Its not really that terribad an idea.....

Hi, new to this place. Lurked some, like twinks, enjoy bgs, been playing wow less then a year, here is one of my twinks.

Jamool - 19 Troll Rogue Twink

(I've rolled a budget twink hunter in the past, BE 19 brackett)

Yes, I know the standard and norm, but I'm not giving up my wingblade for Cruel barbs ever. End of story. I do just fine without them, every twink doesn't have to be the exact same you know, its still epic gears. ANYWAYS...

back on topic, a month or so ago, something a guy posted caught my eye, about a unarmed war, well geared being VIABLE, not the best, but viable.

Here is the link...

Mike Tyson - Unarmed War topic

(char dev doesn't seem to be working, but if you read topic or remember it, you'll understand)

Anyways, I loved this idea, I don't need to be the best, but this idea could atleast compete, and its really fun. However, there were some things I disagreed with.

1) No sheild, i know its better stats, d, and blocks, but Its unlike a boxer or unarmed combatant, or Mike Tyson for that matter.

2) Why war? I mean sure it sounds ok, but I have a better class, that fixes alot of the only white damage problems.


Pally would be great.

Things Similar to war

1) Good STAM and STR

2) still 2 AP per STR

3) Still good D

4) Still using MAIL

Things that make it better

1) healz

2) Divine Str Talent

3) Seal of Righteousness - yes it procs on unarmed, tested

4) Blessing of Might

5) Being pally give you a possible 3 roles versus the 1 role with WAR

I would still use no sheild, as it doesn't fit, but I'm rolling this guy now, Dwarf Pally, 19 brackett, and I think it will be awesome. Name TeeKayOhh for obvious reasons :p.

My build for items will prolly be standard, but I'll just run it by ya, for input and help. No flames plz, If you don't like the idea, or think its stupid, that fine, but keep it to yourself, of course people will hate this idea, but like I said, its viable, I'm not aiming to be the best twink ever here.

head - fishing hat

neck - pvp necklace

shoulders - rough bronze shoulders

back - spidersilk drape

chest - armor of the fang(i like it over defias)

Wrsit- cavedweller bracers

Hand- thorbia's gautlets

Waist- stormbringers belt/warchiefs girdle/cobrahs grasp

Legs- chaussies of westfall

Feet- silver linked footguards

ring- seal of wrynn

ring- pvp ring

Trinket- Insignia

Trinket- AGM
Does this really work? If it does it's really cool but I highly doubt it.
Is this really still going to be viable in 3.2 when the only other people you are facing are twinks? (that are using weapons) Sweet idea if it is
Well It certainly wont be the best, but to copy and paste the equation a fellow twinker came up with, math not included, and this is based on the original idea with a war, so needless to say, mine would be higher by atleast 15% via Divine Str Talent

Unarmed - Damage 64-121

Speed - 2 (1.9 with swift hand of justice x2)

DPS 48.85

Cruel Barb - Damage 91-118

Speed - 2.8 (2.65 "")

DPS 39.43

So Its definally Viable, its still damage. And like its shows, even better then some weapons in some cases.

Plus you gotta remember, After3.2 It wont be all twinks. Sure there will be alot, but there are tons of people who call themself twinks with 600 life and not a single enchant, just the right gear, and will argue you to the grave, they will be willing to spend the 10g for no exp to bg with us, but they wont spend the 150g per primal air as 1/4 the mats for +15 agi to the gloves ( my server atleast, where i made jamool, i spent almost 600g on mats alone, and another 100g in tips, not counting runs, and I still don't have a guild :( )
lol the only reason those 600hp nubs think they are twinks is because they can 2 shot a lvl14 clothy. How many do you think will continue to play when they are 400hp+ below everyone else and are getting 2 shotted themselves by real twinks?

EDIT: Even if your char isn't going to be top end competitive it could be fun. If you find it fun, then it is viable. GL with it :D
Nice to see anyone try this out and even better that you changed class as you can't use meele abilities without a weapon, which makes the warrior way more worthless than the board says. I guess you can still use everything as a paladin, also something you might try to dig into is the fishing pole. WIll it affect the damage and etc? I guess so. If it doesn't it's great because for some reason the fishing pole gives 3+% crit chance. I look forward to some results from your project.
to me this seems like a chardev error. Maybe can some warrior post with their damage with weapon/without weapon? It would be cool to do, because a pally doesn't have instants that use a weapon at level 19 (or maybe i'm wrong).
Jamool said:
Yes, I know the standard and norm, but I'm not giving up my wingblade for Cruel barbs ever. End of story. I do just fine without them, every twink doesn't have to be the exact same you know, its still epic gears. ANYWAYS...

I was going to say I loved you until I saw it was the main hand you were using Wingblade in, and why is Thief's Blade in your offhand?
Lol, because I lifestealed the wingblade on accident, and I don't have the money to buy another for the thf blade, and I'm not putting a proc in my offhand when it wont hit but half the time and proc but 1/4 the intended time.

Kinda f'd myself over on that one, but it still works. And I'm satisfied, so w/e.

However I think your right, now that i look it over lots.... something seems horribly wrong, imma test my 55 war and see some things.

Yeah i tested on Jamool instead since he is 19, unarmed is 1 to less then 1 plus your attack power.

My dps from straight attack power was 14.1

my unarmed dps was 14.3

29-30 damage

speed of 2.00

wingblade dps was 30.2

55-77 damage

swing at 2.20 speed

Now I compare it with one, cuz a pally is not dual weilding, and may 2h but i think sword and sheild is better for stat pumping twinks. So I'm not even going to compare 2h.

So I think he had is equation backwards, the unarmed doing 39 a sec and the CB doing 49. honestly I still don't know where he got those numbers cuz it sounds like unarmed should still be less. Char dev wont work for me so i can't check, regardless imma roll with it, and see what happens.

On a side note, with unarmed you do strike with both fists in diffrent styles and orders, so it does look like I'm dual weilding, and I use uppercuts, hooks, crosses, whatnot, its quite cool.
but to be the mike tyson, wouldn't you need to be nude with just a short for pants ?

seriously, it is obvious that unarmed would be a lot less strong. damage wise it is impossible for unarmed to be stronger then a weapon.
Not totally true.

At lvl 1 unarmed does 1 still. Some of those daggers and 1h swords people start off with do .9 damage.

I also don't care to immulate the "Baddest Man on the Planet", I just linked the other guys idea, I simply like the unarmed bit.

And yes, it is obvious, but I was excited, saw a little guesswork, and decided to roll with it. The damage is going to be gimped about 15 per sec, but thats not entirely to awful, and Like I said, I can still heal or fc.
I've been reading this, and I read the mike tyson one - and I think its an AMAZING idea :D Good on you Jamool - I really hope it works out for the better. Like you said, no it won't be amazing hax damage, but it IS viable - especially with a paladin. Props for trying something new, and doing your research, and the paladin part marks it all the better :p

Good luck! And I expect an update on how you do ^^
Jamool said:
Not totally true.

At lvl 1 unarmed does 1 still. Some of those daggers and 1h swords people start off with do .9 damage.

No, they do .9 DPS, .9 damage is impossible. You do 1 damage unarmed, at a 2.00 speed, which is .5. Lower than .9. I don't think there is any weapon that has a DPS of under .5, so it is completely true.
i tried it, both with no weapon and with one of the lvl 10 fists form the vendor in org. trust me, it's not worth it. no hamstring, no heroic strike, no rend, all you can do is punch once or twice for ~30dmg until they run away.
Ramune said:
i tried it, both with no weapon and with one of the lvl 10 fists form the vendor in org. trust me, it's not worth it. no hamstring, no heroic strike, no rend, all you can do is punch once or twice for ~30dmg until they run away.

lol read his post, he is gonna use a pally so that his abilities arent gimped too much
Like rammune said go with these
im sure Mike Tyson would use a weapon if faced against an enemy with one anyways and if your really that intent on being unarmed those two are about the same as fists, but with added DPS and you can slap a chant on them.

Edit: My link won't show up for some unknown reason.

I didn't realize people don't read words right infront of them. >.>

Again, as I said, I'm going to be pally. The fact that a warrior would be completely worthless with this build was something I saw months ago, with the mike tyson post.

Again, like I also said, Im not trying to be like mike tyson, Thats what the other guy was doing. My name isn't mike tyson, Its Tko.

Also, like I said previously, I'm NOT doing a weapon, so stop suggesting knucks, I know they exists, and I don't care. Thats not what I'm doing. I asked for help or input on the gear I listed, but since no one can read except a few people, I understand the suggestions and input thus far.

Besides, being a pally and not being able to dual weild, I would have one knuckle, Would be striking with one hand, and it would look nothing like unarmed fighting. Blizz doesn't seem to make sense with alot of weapon animations. Kuncks are messed up. Polearms are really messed up, you don't slash with a spear, you jub or thrust. I mean it makes sense with the swords that are in the polearm listing, like hellreaver or w/e( why it is there I have no clue, its not a damn polearm, and scythes should be polearms not staffs[with scythes I think some are in both]), but with unarmed you actually strike with both hands and do what looks like boxing.

Only rogues can dual weild pre-20. This is a 19 twink(only time it would be viable because of the damage gap from weapons). Some of you need to read before suggesting a pally dual weild kunckles. Also, I don't even think a pally can WEILD or LEARN knuckles, So those suggestions are moot points.

I am set on weapon, being nothing. Gear input would be wanted or needed with the gear I listed. Like I'm having a really hard time deciding between Armor of the fang or Defias leather and Cobrahs Grasp or Storm/warcheifs girdle.

and sorry, Iaccidentalytwink, Your right, it was dps, my bad.

AGAIN, all I can say, is


Pally + Fist Weapon = Impossible

On a side note, I'm lvl 8, with a friends dk on the same server, and I plan to finish gear runs tonight, enchants may be a problem as I have no high levels on this server, I will have to use my dk, and do some farming.

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