit set and was just wondering why you would use mindthrust? wouldn't it gimp your stam too much to be useful?
  18. Twinking smarter (saw this today)

    /agree but i would do this at chardev rather than possibly wasting gold + time on your wow acc, of course this will only give you an idea of what is best as the best numbers dont always equate to the best gear but it gives you an idea.
  19. What's a Decent price for Mindthrust Bracers?

    fair price would be ~40 - 60g but of course it depends on the supply/demand of your server as rishi said. They are reasonably rare but not that sought after, most hunters/priests value stam highly and will therefore go for other gear first.
  20. Best 19 Hunter Pet

    At 19 hunters can have up to 5 pets now (4 in stable + 1 out). As far as i can remember there are only 6 pets that are even worth thinking about, each has there own useful (some more than others) ability. There are also a couple of pets (cat + raptor) which have 9 - 12 sec dots but as hunters...